Jiang Han raised his eyebrows, and smiled simply: "Of course, then let's go now, before it's too late." Gao Cuilan nodded in agreement.She packed up her things, and finally they decided to go back to Gao Laozhuang directly after visiting the old friend Gao Cuilan was talking about.

They walked to the ten-mile long bridge, the entrance of the alley was the old man's house, the door was still closed, Jiang Han touched the brass lock, and his hands were still ashes.He thought of this scene not long ago, but now it seems like a lifetime away.

Gao Cuilan asked strangely: "Why is this happening?" She called several times, but no one answered, "It must be something happened," Gao Cuilan bit her lip and guessed.

Jiang Han tried to push the door, but the door was locked and he couldn't open it with force. He looked around and found that the walls of the small courtyard were not high. "We can climb the wall to get in." Jiang Han stepped up first, and he opened his hands on it, "Come on, I'll carry you up."

With a frank face, Jiang Han was preoccupied with other things, and he felt that the atmosphere had changed as soon as he came up.There was a faint coercion, and his face remained unchanged. After receiving Gao Cuilan, the two jumped down together.

Jiang Han looked around, all were ordinary small courtyards, but it seemed that there was no trace of life for a long time.He asked, "Who are you? How did you meet?"

Gao Cuilan replied: "My father knew him, he said he was a benefactor, he seemed to have saved me when I was a child, and I lived in Gao Laozhuang for a while. At that time, Laozhuang was not as big as it is now, and I used to live in the backyard by the mountain. A grandfather lived in the yard with a well.

But I also heard people say it, and I was too young to remember it. "As Gao Cuilan said, she approached the wing room, but no one knocked on the door, so she couldn't help feeling worried.

But Jiang Han's pupils shrank when he heard it. Isn't the place where there is a well in the backyard the yard?Living there, what ever happened?Before he could think too much, Jiang Han suppressed the question.He also stepped forward, and as soon as he got close, he felt a kind of coercion, which was more profound than what he felt on the fence.

Jiang Han thought to himself, now that he is in the mid-stage of Golden Immortal, his cultivation level is not bad, and the only thing that can make him feel threatened is that the Golden Immortal has gone up.It seems that this senior is not simple.But Gao Cuilan acted as if she didn't feel anything, she hurriedly opened the door, the dust fell down, and her eyes were dim.

Before Jiang Han could take a closer look, Gao Cuilan suddenly let out an exclamation. Jiang Han followed the sound and entered. On the bed was an old man who had passed away. He was sitting in meditation.Judging from Gao Cuilan's reaction, this is undoubtedly the old man.

Just how did he die?

Jiang Han suddenly had doubts, and Gao Cuilan choked up and shouted: "Grandpa." She reached out to touch, and took the old man's hand with both hands. At this moment, a phantom suddenly appeared on the old man's body. Gao Cuilan opened her eyes wide, "Is that you, Grandpa?"

The old man smiled kindly, "Cuilan, protect yourself." He let out a long sigh, and the phantom slowly dissipated, and the corpse on the bed suddenly turned into ashes.Gao Cuilan was stunned, tears welled up, she tried to pick up the ashes with trembling hands, but suddenly found a golden elixir buried in it.

"My condolences." Jiang Han stood beside Gao Cuilan, patted her, and didn't know what to say.The old man has been dead for a while, and the house is full of dust. Jiang Han let out a sigh of relief, hoping to return to Gao Laozhuang, so that the old man Gao can answer some doubts.

Jiang Han waited for Gao Cuilan to settle down. When she came out of the room, her eyes were still red. Jiang Han stood silently with her in the courtyard. Gao Cuilan put the golden pill away and put it in her purse. inside.

"Grandpa is still with me, I will protect myself." She muttered to herself, looking at the sky, and then her eyes became firm.

Jiang Han nodded. They had packed their luggage before, and Poxue's head emerged from the pack. Gao Cuilan saw it and forced a smile to pat its head.Jiang Han took her away by boat, and the breeze was blowing on his face, bringing the fresh fragrance of flowers in the air.

The return journey seemed to be shortened, but Jiang Han knew that this was just his feeling, the distance was not shortened, and their speed of travel was accelerated.

There was no carriage in the station, and Gao Cuilan was not in a good condition to ride a horse by herself.Jiang Han had no choice but to share a horse with Gao Cuilan.They didn't talk all the way, and returned to Gao Laozhuang the next day.

When Master Gao saw Gao Cuilan, he burst into tears excitedly, "Daughter, you are back." He ran over to pick her up, Gao Cuilan pulled the corner of her mouth and smiled, "Father"

Mr. Gao responded repeatedly: "Don't say anything, go back to your room and rest." Seeing that they were dusty, Mr. Gao told them to go to rest quickly, "If you have anything to say, wait until you have a rest. Take care of yourself, otherwise I'm always restless."

He turned to Jiang Han, "Master Jiang, thank you very much this time, if something happens to my daughter, I don't know what to do. Go and rest quickly, don't be tired."

Jiang Han responded. He was indeed a little tired. He had been too concentrated these days and was mentally exhausted.Let's solve those questions slowly after he has rested.Jiang Han let out a breath and returned to his room.

This time Jiang Han slept for a long time, and when he woke up, he still felt unreal.Birds were chirping outside the window, and there were some human voices. Jiang Han rubbed his forehead, woke up a little, and then got up to take a shower.After finishing the breakfast in the mansion, he went out to have a look and walked all the way to the backyard.

The small courtyard enclosed by the stone wall is still dilapidated, and there is no trace of anyone coming. Jiang Han jumped over the wall, and smiled at himself for a moment.

He calmed down, the mulberry tree in the yard trembled its leaves in the breeze, Jiang Han was on guard, the big black and purple snake should still be guarding here, what secrets are there in the well?What is it waiting for?

Jiang Han didn't know, he had an intuition that the source of the secret was Gao Cuilan.He approached step by step, and when he reached the well, there was a familiar sound of breaking through the air behind him, and the snake's tail swung back again!

Jiang Han bent down to dodge, he turned to face the big snake, "What's the secret in the well? Your cultivation base is not low, why are you willing to wait here for a long time?" Jiang Han asked, and the snake's head poked out from among the leaves , Huang Chengcheng's vertical pupils stared at Jiang Han, and his cold eyes lingered on him, and the snake letter hissed out.

For a long while, the big snake didn't do anything else, just looked at him suspiciously like this, Jiang Han didn't move either, "Wow!" A small thing came out of his sleeve, its tail was wrapped around Jiang Han's wrist, After Poxue came out, he howled directly at the big snake, flapped his claws in the air, and growled threateningly in his throat, gurgling. ..

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