Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 372 Humans Are Not Demons, Beasts Are Demons

It's true that the world is full of demons, why are you messing with him?

Whether someone provokes you or not, just pass by.

When people encounter neurosis, they block the way.

Can you not be angry?

Really are.

Jun Wuming strikes first.


Because the world cloth demon needed him to answer his disciple's questions, he didn't want to kill him.

There is an extra skull flag in his hand.

It is a flag and a weapon, a weapon used by demons in the world.

After all, the military world still focuses on weapon cultivation.

The flag is a flag gun, that is, there is an extra flag on the gun, mainly to prove the existence of the occupied position.

If you say that Jun Wuming is a brave general on the battlefield, then the demons in the world are the generals on the stage, a bunch of tricksters.

Not to mention that this sleight of hand looks slow, but it is very effective. At the very least, it blocked Jun Wuming's every move and move from him.

If Jun Wuming doesn't use all his strength, it won't be able to produce very good results.

Jun Wuming was just venting his anger.

Take a beating to vent your anger, and then find a chance to leave.

Will the demons in the world give them a chance?

Don't give.

Even if he clings to Jun Wuming to death.

Also get an answer.

Jun Wuming was angry.

Hold the knife backwards, and enchant the blade with the sword finger of the left hand.

Murderous aura condensed.

"One knife, smash!"

With a cold sentence, he attacked the world and spread demons.

This move is suddenly fast and fast, and it is inevitable to avoid the demons in the world.

Holding the flag gun tightly with both hands, the black air turned into a black mist, burying his body.

Jun Wuming stabbed through the black mist.

The two clouds of black mist condensed again and turned into Bu Mo himself.


With a knife in his hand, Jun Wuming picked up the head that had been thrown aside, and prepared to leave.

"Please slow down, sir."

Dong Yinji also stopped Jun Wuming.

But Jun Wuming stopped again.

"Is it a demon to kill people?" Dong Yinji asked.

"Not a demon, but a murderer."

"Is it a demon to kill a demon?"

"No, competition too."

"Am I a demon?"

Jun Wuming took a look.

"On the outside, it's a demon."

"What about the inside?"

"Unfamiliar, don't make judgments."

"Why do you think your appearance is a demon?"

"You're smart enough to ask questions."

"Then can you answer me?"

"Your current appearance is what you think, not an appearance born from your heart."


"What you think is the devil, don't ask me."

Jun Wuming pushed Dong Yinji away with force, and left quietly.

A conversation is more useful than anything else.

When the doubts in my heart are solved, then everything suddenly becomes clear.

It suddenly dawned on me that the improvement of cultivation base is naturally fast,

How fast?

Half the world is covered with demons.

The world is proud of spreading demons. It is worthy of being the apprentice I fancy. It is fast to practice my own skills.

"Master, do you mean that too?"

Dong Yinji smiled and asked the world to clothe demons.

I want to give the world a step down in cloth magic.

"Uh~ yes yes yes yes, that's what it means. Ha~ha~ha~"

cough cough.

The world cloth demon picked up the long-lost emotion.

If it is about others, once it causes embarrassment, kill them directly.

Then it's not me who is embarrassed.

But Dong Yinji is his apprentice, so he can't do anything in this situation.

Dong Yin Ji knew it well.

The demons in the world just don't know.

This demon is imposed on him by others, not because he says he is a demon or he is a demon.

In the same way, if you go out by yourself, unless you know that you are the apprentice of the demons in the world, you will not be regarded as demons.

Although young, but smart, can think.

However, it is precisely because he is young that he is cruel and kind.

Kindness based on the safety of one's own life.

It is much more realistic than those so-called saints, and it is also much easier to use.

Ling Fengyu had no time to come.

Discuss the issue with the world cloth demon.

Dong Yinji only felt that Ling Fengyu's aura was very similar to Huo Lao who had helped her, so she cared a little bit.


The world cloth demon asked.

Because he has an apprentice, at this moment, he is not in a hurry to leave.

So calm down in front of Ling Fengyu, the old god is there.

"No, there is a big problem at the Triangle Fair."

"Don't tell me, I don't want to know."

"I didn't mean to say either."

"When did Jun Wuming pass by here?"

"An hour ago."

"so late?"

"By the way, he entered Triangle Fair half a month ago."

"Hmm~ I probably understand."

"A person named Zhiwu came to me and said something about Yinhe Wudao. Do you know what the message is?"

"Zhi Wu? How does she know about the five ways of the Yin River?"

Ling Fengyu immediately stopped talking.

But it has also shown that he knows the information of Yinhe Five Dao.

"Cough cough."

Ling Fengyu coughed twice in embarrassment.

Well, this person is Huo Lao.

"Can you tell me about it?" The cloth demon under heaven showed hopeful eyes for a while,


A sigh unique to the military world.

"The Five Ways of the Yin River, a borderline legend."

Let's intersperse a little here.

The setting of Yinhe Wudao is like this.

ancient legend.

There used to be a well of black water. I don't know when it appeared, and I don't know who built the mouth of the well.

Some people say that the inside is a passage to another world, while others say that it is the destination of living beings after death. In short, no matter what, it exists there.

One day, there was thunder in the sky, and the thunder was also black, like a black light, which could illuminate the world, but it was black itself, and the thunder shattered the well.

