Po Xue lay in his arms, the child saw it, and hesitantly stretched out his hand to touch it.

Jiang Han let Poxue come down by himself and let them play together.

The male host was smoking, and he was very enthusiastic when he saw them.He asked the woman to go to the kitchen to cook some more dishes, and the room was immediately bustling with activity. They ate together, sat down for a while, and Jiang Han and the others wanted to say goodbye.

Hearing that they were about to leave, the man hesitated, as if he had something to hide.Tang Xuanzang thought it was fate, so he asked with concern, "What's the matter, does this benefactor have something to say?"

The man sighed, "I didn't want to hinder the progress of the masters, but we have been troubled by this matter for a long time. It's not just our family, as long as people who settle in Huangfengling will encounter such a thing."

Jiang Han became interested, raised his eyebrows and asked: "What's the matter? Hearing what you said, it seems that there is no danger, otherwise you would have moved away from Huangfengling long ago. Why wait until now."

"Yes, it's not a big problem. It's just that every night has been troubled for a long time. We live here, and we have a dream every night. We dream that we are someone else. Everyone in every family has the same dream."

Jiang Han stroked the snake's tail wrapped around his wrist, and asked coolly, "What kind of dream?"

"This..." The man took a puff of cigarette and scratched his head, "I don't know how to say it." He wondered: "We want to invite the masters to stay overnight, as long as they live here, they will dream." He was afraid of Jiang Han and the others felt that they had ulterior motives, so they quickly waved their hands and said, "We have been troubled for too long, and we want to ask the masters for help, and have no other ideas."

Jiang Han nodded, just about to agree, when he thought of Tang Xuanzang and Sun Wukong, he turned his head and indicated with his eyes, Sun Wukong can do whatever he wants, he doesn't care, and nodded while holding the golden cudgel.But Tang Xuanzang agreed after weighing it.

A few people waited for the night to come, but the children were carefree. Seeing their smiles, Jiang Han couldn't help asking: "What about the children? Do they also have such dreams?"

The man said sadly: "It is possible, but the children are very forgetful, and they can't remember when they wake up. Hey, it's really annoying."

Jiang Han was also silent when he heard the words, and played with the children for a while.

Soon night fell, everyone had a hasty dinner, and Jiang Han and the others lay down in the tidied up wing. "I don't know what kind of dream I had at night." Monkey King said curiously with his hands behind his head.

"You'll know when you're asleep." Jiang Han answered him.

"Okay, I'll see for now, what kind of dream it is." Monkey King closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

Jiang Han breathed out silently, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

??? "Little Master—Little Master—"

As soon as Jiang Han fell asleep, he woke up suddenly. He felt someone calling him, so he turned his head and saw mountain peaks like fortresses. Oh, it turned out that this was a dream.Jiang Han thought.

He seemed to feel that he had become another person. When he saw this fortress-like mountain, he would always think of some things, some of which were too long ago, and some of which were too short, but he felt very vague.

Just like these long calls, the calls of "Little Master, Young Master" are vague, as if all the traces of worry-free are scattered in the trembling sounds.

There was something extra in Jiang Han's own memory for no reason, it was probably the memory possessed by the dream owner.Is it the memory of the monster?Could it be the Yellow Wind Monster?Jiang Han was puzzled.

He didn't think about it anymore, this dream made him immersed in the memory as gentle as water.

Jiang Han spends the life of the dream owner like a horse watching flowers. In the dream, he is the dream owner.

Before Jiang Han’s mother was in her womb, when she married my father, she was wearing a fiery red wedding gown. I heard that her face was smeared with fine white powder. mouth.

"It was a few guys who brought the lady here with a big sedan chair! The bride looks good too, I still remember it!"

Jiang Han yawned, bit the red fruit, and told the old long-time worker who followed his mother to shut up, so he was not interested in listening to such rotten things.She swallowed her saliva, and said: "Young master, the young master said that you will recite the hoeing day today or something, and you will smoke it when he comes back!"

??? "I got it, I got it! Aunt Six, you can go to my mother's place, maybe she's being hilarious again!" Jiang Han threw away the core in his hand, and was about to start reciting those poems about hoes and seedlings. The head is tilted to the west, if you don't carry it on your back, you will be hit by the board again tonight, which is not good.

Jiang Han's father is a teacher, holding a bamboo board all day long, it's frightening to watch.

In the middle of the night, his father came in through the gate of the house, Jiang Han secretly hid behind the window and stared at him, watching him put down the bamboo board first, and had tea with a few uncles in the hall.

Jiang Han heaved a sigh of relief, and began to stammer and repeat these words like chicken paw prints. Not long after, his father came in with a bamboo board, and a piece of rosin was lit in the study, which smelled so good. The scrolls in the book are all stained with a pine aroma.

It seems that those who came to drink tea at home have left. His father took the bamboo board, tapped his palm, and asked Jiang Han how he remembered the poems he said he wanted to recite in the morning. Jiang Han said that he should be able to recite it, and then he said Listening to Jiang Han's recitation there, even though he still stuttered, he managed to recite everything.

Jiang Han's father nodded and asked him to go out for dinner.Jiang Han secretly rejoiced that today it was only five words, a few days ago his father asked him to recite a few seven words, and he said the last sentence, what is it without a colorful phoenix and two wings? Jiang Han couldn't understand what he was talking about. Thinking of Fei and Feng, I went down and picked up a plucked feather. Phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, but Jiang Han was beaten badly that day.

When eating every day, in addition to the smell of the food, their family also has the unconcealed smell of medicine, which is bitter and astringent.Especially for the grandfather, the sixth aunt told him that the grandfather started the family with a small drugstore, and told him that their family was rich.The little Jiang Han didn't understand much at that time, anyway, he never had to worry about food and clothing.

Jiang Han's mother was getting sick again. Grandpa said that he would bring some medicine back from the pharmacy tomorrow. Jiang Han already had two little brothers. They would babble every day when he was reciting books. Jiang Han was a little annoying. them.

The sixth aunt also said that it is good for his wife to give birth, and told him to be patient. The wife still likes Jiang Han very much. She has studied and is from the city. She married to the town, and told Jiang Han to endorse it well. My daughter-in-law is not bad!

Jiang Han nodded indiscriminately, on the surface he seemed to know it, but in his heart he was thinking about playing tricks for fun. ..

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