After entering the corridor, and walking more than ten feet, we came to a stone gate.

On the stone gate, engraved with three Dou Da Gu Di: "Xia Ke Xing".

Zhao Qiuxin said: "Is it finally here?"

An indescribable feeling spread in his heart.

Perhaps, here, he should have come long ago.

At this moment, a disciple in yellow shirt came forward, pushed open the stone gate, and said to the crowd: "There are 24 stone chambers in the cave. You can take a look at them at will. If you are tired of watching, you can go outside the cave to relax. Once you have a meal, There are provisions in each stone chamber, so you can use it at will, you are welcome!"

Ding Busi sneered and said, "I wonder if I can leave the island at will?"

Island Master Long smiled slightly, and said: "Why did Mr. Ding say that? If you want to leave, there are all kinds of boats and boats on the beach, so you can do whatever you want!"

All the heroes were shocked.

Several of them asked together: "Dare to ask the island owner, can we leave now?"

Master Long Dao said: "Of course, Brother Mu and I have been guilty of not treating guests well, so how can we forcefully keep distinguished guests?"

All the guests felt relieved and thought: "Since that's the case, after reading the illustration of the ancient poem, they will leave immediately. He said that he will not force guests to stay, and in his capacity, what he said cannot be ignored. "

So, everyone stepped into the stone room one after another.

In the room, on the east side is a large polished stone wall. On one side of the stone wall, eight large torches are lit, shining brightly.

On the wall, there are pictures and words engraved.

In the stone room, there were more than ten people, some were contemplating, some were meditating, some were muttering to themselves with their eyes closed, and three or four people were arguing loudly.

Bai Zizai suddenly saw a person, looked at him for a moment, and said in shock, "Brother Wen, you... are you here?"

This black-clothed old man is gentle and benevolent, he was originally the master of Eight Immortals Sword, and his friendship with Bai Zizai is really not superficial.

However, when he saw Bai Zizai coming, he was not very surprised, he just smiled and said, "Why did you come here today?"

This person came to Knight Island ten years ago and has been studying illustrations in the stone room.

Zhao Qiu cast aside distracting thoughts and looked towards the stone wall.

I saw a young scholar painted on the wall, with a fan in his left hand and a flying palm in his right, with an elegant and unrestrained demeanor.

"Zhao Keman and Hu Ying..."

In the past, King Zhao Wen was fond of swords, and there were more than [-] swordsmen visiting him at the door.

Zhao Qiu's eyes seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he couldn't leave the diagram anymore.

I don't know how long he looked at it, but the lines appeared in his eyes.

It seemed that the young scholar had already escaped from the rock wall, holding a fan in his left hand, and slapped him with a flying palm in his right hand.

One after another phantoms, countless changes, floated in his mind.

The tricks that were used were sometimes complicated and sometimes simple.

It turned out that the first picture contained countless martial arts.

Others tried their best, but they could only see one and a half moves.

He has extensive knowledge of martial arts, not only familiar with the Five Absolutes of the past, but also proficient in the 72 unique skills of Shaolin.

Standing on the shoulders of countless martial arts giants, overlooking the world.

Even though it is difficult for others to disassemble the martial arts on this stone wall, it is not too difficult for him.

Next, he circulated the Zuo Wang Xin Sutra again, and sat down slowly among the noisy crowd.

Forget everything in the world of mortals, but keep your original heart!

But seeing his eyes were dull and lifeless, like a newborn baby.

Even if he has the Zuo Wang Xin Sutra, he is not sure whether he can detect the internal strength in this figure.

In his dull eyes, he suddenly felt that the right sleeve of the person in the picture was waving, elegant and unrestrained, and after looking at it for a while.

Suddenly, the Yuanye acupoint on his right rib moved slightly, and then, a hot line went along the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang to Sunyue and Jingmen acupoints.

His mind was muddled, neither sad nor happy, and when he looked at the figure carefully, he saw that the folds of clothing, face, and fan of the person in the figure were composed of lines, each of which had the meaning of a connection, and now he followed the aura all the way down, and sure enough the inside of him The inner breath also runs according to the circuit.

"So that's how it is. The brushwork of this picture is consistent with the meridians in the body. I think this is the most superficial truth. Everyone here knows it, but everyone has distracting thoughts, but they can't see through it!"

Immediately, he found the source of the brushwork in the picture, and practiced accordingly.

The strokes of this figure are quite different from those of calligraphy and painting in the world, and the strokes are quite abnormal.

Originally, each stroke should be from top to bottom and from left to right. Although the ticking is from bottom to top and the curving is from right to left, they are all oblique strokes rather than straight strokes.

In this figure, there are many straight strokes from bottom to top and from right to left, which are often diametrically opposed to the meaning of painting brushes, and are extremely clumsy.

At this moment, Zhao Qiu searched with his heart, forgetting the original brushwork in the calligraphy and painting, and searching along the carved lines.

In this way, after a day and a night, he finally practiced the 81 internal skills in the first picture one by one.

A majestic infuriating energy is generated from each acupoint, and then combined with the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu.

Finally, Zhao Qiu got up slowly.

"I understand, this Taixuan Sutra is after cultivating extremely strong internal strength, and then penetrating it one by one. All the true energy and internal energy will be transformed into one Qi of heaven and earth! That's how it is!"

Next, Zhao Qiu stepped into the second stone room.

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