Journey to the West: God-level Gathering Technique

Chapter 112 Che Chi Junior High School, Zhongnan Three Demons

"Amitabha, what's going on here, why do Taoists bully monks like this?"

Tang Seng saw this scene from a distance, but he didn't dare to approach it, feeling strange.

Jiang Han didn't say a word, he knew it was Che Chiguo's arrival, and suddenly thought of the Three Demons of Che Chiguo.

The three demons are the Great Immortal Huli, the Immortal Luli of the Second Kingdom, and the Immortal Yangli of the Three Kingdoms.The three monsters fought with Tang Monk and his disciples, and died in the fight one after another.

They can be said to be the three most wronged monsters in Journey to the West.

They are cultivators themselves, and although they are not orthodox Taoists, they have never done anything harmful.

But because he preached the Tao in the Buddhist site, he was eventually killed by the scripture learning team.

And at the end of the day, none of the Sanqing sages whom the three demons were thinking of had ever helped them, which is extremely pitiful.

Jiang Han felt that maybe he could do something about the three monsters.

Thinking of this, he said to Tang Seng and others: "Master, it seems that monks are not welcome in this place, why don't I go over and ask what happened first, and if it is safe, I will tell you."

"Thank you, Monarch."

When Tang Seng heard this, he did not suspect him.

Jiang Han is now dressed as a Taoist priest, so it is easy to enter the country of Chechi, where the Taoist priest unilaterally bullies the monk.

And because of his Taoist attire, the people who come and go respect him, and they can easily find out the cause and effect of the matter.

It turns out that Chechi Country and its situation are similar to Wuji Country, because it is located in Hezhou, Xiniu, so it is a Buddhist country, with temples everywhere, and everyone worships Buddha.

However, because there were no Taoists who could ask for rain, there was a drought here, and the land began to dry up, and all the farmers in the fields died.

In fact, as long as there is a Taoist priest who knows how to pray for rain in Che Chi country, he can pray for rain, but unfortunately this country of Che Chi is a Buddhist country, and finally formed a state of severe drought for three years.

The monks prayed for rain, and it was useless to chant sutras, and none of the gods in charge of rain could hear them.

At a time of crisis, the three casual cultivators of Immortal Hu Li felt that they had accomplished something in their studies, so they began to help the world and save people, and entered the country of Che Chi to help.

You must know that in the Heavenly Court, the Rain Department governs the entire Three Realms, which is incomparably vast, and the Rain Department is also too busy where to rain.

Now that the three great immortals have come, follow the normal method of praying for rain, and the rain department will naturally rain.

In an instant, Che Chiguo was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and after a while, heavy rain began to fall.

The three goblins who solved the crisis of Che Chi Kingdom, I am naturally deeply loved by the king.

But these three goblins are also a little bit overwhelmed, knowing that this place is the territory of the Buddha Kingdom, they are not afraid of offending the Buddhas of Buddhism.

Relying on his merits, he began to encourage the king to deal with the monk.

The three great immortals have made great achievements and were directly regarded as national teachers.

The king was naturally willing to deal with the useless monks. Of course, it would be too cruel to kill the monks directly, so Che Chiguo began to enslave the monks and let them work as slaves.

But these Buddhist monks are not really wronged.

Not to mention, asking for rain is not the right thing to specialize in.

Even these monks themselves are not good things. They have accumulated a lot of wealth, completely ignoring that the local people can no longer eat, and they are still here to harvest people's fat with the help of faith.

How could the king not be angry when he found out about this kind of thing, and ransacked all the monasteries in the country, melted all Buddha statues into money, and went to neighboring countries to buy food to survive the crisis.

He also ordered all monks to return to the vulgar. If they did not return to the vulgar, they would be demoted to coolies until they died. They also ordered the construction of Sanqing temples all over the country, and the three national teachers overviewed all the affairs of all Taoist schools in the country.

"Although these three national teachers are somewhat biased, they have good intentions. Why don't you let me meet them before making a decision."

Jiang Han thought for a while and finally decided to go and see what the three Taoists were like.

Generally speaking, the national teachers of the Che Chi Kingdom burned incense and prayed in the Sanqing Temple, but it was not difficult to find them. Jiang Han knew the destination just by inquiring about them.

Entering the Sanqing Temple, Jiang Han saw the three national teachers who were praying.

I saw them wearing star crowns and brocades.Wearing a star crown on his head, he is shining brightly, and he is wearing a beautiful and colorful glow.Wearing cloud-toed shoes with cooked silk sash around the waist, standard Taoist attire.

Sensing that someone was coming, the three national teachers turned their heads together, showing surprised expressions, then bowed their heads and said, "The three of Che Chi's national teachers have met Emperor Gouchen!"

"Oh, the three of you know me?"

Seeing that these people knew him, Jiang Han was a little surprised.

"That's natural. Although the three of us have already achieved some Taoism, we are still monsters. How can we not know the prestige of Emperor Gou Chen?"

The leader Huli Guoshi said.

"Get up, three of you, I pass by here but I have something to say to you."

Jiang Han asked the three of them to get up, and used the system at the same time to check the background of the three of them.

Name: Huli

Realm: Late Golden Immortal

Lineage: Golden Tiger

Kung Fu: Immortal Demon Art

Magic weapon: none

Supernatural powers: call the wind and call the rain, soar through the clouds and ride the fog, etc.

Seeing this, Jiang Han was a little disappointed, it turned out to be only in the realm of the Golden Immortal. The three of them are not young, but they only have this kind of strength.

However, these three people are indeed sincere, and they can be seen to be very loyal to others. It is feasible to accept them as assistant officials of the Gochen Emperor Palace.

"I don't know what orders Emperor Gouchen has."

The three national teachers were very polite to Jiang Han. They knew that the person in front of them was very unusual, so they asked respectfully.

"I can't tell you the order, but do you know that disaster is imminent for you?"

Jiang Han asked back.

"The disaster is imminent, where does this start?"

The three national teachers didn't know what Jiang Han meant.

"Of course it starts with you belittling Buddhism. You know that this is the territory of Buddhism, but you promote Taoism and disobey the meaning of Buddha. Do you think they can forgive you?"

Jiang Han told the story.

In fact, a country that believes in Taoism has emerged in the Western territory. How can Buddhists not know about it.

They didn't solve it right away, but they just wanted to leave a catastrophe for the Buddhist scriptures. With the cultivation of the three national teachers, if Buddhism randomly sends a bodhisattva or arhat, they will die without a place to bury them.

"But Buddhism is really useless. The few of us believe in the authentic Pangu sect, so we can naturally get help from Sanqing sages. How can there be disasters?"

Hearing Yang Li Guoshi's words, Jiang Han couldn't help shaking his head, this kind of thinking is really going to die and he doesn't know how to die.

Whether Buddhism is useful or not is not something they can judge. From the fact that Western religions have produced two saints, it can be seen that it is definitely not useless at all. ..

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