This terrifying formation, with any remaining power, is enough to destroy the world and the human race.

The azure blue starlight, the icy cold faintly sprinkled on the prehistoric, the slightest coercion, invaded the soul.

Countless human races looked at the sky in horror, horrified and horrified, crowding around and relying on them.

"Mommy mommy……"

Instinctive fear made countless children huddle in their mother's arms in horror, looking at the sky and crying loudly.

"Don't be afraid! Baby, don't be afraid! We have the Holy Emperor! The Holy Emperor will come to save us!"

Countless mothers were shivering with cold, tenaciously comforting their children, expecting the sudden appearance of the Holy Emperor to drive away the demon clan in the sky.

Countless people prayed to the holy image: "Holy Emperor! Holy Emperor! Holy Emperor, where are you? The monster race is coming to wreak havoc again, have you seen it? Have you seen it? Save the human race! Come out and save the human race!" Save the human race?"

Zhao Hao is watching from the Lunar Star.Like the tide like the waves, the overwhelming call reached Zhao Hao's ears.However, Zhao Hao sat still.

Human race, rely on yourself!

Everyone has to rely on themselves!

The racial will of the human race is not to rely on gods and saints, but to strive for self-improvement and be tenacious and unyielding.The Yaozu just showed up, and before they released any power, the human race screamed, as if they were about to collapse.Such a situation made Zhao Hao more determined. This catastrophe must be let the people survive by themselves, and no sacrifices will be spared!

Human race, be self-improvement!


"The Holy Emperor did not show up!"

"The Holy Emperor has something important to leave, not in the human race!"

"Human race, you must rely on yourself to survive the catastrophe!"

"My God!"

"Shrink! Shrink! All races, shrink to Shouyang Mountain!"

"Send troops! Send troops! All the elders of Daluo Jinxian led one hundred thousand heavenly immortals and tens of thousands of earth immortals to form four formations in the Fenghuoshan Forest to protect the clansmen and shrink!"

"The human race is not a drag on the Holy Emperor! Human race, you have to rely on yourself to overcome the calamity! Human race, you must strive for self-improvement and help the Holy Emperor!"

In the ancestral hall of the human race, the Suiren clan, the Saint Sun Wu, and the Youchao clan issued tough orders, and the mighty human army attacked the prehistoric and protected the clansmen to retreat.

Countless human races, under the protection of Fenghuo Forest's four formations, retreated step by step cautiously.Tens of billions, hundreds of billions, and trillions of human races returned to the Shouyang Mountain area from all directions.The mighty head covered the prehistoric land.

The Fenghuo Forest formed four formations, displaying a mighty army, with awe-inspiring power, firmly protecting the human race, and retreating cautiously towards Shouyang Mountain.


Above the star trails in the sky, among the azure starlight, there are hundreds of thousands of monster masters, at least all of them are Da Luo Jinxian.

Seeing the human race fleeing in panic as if facing a formidable enemy, countless monster masters pointed and laughed.


"These cowardly ants, we didn't take any action, so we were so scared that we cried and cried, and the sky was full of panic."

"Haha, the human race also has an army formation? The Fenghuo Forest also has an army! It's a pity that it's all ostentatious, and the Da Luo Jinxian doesn't have one. Our small team can slaughter his army of one hundred thousand million!"

"Who says it's not, we have a quasi-sage in a small team, a hundred great Luo Jinxians, and a million-strong army of the human race is far from having so many masters! The ant-human race is just a snack!"

"These ants and humans run fast, and I don't know if they can make a move and kill a few groups!"

"Haha, tens of trillions of human races, how can they retreat to Shouyang Mountain so quickly? Besides, even if we reach Shouyang Mountain, who can stop us?"

"When the army attacks, how can they return empty-handed? There will always be a chance to kill the human race! When the time comes, jump into the human race brigade, and you will be able to swallow a hundred thousand and half full!"

"Hahaha, thanks to your good words, we will take care of each other when the time comes!"

"Good talk! Good talk!"

The tenth prince of Jinwu jumped up and down for joy, he was so excited that he set fire everywhere, the sun and golden flames appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't hide his eagerness to try.


However, for the first time, the people of insight in the prehistoric era saw the might of the human race.

It's as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as plundering as fire, as immovable as a mountain!

One hundred thousand or one million earth immortals, with the heavenly immortals as the backbone and Daluo as the commander, formed a mighty army formation.The majestic military power is embodied and manifested, showing wind, fire, mountains, and forests on the army formation, like phantoms and real things, dignified and deep like the sky and the earth.

Zhao Hao couldn't help but blurt out praise for this Fenghuo Lin Xuying: "Good!" All the great powers of the heavens couldn't help shrinking their eyes.

This is not a phantom, but the manifestation of the rules, and the military power swayed the prehistoric rules.Going a step further, it is the Zhoutian and Star World of the Yaozu, and the Pangu incarnation of the Wuzu.

The army formation of the human race was only created at the beginning, and they went straight to the second clan. With such a regular army, it is completely possible to fight against the quasi-sage and suppress the powerful. Now Zhao Hao will not be surprised, and the mighty powers of the heavens will not be shocked.

Human race, but ants!However, these ants have only practiced for a few years and formed an army formation to suppress Da Neng.Even strong men like Zhenzi and Minghe couldn't help but be shocked.

In the army formation of the human race, all kinds of wonderful war equipment, breaking spells, super spirits, voodoo, curses, souls... are in groups, far from being comparable to the two clans of liches, and it makes the gods tremble with fear.

Countless powers were secretly frightened, wishing they could personally take action to wipe out these ants.

fear!It's too scary!

In 11 years, the quasi-sage Almighty can be suppressed.What will happen in another 11 years? What will happen after 110 million years?What about 100 million years?

As for the great powers of the heavens, there is no one who has practiced for less than a hundred million years!

These horrible ants!

Fortunately, the Lich is about to descend, the powers of the heavens are about to besiege, and they are about to face disaster!When the time comes, it must be killed, completely erased, and purified!

They still don't know that the cultivation technology of the human race is growing explosively, and now, it has just begun!


Dong Huangtai's eyes were cold, and there was a tinge of rejoicing amidst disdain.

In 11 years, the strength of the Yaozu can't even be said to be restored, only a little healing and tidying up.But the grassroots of the human race has been strengthened hundreds of times and thousands of times, completely crushing the prehistoric monster race.In recent years, the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race has also descended on the emperor to enlighten the wild beasts.However, these countless enlightened beasts have no power to fight back, and all of them have become the wealth of the human race.

In the end, the Yaozu was desperate and stopped the emperor completely.

But what about the human race, one hundred thousand heavenly immortals, tens of thousands of earth immortals, 20 trillion clansmen, and the army suppresses quasi-sages!


Fortunately, the Yaozu didn't delay, and the decisive battle will come soon, otherwise, it may not be impossible to really turn these ants and human races upside down!

The prehistoric sky is the sky of the monster race!As for the ant-human race, use your humble lives to add fire to the catastrophe, and contribute a little bit of strength to Di Jun to break through the chaos!

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi sneered, but did not make a move. Instead, he drove the terrifying army to patrol the sky.He wants to let the prestige of the monster race penetrate into the hearts of the human race, gradually forcing the human race to panic and collapse, and let the prehistoric aura reach its peak.

Only when the catastrophe is monstrous, can there be a hero against the world!

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