Jiang Han felt relieved when he saw that the Dragon King of the East China Sea already had the intention of talking, and replied: "Maybe you also understand a little bit. The human race has been raining continuously for several days in recent days. Counting today, it has fallen for nine consecutive days. If it is light rain Fortunately, I can also water the crops."

"But the rain that fell was torrential rain, and the crops were washed away, and some houses of the human race were also washed away, and the lives of the human race were also endangered. There is nothing to do, so I came to seek help from the Dragon Clan."

Jiang Han sighed and said, the Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Jiang Han's helpless look and said to Jiang Han with pity: "Come and sit down and talk slowly, I know something about the human race, and I have been paying attention to it. The matter of rain falls under the control of our Dragon Clan."

"But our Dragon Clan doesn't know anything about this weird rainfall. It's not the rain that our Dragon Clan is planning for the luck of the human race. This heavy rain is probably a natural disaster. It's a matter of heaven, so it's out of our Dragon Clan's control .” The Dragon King of the East China Sea even asked someone to pour a cup of tea for Jiang Han.

Jiang Han sat opposite the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and took a sip of tea. Jiang Han drank it but didn't know what kind of tea it was. He just felt that the worry and irritability in his heart disappeared after drinking it, and his heart became very calm. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea smiled and said: "This is something unique to our East China Sea. Meditation tea, young people, don't be so worried. Everything has its own destiny. Just like this flood, the sky must know about it. Don't be too worried. Worrying, maybe that’s something I can help with.”

Jiang Han heard from the Dragon King of the East China Sea that he didn't intend to intervene, but now that it's raining all the time, it's not a solution. The water level in the river will rise a little more after one more day, and the threat to people's lives will be more, Jiang Han has to think A way to convince the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Jiang Han immediately showed a very disappointed expression and said: "If even the Dragon King can't do anything about it, it may really be the fate of the human race. Fortunately, young people can walk and run, but I just think that some old people are inconvenient and beg the water god all day long. Ask the Dragon King."

Jiang Han sighed again and said, "So it's better to beg yourself. This time the flood caused a lot of sand to wash down. I think most of the fish and shrimp in the river died because of the muddy water. I don't know if it will get worse in the future, Dragon King, what will you do?" will not be affected."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was just sympathizing with those affected by the disaster, but when he heard Jiang Han talking about the heavy losses of fish and shrimp in the river due to the washed down sediment, his expression became serious.The Dragon King of the East China Sea did not expect that the water would wash down the sediment and endanger the lives of some aquatic creatures.

If the rain keeps falling, more sediment will be washed away. If it is bigger, trees, houses, and everything on the shore may be washed away, and then washed into the river and into the sea. It is possible for organisms to be affected.

Jiang Han saw that the Dragon King of the East China Sea frowned and knew that he was starting to worry, so he said again: "The heaven and the earth are all one, if the ground is affected, the sea may be affected, Dragon King, you should prepare early , in case something happens, it’s easy to deal with, isn’t it?”

ps: (For flowers! For automatic subscription! For favorites! Thank you for your encouragement to me these days, thank you for being with me all the time, this makes me more motivated to persevere, I will definitely work hard to update, not to let readers Disappointed.)*..

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