Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 312 Demon City

"Everyone, this monster didn't attack the city, why did you kill it?"

Ling Fengyu held the huge crossbow bolt, then slowly opened his hand, the huge crossbow bolt fell to the ground, stirring up sound and dust.

What kind of nerves is this man doing?

"Because they are monsters, even if they haven't entered the city, they are potential threats. People are running around in panic, and if they don't kill them, this official has not explained to the people in this city."

It's really grandiose words,

Ling Fengyu only felt a sneer.

Isn't it that you want to eat the meat of monsters?

And put the reason on other people, those he protected, really.

"Some things are better separated, such as appetite and one's own job." Ling Fengyu said bluntly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hahaha~ It's not interesting." Ling Fengyu raised his hand to beckon, "Before the monster enters the city, if you attack the monster, you will step on me first."

To be honest, if the city defense officer hadn't said that he wanted to eat monster meat, Ling Fengyu would not have done so.

At most, it is to take away the monster.

"You! Shoot the arrows and shoot the arrows."

Just in time, the crossbow bolt was loaded again.

Ten thick and long crossbow arrows shot at Ling Fengyu.

Refining body and Qi.

Then use the trick of refining qi.

Inner essence turned into light and qi, and the wind and clouds circulated with both hands.

At the moment when the crossbow was close to him, he was imprisoned by Nei Yuan.

The arms spread out, and the crossbow bolts shattered.

The cost of this crossbow is still quite high, there are at most a hundred in a town, and they can still be used after recycling. As a result, Ling Fengyu destroyed ten of them, and the city defense officer was very distressed.


Ling Fengyu said disdainfully.

The gap between ordinary people and practitioners cannot be bridged by a few arrows.

"My lord, he is a cultivator. If there is any power behind him, I'm afraid nothing good will happen to us." A soldier said softly to the city defense officer.


In fact, even if you are a casual cultivator, your status, status and strength will definitely be handed over to make up for your crimes, even if you are innocent, but now you are not innocent, you just want to eat the meat of this monster, and you are on the weak side .


Observing the change of the city defense officer's expression, he knew that the city defense officer was entangled in his heart.

"Ten gold."

Ling Fengyu flew out a bank note.

"Okay, ten gold should be enough for your selfishness, right? But I think, in front of my strength, you will not have selfishness, and will distribute everything fairly."


OK, just leave like this.

Ling Fengyu drove the monsters away together, crossing mountains and ridges.

Ling Fengyu came to that city.


Ling Fengyu could tell there was a demonic aura at a glance.

this city.

Forget it, enter.

at this time.

A lion-shaped monster appeared.

Break through the city gate.

It is a circle bigger than the one that appeared before.

There are still leftover limbs hanging from the mouth.

No, Ling Fengyu felt that it appeared out of thin air.

Ling Fengyu dodges, and the monster rides away.

At this moment, Ling Fengyu felt that he couldn't just let the monster go.


Ling Fengyu kicked up, and the lead of the beacon appeared in his hand.


Neiyuan turned into an arrow, with nine stars in one arrow, sealing the path of the monster.

The monster swallowed the stump and turned around, staring at Ling Fengyu with fierce eyes.


Like Yi Yang, he punched the monster's head with a punch, and the monster's skull was shattered.


This is?

Seeing the green juice, Ling Fengyu probed deeper, pulled it out,


Parasitic spider.

Is it a Gu worm?

Ling Fengyu had many thoughts in an instant.

After he saw the spider's appearance clearly and engraved it into his mind, it ignited and turned into ashes.

Treat him the same as Yi Yang.

Facing Yao Minggui, he could tell at a glance that Yao Minggui was such an existence, a demon.

But it is not clear whether it is a shemale or a demon.

Anyway, it's not human.

"Lord Yao, regarding monsters, if there are monsters all the time, the city will become unsafe, and the flow of people will decrease, and they will all go to other cities."

"There's no need to worry about it. The human letter here needs to be obtained from our official. Only the human letter can be transferred to other cities. Otherwise, you will be a refugee. In addition to exorbitant taxes and constant questioning, it is very annoying."


"So what are the exorbitant taxes here? In addition to the daily taxes paid by ordinary people, there are also land lease fees and service fees..." After talking for a long time, "In short, the taxes are three times higher than ordinary people. You can't enjoy every seat the city's own welfare."

This is a way to keep people in the city, but it can only keep ordinary people. Those who have money and power can be free after paying a small amount of money (compared to theirs).

"Thank you, Mr. Yao, for your explanation. As a person from other lands, I don't know much about the local area, and now I know a lot."

Ling Fengyu said with a smile.

"Your Excellency is at the critical point, and you don't know how to manage the people?"

"Oh, if it's critical, those who can't practice are under the management of the dynasty, and those who cultivate are under the jurisdiction of each sect. People in the sect can feed back the dynasty, but they can't let the dynasty transfuse blood. It has been like this for thousands of years."

What Ling Fengyu said was an ideal state. The current situation is that cultivators manage the dynasty. Taking the Eastern Region as an example, the highest power holders and those with actual power below are all cultivators, which basically cut off the promotion channel for ordinary people.

