The morale of the Western Xia cavalry, which was finally recovered, fell rapidly as Murong Bo led the attack.

Not long after, the psychological defense of the Xixia cavalry finally collapsed and they began to flee in all directions.

Zhao Qiu shouted in a deep voice: "Chu Wanli! You lead [-] troops to chase and defeat them! Murong Bo, go to the east with Gu!"


Murong Bo and Chu Wanli immediately bowed to their lives.

Immediately, Zhao Qiu led Murong Bo and a group of soldiers and rushed to the east of Xingqing Mansion.


On the east side of Xingqing Mansion, the soldiers under the jurisdiction of Zhongshi Dao first attacked the Liao cavalry with more than a hundred heavy artillery pieces.

In front of the infantry who cultivated the way of division, there were countless stones and logs to block the advance of the cavalry.

Earlier, Zhao Qiu expected that the Liao Kingdom would send cavalry to rescue him, and calculated the route of the Liao soldiers based on the reports from the scouts, so he was well prepared.

The [-] infantry who cultivated the teacher's way had already ambushed, armed with firearms, and hidden behind logs and stones.


When the cavalry of the Liao Kingdom came within range, they fired in bursts or volleys as they were ordered, sparks lit up and smoke burst out.

Originally, after being bombarded by heavy artillery, some of the Liao cavalry's horses had scattered and fled in all directions, and the formation was a bit disorganized at this time.

The infantry of this kind of teacher's way has a firearm with a range of tens of feet. In front of the infantry, there are logs and stones as barriers, and the layers are deep, forming eighteen lines of defense.

Tens of thousands of cavalry were shot by the first round of firearms, and many fell.

However, the shooting range was only tens of feet away, and after a while, the rolling cavalry, like waves, crossed the first line of defense.

The cavalry who crossed the first line of defense raised their sabers and slammed at the Dali soldiers.

However, the soldiers of Dali Kingdom on the second line of defense started firing in series and volleys again. Many soldiers of Liao Kingdom fell under the muskets, and many horses were injured and frightened, and fled in all directions.

The cavalry of the Liao Kingdom went all out, and leaped across the second line of defense.

However, on this road, there are many horse nails and many earth mines.

Even so, the cavalry of the Liao Kingdom also crossed the fourth line of defense, but after crossing the fourth line of defense, the speed of the fast-moving cavalry group finally slowed down.

By the time of the sixth line of defense, the speed was already extremely slow.

Among the sixth line of defense, Zhongshi Road had the most soldiers, and the three rows of soldiers stood or half-kneeled in an orderly manner, holding firearms and firing in turn.

The cavalry of the Liao Kingdom suddenly turned on their backs.

The heavy artillery behind the eighteen lines of defense continued to roar and continue to bombard the Liao cavalry.

This heavy artillery has a relatively long range, and the world-renowned general of Zhongshi Dao Department naturally put these large firearms behind his own soldiers.

The Liao Kingdom has ruled the Northland for many years, and the originally sturdy cavalry has gradually become Sinicized, and has long lost the arrogance of the past.Under the double bombardment of heavy artillery and firearms, fear gradually arose in his heart.

What's more, when the cavalry of the Liao Kingdom used to face the infantry of the Song Dynasty, they often relied on the cavalry to charge. As long as they forcibly survived the Song Dynasty's bed crossbow and other sharp weapons, victory was in sight.However, it was the first time that he faced such a large-scale army equipped with heavy artillery and firearms, and his heart was even more frightened.

The leader of the army this time is the King of the Northern Court of the Liao Kingdom.

At this moment, surrounded by hundreds of elite cavalry, King Beiyuan was standing behind, but seeing him frown slightly, he shouted: "This Dali Kingdom actually has such a firearm. It is invincible! If things go on like this, I'm afraid it will be impossible to fight!" defeat!"

On the side, a black-faced general said: "My lord, the emperor's will is..."

This black-faced general is the confidant of the King of the Northern Court. Before sending troops, the Emperor Yelu Hongji of the Daliao Dynasty confessed that the siege of Xixia must be relieved, otherwise, the Liao Kingdom will also fall into endless war after the fall of Xixia among.

At this moment, the King of the North Courtyard and others saw not far away, raised dust all over the sky, and slowly approached in the direction where they were.

"Is this a soldier from Dali? Or a soldier from Xixia?" A general couldn't help asking.

All the soldiers of the Liao Kingdom were startled, if the troops from Xixia came at this time, they only needed to attack from the side, and the tens of thousands of musketeers in Dali Kingdom would surely collapse.

If the soldiers and horses from Dali Kingdom came, then their own side would be doomed.

An older general said: "Xingqing Mansion has been besieged for a long time, if Xixia could win, it would have already won! I'm afraid..."

After hearing this, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Not long after, the cavalry of Dali came galloping...

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"


In the fifth year of Baotian, the Dali soldiers defeated the Xixia cavalry outside the city of Xingqing, and then set up an ambush to destroy the soldiers and horses of the Liao Kingdom who came to help.

After the Xixia Emperor left the city, he was captured by Chu Wanli. Zhao Qiu issued the Zhennan King's Order, and granted the Xixia Emperor the Duke of Anning, and the Xixia Kingdom was destroyed.

In the seventh year of Baotian, Dali completely pacified the Song Dynasty.

Subsequently, Zhao Qiu assembled an army of 50, crossed the Huai River, and fought against Liao.

After these two years, the Dali Kingdom has become stronger and stronger.

Three years later, Zhao Qiu personally led 30 troops, and surrounded Youzhou city inside and out.

The [-] soldiers of the Liao Kingdom guarded the city to the death.

Zhao Qiu ordered people to bring out hundreds of heavy artillery and bombarded them for several days. The left city wall collapsed, and Dali soldiers took the opportunity to swarm in.

In the inner city, Emperor Yelu Hongji's eyes were red, he took the sword, and killed all his concubines and children. After a long and crazy laugh, he drew his sword and killed himself.


In the 12th year of Baotian, Tubo sent envoys to China to beg for peace.

Among the dozen or so envoys who came to the Middle Earth, there was actually a foreign monk, who was the famous Dalun Ming King Tubo Guoshi Jiumozhi of Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain.

Even in this world, because of Zhao Qiu's appearance, Murong Bo had defected to Dali in his early years, but he was still familiar with Jiumozhi.

This Jiumozhi is a martial idiot, his original martial arts is extremely high, he is conceited and arrogant, but he is also good at speaking, extremely intelligent, and has the ability of photographic memory.

However, even with Jiumozhi's martial arts, Zhao Qiu doesn't think much of him. In this Tianlong world, if there is anyone whose martial arts can make his heart move, it is only the one from the Shaolin sect.

As for Tubo's begging for peace, Zhao Qiu naturally refused.

Even if Tubo was willing to become a minister, Zhao Qiu still refused.

Although that piece of land is on the plateau, it is also part of the later generations of Middle-earth, so it is better to control it in the hands of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Perhaps, it is inevitable to spend manpower and material resources in the process of fighting, but with the rapid development of firearms, it is not difficult to conquer a territory.

Zhao Qiu stood in the imperial city, looked at the high red wall, and thought: "After Tibet is conquered, there will be no strong enemies in these four weeks."

"I don't worry about the rest of the matter! As long as the general direction is good, this Dali Kingdom will definitely not be inferior to the Han and Tang Dynasties! But I have already spent too much time fighting for hegemony in this world! Then No.12 Layer Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill, I haven't touched the door yet!"

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