On the day Li Bo's daughter got married, many people from the town were invited. Gao Cuilan and Jiang Han sat together, "Where is the groom? When will the groom come to pick up the bride?" It hasn't started yet."

It didn't take long for the bride to come out. Gao Cuilan looked over and saw that there were many patterns embroidered on the red wedding dress, which made the bride even more beautiful. Gao Cuilan's eyes flashed delicately.Jiang Han couldn't help pushing her, "It's time to toast and start eating."

Gao Cuilan said oh, and obediently ate.

The next day, Aunt Wan was taking care of Uncle Li's gift in return, and her daughter Que Que gave her a hand, "So many eggs! Uncle Li is so generous!" Mother also nodded, "Ask your father to send some paper some other day."

She took out all the snacks inside and put them in jars. Looking at the red color on the top, she couldn't help feeling: "You will be here in the next few years! Your father and I must prepare well, I don't know whose house you will end up in! "

When Que Que heard this, she jumped up in embarrassment, "It's so early! You're the one to worry if there are no shadows!" She let go and ran out. "You pack it yourself! I'm going to play!"

Jiang Han and Gao Cuilan, who were listening on the sidelines, couldn't help laughing. When Aunt Wan saw her, she joked, "You two have such a good relationship, you really match each other!" It's teasing.

Gao Cuilan blushed a little, and found an excuse to escape. Jiang Han stayed there alone. He scratched his head and didn't know how to answer the words. The throbbing in his heart became more obvious.

Later, Jiang Han found Gao Cuilan in the pond where the ducks were kept in Wan Zhijiang's house. She took off her shoes and stepped barefoot into the stream that was about to flow into the pond. , sit on the ridge.

When she came here, she obviously became more relaxed in her actions, and her movements became a little more childish.

Gao Cuilan's face was still flushed, she grabbed the grass beside her, sprinkled it piecemeal into the narrow and shallow running water, and floated into the pond. The ducks also floated lazily, occasionally folding their wings and bowing their heads. He jumped into the water and couldn't see his figure. It took a long time before he broke through the water on the other side of the pond.

They have grown up a bit recently, they are covered in dust, and they are yellow and fluffy and cute without their ducklings.

Gao Cuilan threw a small stone over, one or two fluttered their wings and screamed in shock, while the rest floated on the water without being affected in the slightest.

"How stupid!"

Gao Cuilan muttered and didn't know what she was talking about.The wedding dress of the girl's family is so pretty, she propped her chin on her knees, thinking of the festive red color, thinking of——

Gao Cuilan flicked the water, ran to the edge of the pond and bent down. After a while, her figure on the water surface became clear. She smiled indistinctly, and raised her hand to stroke her eyebrows along the outline.The duck moves a bit more into the water, and the reflection on the water slowly echoes with the waves.

Jiang Han watched silently, and forgot to make a sound for a while, everything was calm, but a little uneasy, Jiang Han touched his chest, feeling his heart beating suddenly a little faster.

The sky was getting cloudy, the wind was blowing and the branches and leaves were rattling, and the branches of the whole mountain forest were shaking, and they bloomed in unison, dispelling a lot of heat.A few drops of rain hit him on the back, Jiang Han looked up, couldn't help speeding up, went to call Gao Cuilan, and they ran to Wanzhijiang's house together.

Just a few steps into the arbor, the two of them heard a crackling sound, and after a while, the outside was covered with water, and the heat and the smell of the land rose up together, pouring into Jiang Han's heart.And Gao Cuilan unconsciously rubbed her hands on the corner of her clothes, and when they ran back together just now, they were holding hands.

Wan Zhijiang looked at the sky and put down his smoking pipe, "It's raining, it's raining after such a long drought!"

Even though it was raining in the summer, it rained all night.The ticking stopped just before dawn, and when Gao Cuilan stood up, it was wet outside, as if water was flowing in the air.

After breakfast, they went out together.

"Where are you going?"

"The lotus pond in the east, shall we go?"

"Okay! I haven't picked lotus pods in summer yet!" Gao Cuilan happily walked ahead, "Let's go, let's go to the lotus pond!".

"Slow down, it's raining and the road is slippery."

The lotus pond on the east side is actually not big, and there is a narrow field ridge in the middle.Just after it rained, some lotus leaves were full of water, shaking tremblingly, making people unable to help but move. Before Gao Cuilan reached out her hand, she tilted her head and sprinkled it all.

She walked to the ridge in the middle, Jiang Han took off his shoes and went down to the small lotus pond to pick the lotus pods that were growing well in the middle. They each carried a basket, and within a short while they had half a basket.

As the sun came up, Gao Cuilan casually folded two lotus leaves, shook out the water, put one upside down on her head, and threw the other to Jiang Han, "Go on!".

"Jiang Han, take a quick look, does it look good?" Gao Cuilan held a plump lotus flower in her hand, the pink petals trembled slightly in the wind, and the stamens were yellow, which was very beautiful. "Is it the most beautiful? I have been picking for a long time, but I still think this one is beautiful!"

Jiang Han grasped the lotus pod in his hand, Gao Cuilan's hair was not tied tightly today, and fell a little on the side of her cheeks, her bright eyes were crooked, and she was staring at him. "Well, it's pretty. It's the best looking."

"That's right, I'll just say it." Gao Cuilan replied.

After picking them, they went to the mountain stream to wash them. Jiang Han stepped into the water to wash the mud on his legs. Gao Cuilan held the basket and counted the lotus pods. She raised her head and said, "We have picked more than [-] lotus pods! I can bring them to my aunt to make lotus seeds." Porridge!"

She sat on the grass, clapped her hands, and splashed water towards Jiang Han, the water droplets in the air flickered under the skylight.

Gao Cuilan suddenly remembered a song, and hummed a few words softly, "Come pick lotus, come pick lotus, pick a basket full of lotus seeds, pick lotus heart and send it away"

She stopped talking, and hummed a few tunes in a weak voice. She was walking side by side with Jiang Han, but now she hurriedly took an extra step and walked ahead. "Why don't you sing anymore?" Jiang Han asked.

"I forgot, I don't know how to sing later." Gao Cuilan suddenly turned her head, "Do you know it? Have you sung it? You have heard it."

Jiang Han blinked, "No, I won't. You sing well." He felt that something was about to happen, and pursed his lips.

"Oh, well. Haven't you heard the ditty?"

"You can teach me." Jiang Han said.

Gao Cuilan didn't say anything, she lowered her head and handed the thing she was clutching to Jiang Han.He opened his hand and saw that it was full of lotus seeds, "You"

She hastily interrupted him, "You kept the lotus seeds from peeling just now, don't throw them away!" She blushed, and whispered, "making tea can also clear the fire!"

"Oh, okay." Jiang Han was in a daze, holding his hand tightly, "Sister Cuilan, please sing again." ..

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