It's not that it's bad, if the sects outside wouldn't harass and annex the dynasty from time to time, it wouldn't be the current situation.

In the absence of the emperor, the yang obeys the yin and violates the yin.

"I understand what you said. I just don't know if it's applicable or not."

"According to local conditions, there will definitely be a method suitable for this place with the material of adults."


Shouldn't it be intelligence?

Really are.

Ling Fengyu did it deliberately.

discussed for a long time.

Ling Fengyu left.

Demons control the city.

The human city is not human anymore.

Ling Fengyu smiled on the surface, but actually frowned.

"God is present, man is present, God is not present, man is difficult."

Children on the side of the road are reading doggerel.

Very thought-provoking doggerel.

There is a flower god sacrifice here, and now it seems that the flower god is played by a brothel girl, that is to say, there is no divinity, which means that there is no god, and the god is gone.God is absent, so man lives with difficulty.

is there a godNot sure, but if there is a strong person who is dedicated to human beings, it should be considered that the flower god is that powerful person. If there is, it must not be the current situation, so.

No more, the evil spirits are ready to move.

Really are.

So, who circulated this doggerel?

Ask the child, but not just that.

"Child, come here." Ling Fengyu beckoned, and he bought some malt candy or something.

"Big brother, what's the matter?" The child stared at the shining maltose and swallowed.

Big brother, um, this sounds good.

"Big brother is collecting doggerel, a doggerel, in exchange for a bar of maltose."

"Then I'll call Xiaolu and the others to come together."

Still a child innocent, know how to share.

Haha~ I really want to say that, but Ling Fengyu has also met children who kicked away their playmates for themselves.

Nature is inherently different for everyone.

Several children, dozens of limericks.

It basically told the story of the flower god's birth to the end.

It may be that someone with a heart uses the mouth of a child to express his depression after the death of the flower god,

By the way, kill monsters.

That night.

Ling Fengyu flew up to the watchtower and stared at the whole city intently.

Eyes focused.

There are three breaks in the earth veins, two of which are surging with monster energy.


After the white light passed, the spell left by Zhizhan Zhishang's Bai Ye and Day Xie changed Ling Fengyu's appearance, and his hair turned white.

Put on a mask.

He fell down and landed lightly on the ground without making any sound.

Quickly, the meteor quickly arrived at one of them.

It's a dry well.

In addition to the evil spirit, it is more deadly.

That is to say, many conscious beings died in it.

In fact, it is normal for the well to have water and yin energy. If the well is dry, there will be problems.

It's like the boundary of the Gui family.

Didn't Yan Miao go to the dry well?

jump in.

When it landed, Jiujiu 81's white skull ignited the ghostly will-o'-the-wisp.

On the wall are bone forearms and hands, holding ever-bright lamps in their hands.

The ruts on the ground were deep, as if they had existed for a long time.

It's like an underground demon city.

Ling Fengyu entered slowly.

Some people have stumps, but more are monsters.

There was deep sleep, there was roaring, basically, these monsters were tortured and lost their minds.


A monster rushed over, Ling Fengyu folded his fan into a sword, and struck the owl's head.

The killing begins.

Murderous Qi has become the master of this place.

There is no need for Ling Fengyu to kill monsters that cannot be saved after losing their minds.

Death is the best ending.

So what Ling Fengyu pursued was a one-hit kill without causing them too much pain.

In the end of the killing, Ling Fengyu left behind a pair of monster mother and son.

Because they haven't lost their minds.

Killed all the monsters.

Ling Fengyu split the heads one by one, and sure enough there were spiders inside.

In order to prevent problems.

Ling Fengyu stepped on and burned them, not leaving any life for them.

He stared intently at the direction of the demonic energy.

Ling Fengyu discovered a magic circle with a spider web structure.


With a cold snort, Ling Feng's feathered fan sword was inserted into it, the murderous aura dispelled the evil aura, and the stone formation shattered, losing its effect.

"I'll take you out of here first."

As he said that, Ling Fengyu picked up the mother and child of the monster beast and rushed out of the ground, and the ground sank deeply.

At sunrise, because of the deep vibration of the ground, everyone surrounded.

Later, Ling Feng Yu Fanjian, who came back, patted his ankles step by step and walked out of the deep hole.

He looked at Yao Minggui, and said coldly: "I killed all the monsters in the underground monster city, and there was not one left. Master Yao, you have to clean up this mess."

Yao Minggui's legs were trembling at the moment, he forgot to blink, one eye was open and the other was half-open.

How is this going?

"It will take time for the earth's energy to recover, but since the monster's energy is gone, it should return to its original state soon, so you can rest assured." Ling Fengyu said to the people in a gentle tone.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"You are not worthy to know my name, as long as you know my function." At this moment Ling Fengyu has been staring at Yao Minggui, "My function is to kill all the monsters that appear in the city to hurt people, and to protect Monsters in the wild are not violated by anyone other than hunters."

That's pretty clear.

Which monsters will be killed and which ones will be protected by him.

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