Ba Tianshi led [-] soldiers to burn food, and then opened the north gate to lead the national division army into the city.

Surrounded by his confidants, Duan Yanqing broke through to the south city.

In the direction of Nancheng, the national division army's strength is weak, if Duan Yanqing and others kill them, the more than one thousand national division army will collapse at the first touch.

Zhao Qiu personally led [-] tooth soldiers and attacked the inner city.

Only a quarter of an hour later, Zhao Qiu was able to capture Duan Yanqing.

However, this matter was deliberately done by Zhao Qiu.

Originally, Zhao Qiu's slogan was on the side of the Qing emperor. If Duan Yanqing, the emperor in name, was still alive, he would still have to make Duan Yanqing a high offering.

Even if Duan Yanqing is ostracized, with his character, he must be making trouble in the dark.Rather than that, it would be better to let him go.

Now, Zhao Qiu let Duan Yanqing go on purpose, Duan Yanqing's situation is gone, it's hard to disturb the situation.

After a period of time, it would be more appropriate for a minister or tribal leader to take action, and he would not have to bear the notoriety of "regicide".

In fact, whether to kill or not to kill, to kill or not to kill, has long been irrelevant.

Zhu Wen and others in the history of Middle-earth did not do this kind of thing very well.Those who conspire to win the country will not be convinced by the people of the world, and it will not last long.

If you want to win a country, you must use a conspiracy.

After the national division army broke through the city of Yangjubaa, Zhao Qiu assumed the post of prime minister. After that, he took drastic measures to suppress the dissatisfied with thunder.

Later, Zhao Qiu made an order to reduce and exempt taxes and rest with the people.

In this way, the people are both afraid of its prestige and cherish its virtue.

The whole territory of Dali gradually fell into the hands of Zhao Qiu.

As for Duan Yanqing, after escaping from the city of Yangjubaa, he went to Tengchong Mansion to gather remnants of soldiers and forces loyal to the royal family.

It's just that the heaven and the earth all work together, and the hero is not free when transported.

No matter how Duan Yanqing struggles, but the balance of fate has already poured, any effort is futile, and what it brings is only failure and frustration.

Three years later, the National Division Army broke through Tengchong Mansion, and Duan Yanqing and his remnants fled to Bagan.

The king of Bagan thought that the rare goods could be lived in, so he detained Duan Yanqing and others.

Zhao Qiu took this as an excuse and led the army to attack Bagan.

In the past three years, Zhao Qiu established the Academy of Thousand Sciences, gathered all the master craftsmen of Dali Kingdom, hired the master craftsmen of Song Dynasty with a lot of money, and took out the blueprints he drew...

However, limited by the limited science and technology of the present world, it is impossible to produce better gunpowder.Those rough powders often agglomerate and become a hard mass. The nitrate itself is impure, and it is difficult to extract the common salt contained in it. Once it is exposed to the air to absorb moisture, it is not suitable for use.

Therefore, although flintlock guns can be manufactured, it is a luxury to equip them in large quantities.However, muskets and firecrackers have formed an assembly line, and a large number of them have been produced.

In addition, a large number of homemade grenades have also been produced.

With these world-leading weapons, coupled with the bravery of the National Division Army, Bagan has lost consecutive battles.

Every time Zhao Qiu occupied a land, he immediately forcibly recruited peasants from the local area to cut down trees, build bridges and pave roads.

Although Bagan borders Dali, it is difficult to walk between mountains and forests.If the Dali Kingdom wants to annex Bagan, it is necessary to speed up the construction of roads to completely connect the two places.

In ancient times, when building bridges and paving roads, there were heavy casualties, but Zhao Qiu mostly used captives, and then recruited civilian husbands, regardless of casualties.

Three years later, Zhao Qiu finally captured the entire territory of Bagan, and several wide roads connected the two places.

Before the country was broken, Duan Yanqing finally committed suicide.

Afterwards, cultural assimilation is used again...

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