A man who looked like a family servant immediately rushed over when he saw a successful move, looked at Zhang Heng on the ground, and swung another punch.

The moment Zhang Heng fell to the ground, he immediately reacted, turned over and stood up from the ground. When he saw the oncoming person, he punched him backhand without saying a word.


A servant was hit by Zhang Heng and flew behind him.

Seeing the few people coming, Zhang Heng waved his hand, and there was a ball of blue light in his hand, looking at these people is still worthwhile.

What Zhang Heng cultivates is body art, not Taoism, kung fu, and swordsmanship, which are fundamentally different from these. Most immortal cultivators rely on magic weapons, kung fu to hurt people, and long-distance attacks. What he cultivates is similar to that of Zhao Hao. Somewhat similar.

The so-called body technique is to maximize the improvement of each part of the body. Usually, you will carry heavy things on your body, practice your body, and increase the hardness of your body to the highest level. Once you remove the heavy objects from your body , His potential will be developed to the maximum, and his body's speed and strength will be most powerfully improved.

Practitioners of physical arts do not rely on skills and magic weapons to fight. They fight in a simple and rough way. They use hand-to-hand combat to fight head-to-head with the enemy's body. They are stronger than Zhao Hao. Zhao Hao's body is strong enough, but his speed is too slow to attack. On the other side, they are different. Once the body technique is performed, the potential in the body will be fully exploded, and the wounding is the most direct.

Zhang Heng's figure disappeared in a flash, and he waved the light and shadow on his fist, aiming at the coming people.

Bang, bang, several people were hit to the ground by Zhang Heng, and Zhang Heng was about to make another move when he was hit by streaks of light and fell heavily to the ground.


The moment Zhang Heng fell to the ground, he spurted out a mouthful of blood. At this moment, he no longer had the strength to stand up. It took his last bit of strength to knock down those people just now, and he could no longer condense the vitality in his body. can't do it.

Zhang Heng smiled wryly, and said silently in his heart, "Sister, brother, I'm sorry, brother can't bring the fairy grass to your body, I'm sorry."

For the first time Zhang Heng felt that he was so useless that he couldn't even protect his younger sister, so he said to Wang Fugui, "Wang Fugui, as long as you dare to take the fairy grass from me, I will never let you go in this life." You, I will destroy your whole family and let your whole family be buried with my sister!"

Wang Fugui sneered, threw away the banana peel in his hand, stood up and said to Zhang Heng: "You fucking thought I would let you go today? I'm going to order your fairy grass today, and I want to seek revenge from me. In the next life!"

"Okay, very good, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Wang Fugui sneered, stretched out his hand, and said, "Take out the fairy grass on his body and destroy him!"

The dozen or so servants began to form a circle and walked slowly towards Zhang Heng.

These dozens of servants surrounded Zhang Heng and were about to make a move when suddenly a huge flame fell from the sky. The impact of the flame shook them all aside, and a young man with flames in his hands appeared in front of him. here.

The young man was wearing a blue shirt, with delicate features and a smile on his face. His hands were burning with flames, and he smiled at the person in front of him, "It's no skill for so many people to bully a seriously injured person!"

Wang Fugui looked at the young man who appeared suddenly, and cursed: "Who the hell are you, you dare to meddle in my business, don't you want to live!"

The young man smiled slightly and said, "I was just passing by, and I didn't want to take care of you when I saw you bullying a seriously injured person, but because of what you said just now, I will take care of it."

Zhang Heng saw the boy who appeared suddenly, but he could only see his back. He didn't know who the boy who appeared suddenly was, whether it was an enemy or a friend.

At this time, a young man came slowly from the original place. The man was wearing a blue robe, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. He had a handsome appearance and an amiable face. He was holding an ink and white paper fan, walking slowly towards here. Come, came to a tree and stopped, smiling and looking ahead.

The two people who appeared suddenly were Zhao Hao and Wang Lu. They left the peach blossom forest and walked straight forward. After walking for a while, they felt the aura of Yuan Force fluctuations. Someone was fighting, so they stopped and watched for a while.

When they saw Zhang Heng performing a physical technique just now, Zhao Hao felt that the young man's technique was very similar to his. They also couldn't understand so many people bullying a seriously injured person. If Zhang Heng was not seriously injured, These people in front of him were not his opponents at all. Since they met them, they would draw their swords to help them once, so Zhao Hao was the first to charge up, while Wang Lu looked like he was watching the fun, he must be a master, how could it be? Easy shot.

Wang Fugui pointed at Zhao Hao and said, "Give it to me, kill him, how dare you meddle in my business!"

Without saying a word, more than a dozen masters rushed towards Zhao Hao.

Now the energy in Zhao Hao's body has been hidden, so these people can't feel his cultivation at that level, and this group of them rushed towards Zhao Hao. If he exploded his strength from the beginning, he would still How to have fun with these people.

Zhao Hao jumped up, jumped into the crowd, raised his flaming fist, and slammed it on the ground. The ground was immediately burned by a ball of flames, and the powerful shock rushed to the surroundings.

At this time, several lights and shadows rushed towards Zhao Hao. With a wave of his palm, the flames intertwined with those lights and shadows, and disappeared. These lights and shadows were intentionally sneaked by someone from behind. When he saw Zhang Heng fighting with them just now, He fell into the way of these people, since he knew this, he would not let them succeed.

Now Zhao Hao is getting more and more proficient in using this move of 'Raging Flame Palm'. When he uses it, he realizes that this 'Raging Flame Palm' is not just a single move. He can strengthen it according to the cultivator's cultivation base. When his cultivation becomes stronger, he can develop more advanced moves.

Zhao Hao ran a few steps in front of his body, and punched the person closest to him. The person was hit by the strong wind of the fist, and he backed away, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

Wherever Zhao Hao went, these people were all beaten out, and no one was his opponent by waving the burning flames. After just a few blows, these dozens of servants fell to the ground.

Zhao Hao lightly blew into his fist, and the flame disappeared, and he swaggered up to Wang Fugui and smiled at him.

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