The black water well has become the source of the black water river, and the continuous black water gushing out has created a black water civilization.

Then, one day, it should be a day.

The entire Heishui River receded and its source dried up.

Expose the river.

Then, a group of gold diggers~

That's a story for the future, so I won't mention it here.

In short, that civilization perished in the greed of all races.

And what they got was a curse to them.

The curse of cannibalism.

This curse made them huddle together to keep warm, and the organization formed was called Yinhe Wudao.

As for why the Heishui River is called the Yin River, well, it may be because I feel that I have been shaded by the river.

Ha ha.

Laughter full of sarcasm.

"why are you laughing?"

The world cloth demon was frightened by Ling Fengyu's ridicule.

"What an ironic organization."

Ling Fengyu thinks so.

"Oh, what's next?"

"Next? I'm leaving next time, let's tell this history next time."

Ling Fengyu was busy, trying his best to get rid of Sanjiaowei.

No matter which area the three areas start from.

Each zone has the ability to self-destruct.

It's just that those who return the same way to others, will they be learned by other places and cause similar destruction?This is unknown.

Ling Fengyu's speed was too fast, Dong Yinji couldn't keep up at all.

It can only be said that Ling Fengyu is really in a hurry.

Can you be in a hurry?

Things after the ghost cure.

If something really happened after the ghost doctor, Ling Fengyu would feel sorry for herself and many people.


Go back to your temporary residence.

Wan Liushu was already waiting outside.

Holding a red cloth bag in his hand.

"Senior Huo~"

Not to mention anything else, just by looking at his expression, he already knew that something must have happened after the ghost doctor.

Red cloth bag.

Wan Liu opened it slowly.

The head of a mummy.

this series~

"It was found in the basement of the Sky Demon King. The remaining bones showed signs of being bitten by human teeth. It should have been eaten by the Sky Demon King."


Ling Fengyu was angry and surprised, and that Sky Demon King was too~

Disgusting, cruel.

"The queen who healed the ghost was a fox demon, but her energy was plundered, so even if she died in the end, she didn't become a fox again."

"anything else."

Ling Fengyu tried hard to suppress his anger, he took it for granted, let himself not punish the Sky Demon King, he was sorry for his heart, sorry for being hurt by the Sky Demon King.

"Also, the Sky Demon King eats any monster clan, and it is estimated that some of them have her own clan."

"Huh~ Then I can't do anything about the pill you need."

I'm not in the mood now, and now I just want to place the head of the ghost doctor.

Buried in her own hometown.

Then try to solve the triangular polder.

After all, solving the triangular polder is not a public matter, but a private matter undertaken by individuals.


Wan Liushu also sighed.

After wrapping his head, he prepared to take it away and bury it in a nearby cemetery.

That night.

Ling Fengyu appeared in his real body, opened the new soil, and then took out his head.

Leave a message——After the ghost is cured, my friend, Feng Yu, can settle it down.

Close it again and take it away.

Huo Lao retreated, and left a letter saying that Zhou Xue would stay at ease in his room, and arrange matters after he came out of retreat.

In fact, he has already gone to the hometown of the ghost doctor,

There, Ling Fengyu almost slaughtered the city,

Because the little girl in the hospital was defiled and hanged herself, and no one took it down as a dry bone hanging there.

In Ling Fengyu's last rationality, he only killed the people who were defiled at that time, yes, only, only killed more than 50 people.

There were more than 50 that night.

Ling Fengyu delayed them, and then hung on the top of the wall.

No matter how hot the method is, the corresponding heart will be as angry.

Originally there was only one tomb, but now there is one more.

The terrifying city, the indifferent people, looking at the lifeless tomb.

Lost hearts, dull eyes, echoes of slaughter.

It can be said that Ling Fengyu was disappointed by this place.

Even the two graves have been restricted to prevent them from being destroyed by unruly people.

Everything is false, only death is real.

Died again, really, died again.

Death is unexpected, life is random.

People can't predict their own death, they can only keep getting closer to the idea they want in the choice.

"The death of the body is the end of life, and the forgetting of memory is the end of death. Or maybe, at that time, is the beginning of life?"

Ling Fengyu was talking to himself beside the grave.

This is missing, missing, or brewing.

Emotions brewing to kill.

Ling Fengyu is too tired, she has to take care of everything, everything~

Eyes slightly closed.

Stand still and let the wind blow you, attracting returning birds to build their nests.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, his eyes were flat, without any emotional fluctuations.


Wasn't it also calm and abnormal before the tsunami broke out?

yes, so?

Therefore, Ling Fengyu wanted to vent his anger and make a killing.

The Triangle Fair was miserable.

It is the beginning of its killing.

Everything waits for the end of the killing.

However, Zhou Xue had to be settled first.


"Old Huo, Zhou Xue, Zhou Xue, her."

Wan Liushu felt that he was doomed, and brought two bad news to the old man Huo Lao.


Ling Fengyu asked with a cough.

"No, not yet."

"There's room for turning around."

"No, Zhou Xue was favored by a demon general, and in two days she will get married according to the customs of the human race."


"The Bull Run City in the Demon Realm."

"Is it far?"

"A hundred miles outside the Triangle Fairy."

"Two days, in time."

Flames ignited all over Ling Fengyu's body.

The unbearable temperature made the people around him look sideways.

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