The god-level tyrant of the prehistoric fantasy

Chapter 487 Who is the worst saint in history?

The boat on the other side is the condensation of human will.Will, the so-called immediacy of thought, instantly penetrates the world and sweeps away the universe.In heaven and earth, there will never be anything faster than will.

The boat on the other side is the embodiment of the way of detachment.Suppressing time and space, crushing rules, pointing at the avenue of detachment, crushing the world like nothing.

No matter how much Taoist Zhunti can escape, how can he escape from being crushed by the boat from the other shore?

Immediately, the mighty powers of the heavens witnessed a shocking scene.

Zhunti Dao turned himself into Buddha's light, set foot on the rules, and tore apart the void, like the great sun scripture sky, vast and resplendent, fleeing hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, showing the power of a saint.


boom boom boom boom...

The boat on the other side is majestic and black, as if sailing out of time and space, sticking to Zhunti's back, it is crushed in shock.

Suppressing time and space, crushing the laws of explosion, the quasi-said Taoist, the mighty Buddha's light, was sadly closed, and was crushed like a flame!The real body of the saint, under the majestic black and yellow boat, was crushed into the void like a panicked fish.

Zhunti screamed in shock, and then was run over by the huge black and yellow boat, like an ant run over by the wheel of history, it was too miserable to bear to watch.

The hearts of the mighty gods trembled.


"This is a saint!"

"Humanity, Di Hao, lawless!"

"Dihao, thief, goddamn thief!"

"The heavens and the earth have the same power, and the hero is not free. Without the luck of humanity, how long can you be arrogant?"

"Dihao! Dihao! The little merchant king is trying to defy the heavens. The Six Saints will not let him go, Hongjun will not let him go, and the Dao of Heaven will not let him go!"


In the Great Merchant Harem, Zhao Hao lifted Nuwa's crystal chin, and said with a smirk: "Little Wawa, tell me, will you let me go?"

Nuwa said angrily: "Dihao! Thief! What else do you want?"

Then he frowned slightly, and said sadly: "Dihao, Hongjun might call me when the Humane soldiers enter the prehistoric world. If exposed, the Dao of Heaven will not let me go!"

Zhao Hao laughed and said, "What are you exposing? You are the most important and mainstay Nuwa sage, and you are about to besiege the humane Emperor Hao together with the six sages!"

"What? Do you doubt me?" Nuwa's almond-shaped eyes widened, her small face was angry, and she cursed angrily, "Dihao! Thief! I'm already like this, what else do you want? Do you still doubt me?"

"How?" Zhao Hao smirked.

Nuwa's eyes were red, her heart was hurt and wronged, and she cursed angrily: "Dihao! You are a thief!"

Zhao Hao secretly smiled, Nuwa is in the early stage of Stockholm Syndrome, she has been domesticated with feelings, and she is a little inseparable from her master.If so, hurry up!

Zhao Hao hurriedly embraced Nuwa, comforted him softly, and smiled sweetly: "This matter is related to our great plan to escape!"

"Detachment!" Nuwa's almond eyes lit up, looking at Zhao Hao brightly, forgetting everything.

Zhao Hao's eyes were evil, he smiled lowly, and leaning against Nuwa's small face, he whispered, "Tell me first, how many do you like?"

"How many?"


"People don't understand!"

"Speak or not?"


"Haha, little Wawa, your eyes are so beautiful! What do you mean by blinking three times? You blink three times..."



Zhao Hao discussed a few matters with Nuwa, but Zhunti rolled out from under the wheel of the boat on the other side, with disheveled hair and dripping with blood, it was so miserable that it is beyond description.

Zhunti yelled furiously, looking frantically at the majestic black and yellow giant boat, his murderous intent was like a fire like a tide, like the sea like the sky.

However, Zhao Hao smiled coldly, and the Chaos Heavenly Cloth was shaken, and the chaotic air flow, countless worlds of fairy kingdoms, fell overwhelmingly.

Sui Sheng Suiren's eyes are cold, saint!saint!Countless fires, with a sense of detachment, transcended time and space, directly enveloping Zhunti and burning.

The battle sage Xuanyuan laughed loudly, who banned the three emperors?Who stole the faith merits of the human race?saint!saint!Xuanyuan laughed heartily, and countless Hunyuan fighting spirits hit Zhunti's head overwhelmingly.

Soldiers Saint Sun Tzu does not talk nonsense, the sky rises into the undefeated Thunder City, countless weapons are shot down, the so-called hail of bullets is nothing more than that!

Youchao's strength is relatively weak, so he chuckled lightly. In addition to releasing attacks to hit the face of the saint, he also lowered the building world and set up many mazes.Blocking Zhunti for an instant can make him suffer countless more attacks.

Zhunti roared wildly, facing the attacks of the four Hunyuan saints, and fled with his head in his arms.At this time, Zhunti didn't have Buddha's light or magic weapon to protect him. He didn't have any protection, and all the attacks fell on Shengrenzhen.Including Youchao's attack, they all hit Zhunti's scorched face, sparks splashed everywhere.


"Human race! Human race!"

"Di Hao! Di Hao!"

"An ant! An ant!"

"I won't let you go! I won't let you go!"

"Human Race! Di Hao! Ants! I will never let you go! I will definitely destroy you!"

Zhunti pierced his heart, roared miserably, fled frantically under his feet, and swore oaths in his mouth.The saint's heart-wrenching oath flew into the sky with golden light, and the way of heaven was touched, and it became the saint's great wish.

The misery of the quasi-mention has come to this!

All the powers of the heavens have a heartfelt sympathy!

But, has Zhunti reached the bottom?

Below the bottom of the valley, there is an endless abyss!

boom boom boom boom...

The boat on the other side of humanity, the majestic black and yellow boat, never stops, chasing after Zhunti and crushing it.

Zhunti's light was extinguished, and Despair revealed his real body, yelling frantically: "How is it possible! How is it possible! You don't want to turn around, this boat?"

Zhao Hao sneered: "I don't know, this is the boat of transcendence! Transcending time and space, transcending laws, transcending human nature, all directions are straight ahead!"

Zhunti was in despair: "You are being's against the law of heaven..."

Zhao Hao: "Turning the impossible into the possible, this is humanity!"

Boom boom boom...

Zhunti is like a small fish, like an ant, being crushed under the wheel of history!

The majestic black and yellow giant boat passed by, layers of time and space were shattered, and the saint's miserable wail shocked the Three Realms.The huge Xuanhuang boat passed by, Zhunti's miserable figure rolled out from the bottom of the boat.Zhunti didn't say a word, and fled crazily. The four saints of the human race laughed loudly, and countless attacks, like rain and waterfalls, fell on Zhunti's head overwhelmingly.

"Ah ah ah..."

"Human race! Dihao! Today's shame..."

However, the Xuanhuang Juzhou came again and ran over again...

"Oh my God!" Zhunti screamed in shock, tearing his heart and lungs, weeping blood in the three realms, and all the mighty powers of the heavens trembled.

The disgrace of the saint!

Humanity of the human race!

Today, the Three Realms are shocked!

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