It jumped out, half of its body lying on the water, and slowly climbed up.

Looking at its strange movements, Jiang Han felt an indescribable feeling, not so much as crawling, but the forelimbs didn't use any strength, and the body didn't want to walk step by step, it was more like floating.

"Xiao Fei, it's so strange!"

"It usually uses its hind legs to move forward, and occasionally uses its front legs. Although it is huge, it actually walks very lightly. It can fly in the air and even faster in the water. Gone without a trace."

"Good guy." It walked out of the cave, and started to travel against the current like a submarine.

"It seems that there are at least four or five motors on it." Jiang Han rubbed his eyebrows, "That's right, where is Xiaoyu?" Jiang Han suddenly thought that Xiaoyu has the function of attracting strange beasts.

"Didn't Xiaoyu go to wash clothes?" Xiao Fei reminded Jiang Han.

Jiang Han hurriedly flew towards the one where the Hexagonal Dragon Hunyu left.I have been comforting myself in my heart that I must catch up.

Jiang Han was looking around in the sky, and saw a person walking on the reed ground. He rushed down in a hurry when he was not sure just based on the background, hugged him in his arms, and grabbed him. sword.

Xiaoyu was taken aback, "Ah! Let go." A side elbow hit Jiang Han's neck, and Jiang Han held it with his hand, "Xiaoyu, it's me."

Xiaoyu turned to look at Jiang Han, Jiang Han let go of his hand. "What's the matter, flustered."

Jiang Han just looked into Xiaoyu's eyes like this for tens of seconds, Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Han with doubts in his heart, "What's wrong with you." "It's okay. I just want to appreciate your peerless beauty." .”

"You, you, every day, be more serious!" Xiaoyu turned her back to Jiang Han, her face blushing half the sky at this time.

"Xiaoyu, sure enough your feeling is correct!"

"What's wrong"

"Under the place where we made our home, a fish came out."

"Fish?" Xiaoyu chuckled, "There must be fish in the water!"

"Yes, that's a hexagonal mixed fish that is comparable in size to the blue water snake. Now that place is sleeping, but our house is still fine."

"That's the case! Our place is a little unsafe! In your opinion, are we?"

"Don't worry, you are safe wherever you go, I am a person with a sense of security."

"All right! All right! Is your wound feeling better?"

"Look, of course it's fine!" Jiang Han raised his arms and showed off.

"Let's go back!" Jiang Hanneng made his own choice.

They left, and not far from the reed, a pair of bean-sized eyes were watching them. It was the hexagonal mixed fish. It didn't turn around until Jiang Han and the others left.

At night, Jiang Han has been adjusting his body's breath. His injury is almost healed, but he feels uncomfortable all over without vaccination.

"Xiao Fei, you said I won't get rabies!"

"Master, what are you thinking! You'd better digest the power of that yellow hyena!" Jiang Han remembered that the yellow hyena that he threw had collected its power.

In the early morning, Jiang Han meditated on a rock, carefully comprehending the attacking method of the yellow hyena, and the power to operate it was stored in the dantian.

"Xiao Fei, why do I feel that this power is not as strong as before, and the same is true of the Kunyuan Leopard recently." ..

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