Shenghuo, who had just eaten dry food, left the ruined temple, and soon disappeared in the sea-like storm.

Feeling the wind and rain outside hitting his face, Tie Wuqing who left the ruined temple thought to himself while he was on his way;

"Don't blame me, blame this unfair world."

Just when Tie Wuqing led his people away, three people were hiding under a boulder waiting quietly one mile away from the ruined temple.


A flash of lightning flashed across, instantly illuminating the faces of these three people. They were Nine-Tailed Fox, Ying Wang and Tang Ao.

"It's almost time! Then Lin Mo will really leave with Tie Wuqing?"

After slightly estimating the time, Tang Ao asked suddenly, although he had a lot of thoughts of revenge in his heart, whenever he thought of the cloud giant that day, his heart was full of fear.

Hearing Tang Ao's question, the veiled Nine-tailed Fox said in a low voice with disdain:

"Anyway, Boss Jin said that Lin Mo would leave, but who knows? If you're scared, you don't have to go. Of course, you don't even want to share the gold."

After finishing speaking, Jiuweihu looked Tang Ao from top to bottom, and continued:

"I really don't understand. A golden-clothed headhunter in the mid-innate stage scares you like this. Your cultivation level is a small realm higher than his!"

Tang Ao didn't answer when he heard what the Nine-Tailed Fox said. People who haven't experienced Lin Mo's horror will not understand.

"It's almost there, let's go!"

After waiting for a while, Nine-Tailed Fox came out from under the boulder, turned around and said to Tang Ao and King Ying.

"Wait a moment!"

Just when the three of them were about to act, Tang Ao shouted again.

Then, he took out a human skin mask from his pocket and put it on his face. After putting it on, Tang Ao's middle-aged face instantly turned into an old man with gray temples.

Touching the mask on his face, Tang Ao coughed softly, tested his voice, bent down again, hooked his back, and looked like an old man.

Seeing this, the Eagle King and the Nine-Tailed Fox both sneered, and walked out first after a word of urging, heading towards the ruined temple where Lin Mo and others were.

At this time, the blue-clothed headhunters who went out to investigate in the ruined temple before all came back, and they were eating by the fire. For a while, in addition to the sizzling sound of burning flames and ashes in the ruined temple, there was the sound of wind blowing.

"Great! It's a good thing there is a ruined temple here! Otherwise, today would be finished! It's all you, and you have to hurry at such a late hour!"

"Is it my fault? I didn't know it was going to rain today!"

"Oh, stop arguing, you two!"

There was a rare silence in the ruined temple for a while, when suddenly there was a sound of men and women complaining to each other outside the door.

Lin Mo and Tie Feihua looked at each other after hearing the voice, and they didn't get up. Instead, Zhu San and the blue-clothed captors quickly stood up and gathered together to guard 143, blocking Lin Mo and Tie Feihua directly. behind.

"I said it's all right, just build a fire and roast in a while!"

"Huh? Why are there so many horses here?"

Another voice came, and then four people, two men and two women, walked in from the gate of the ruined temple. The two men among them were the young master and the old bus that they had met in Baima City before.

And the two women were wearing fiery red and water blue clothes respectively. Through the gap in front of them, Lin Mo knew that the two women should be the Sister Hua, Fire Dragon Girl and Water Dragon Girl .

When the four of them walked in, they saw Zhu San and the others staring at them, but they didn't seem to see Lin Mo and Tie Feihua.

"Why are you here?"

Seeing the young master and the old bus, Zhu San also had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and asked directly in a cold voice.

"It's you! Why can't we be here if you are here?"

The young master who walked in sneered as soon as he saw Zhu San.

The old bus on the side also looked around and said:

"Why are you bastards left!"

"What did you say?"

Zhu San's face sank when he heard the words, and he immediately pressed his right hand on the handle of the knife.

Chapter 240 The forces behind the "God of Wealth Inn"

"You're still pretending to be stupid, let me tell you, it's because of you that the Yamen's arresters accused us of being suspects after you left, and even beheaded us, if it wasn't for our luck...forget it, Stop talking, let's go heads-up!"

Seeing that Zhu San was going to make a move, the old man glanced at Zhu San with disdain, and walked to the door while talking, but when he looked back, he saw Lin Mo behind him and the others through the gap between Zhu San and the others. Tie Feihua two people.

"Huh? Are you here too?"

"Who is it!"

Seeing the old bus's sudden surprised expression, the young master also took a few steps forward and looked over.

"We met again, but I heard you said that you want to fight one-on-one?"

Seeing this, Lin Mo also smiled and stood up with Tie Feihua, while Zhu San and the others moved aside one after another.

Tie Feihua went directly to the old bus.

"Hey, hey, no! I didn't mean you! Then what, you have to call him! I can't!"

Seeing Tie Feihua approaching, the old bus quickly waved and pointed to the young master beside him.

But the young master didn't care when he heard the words, and looked at Tie Feihua with a trace of war in his eyes.

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