As the sun sets in the distance, large areas of orange are left, mixed with the dark blue brought by the night, forming a unique purple.The gray-black bird slid across the sky, fell into the dense woods, and disappeared.Pedestrians are gradually returning home, and there is a kind of bustle around the night, which will eventually return to silence.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chaoyang suddenly thought of Yan Hui, his sister, where is she now?Is she still alive?It is true that Liu Chaoyang has been thinking about her all these years, and he would inquire about her wherever he goes, but all these years he has no clue, no clue at all.

There are absolutely traces of a person's existence, just like the sound and traces of a horse's passing. He is very good at finding clues on the battlefield and winning with one blow.But when it came to finding his sister, he had no clue.Sometimes Liu Chaoyang didn't even dare to think about it, and he didn't want to think about it. After so many years of searching, maybe Yanhui was long gone.

Liu Chaoyang choked suddenly, his palms gripped the window lattice, and his finger bones stretched out.As long as he is still alive, Liu Chaoyang will bring Yan back for a day.

He suddenly thought of Gao Cuilan, she brought a sense of familiarity for no reason, like the familiarity Yan Hui brought to him.Liu Chaoyang lowered his eyes, maybe he fell into a long silence. In this silence, Liu Chaoyang carefully recalled the figures and backgrounds of the two.

Liu Chaoyang is a man who can't bear it. He will never fight unless he is fully prepared, but if he fights, there will be no invincible battle.This kind of person is very thoughtful and willing to wait, like a hunter lurking in the dark, with a very clear goal, a brain that is good at planning, and also has extraordinary skills.

The night was getting darker, and the surroundings became quieter. Crickets chirped tirelessly. Liu Chaoyang stood quietly for a while, then left the window.

On the other side, Jiang Han was riding his own white horse, with several Gao Laozhuang guards behind him.They galloped all the way, and the horseshoes kicked up a gust of wind and sand on the road. The further south they went, the more humid the air and the more rivers there would be.They passed a small plain and came to the ford of the river.

"Did Miss go to Yunshui Town the same way?" Jiang Han asked casually as he got off his horse and held the reins.

"We took a shortcut when we came here. Miss and the others took the main road, but when we got here, we crossed the river at this ferry." A rather burly man replied.

Jiang Han nodded, "Then let's get ready to go." He looked around, and there was a small post station beside the ferry, "Let's put the horses there first." When they let the horses go, Jiang Han looked around. There were quite a lot of horses, and a familiar carriage came into view, Jiang Han took a closer look, isn't this the carriage of Gao Laozhuang?

It seems that Gao Cuilan is still in Yunshui Town, she probably hasn't left, so something happened.Jiang Han frowned, "Let's take the boat quickly."

Everyone agreed, and when they left their horses and boarded the ferry, Jiang Han stood at the bow of the boat, quietly observing Yunshui Town in the distance.From a distance, it looks like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Uva blue bricks, the eaves of each house hang down at an angle.The long river winds around, like a water ribbon wrapped around Yunshui Town.It seems that there are many willow trees planted beside the stone road, and weeping willows are leaning on each other, shining in front of the water.

Jiang Han suddenly remembered that he had seen Jiangnan fans before, the willows made of flowing ink, the fresh greenery dyed half of the fan surface, and there was a boy in the greenery who was pole-pulling on the boat, and he couldn't tell whether the greenery was in the flowing water The reflection of the sky is still full of weeping willows.

Everything seemed very peaceful in this small town, not like a place where Gao Cuilan would disappear.They went ashore quickly, and Jiang Han stepped onto the quiet ancient bridge, stepping on the cool bluestone slabs, and the heat and dryness they felt from walking could not help but dissipate a bit.

The night is thick, the town is very quiet, only the flowing water sandwiched between the tile-roofed houses on both sides is softly ringing, and the lights are only the paper lanterns hanging under the cornices emitting dizzy yellow light, but the sparkling lights on the surface of the stream The crescent moon is also shining faintly.

Jiang Han walked on the stone railing, fine grains of gravel were grinding his hands, but he didn't care.Along the way, there are many old trees and weeping willows, which are born beside the tile-roofed houses by the river, bending over the flowing water like an arch bridge, which is very natural.

When they arrived at Yanyue Tower, they looked up at Yanyue Tower. The people next to them said that this was the inn that Gao Cuilan would stay in when visiting in the past. It was all blue tiles and black walls.Jiang Han observed carefully, this inn is also very ordinary, even old.

A group of them walked in, and the young man who was about to close the door was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly greeted him, "Are the guest officials staying in the shop?"

Jiang Han nodded, "There are four rooms open, is there any room left?" They have already walked inside, it seems that they are really going to close, the candles in the store have been extinguished a lot, and the shopkeeper is still settling accounts at the counter, Seeing them, they put on a smile and greeted them, "There are rooms! Guest officers, please go upstairs, please go upstairs."

"Would you like some food? There's warm broth in the kitchen!" the shopkeeper said courteously, winked at Xiao Er, and told him to go to the kitchen to bring it out and take it upstairs, "The guest officer just arrived in Yunshui Town Yes? You have worked hard all the way, our Yanyue Tower is the best inn in Yunshui Town, and many people come to stay here!"

"Oh?" Jiang Han raised a smile, "I don't know how the business is these few days? I think this Yunshui Town is a bit remote, and there are no strangers coming?"

"Hey——" the boss sighed, "Business is difficult. There was a lady who came to my store a few days ago, and she was also a regular customer. She would come here in the past. It's strange to be gone."

"I'm not satisfied with the occupancy in the shop, I'm really worried," the boss muttered alone.

Jiang Han lowered his eyes, and his face was a little dull. It seems that Gao Cuilan left by herself, which is strange.What is the reason for a group of people to choose to leave early?It is not convenient to ride a horse in this small town, and there are few carriages.

Where will Gao Cuilan go?

With doubts, Jiang Han rested at the inn for the time being.And he always had the feeling that something seemed out of place in this small town, but now he had no clue.

"Let's take a break tonight, and tomorrow we will spread around to look for clues. Since Miss Gao's carriage is still at the ferry, she hasn't gone far, and she's still in the small town." Everyone took orders and returned to their respective rooms.

Jiang Han sleeps very alertly. When he goes to a strange place, his senses are always very sensitive.At dawn, he got up.After washing up, he assigned a route with Gao Laozhuang's guards and dispersed to find Gao Cuilan and his party.

He walked along the river corridor for a while. This ancient town is very quiet, but it is not a dull silence, but a kind of vitality and tranquility. ..

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