The heavens begin from practicing swords in the palace

Chapter 426: Two Buddhist and Taoist Cultivators

After Zhao Qiu left, he quickly returned to Longshou Peak.

The Dafan Prajna he wanted has already been obtained.

"Hehe! Although I have obtained the Great Brahman Wisdom, I have to repay the hatred of the original owner I am possessed by! In the established world trend, although Zhang Xiaofan finally forgave Puzhi, he cannot represent the original owner, the original owner. The whole family and neighbors died in the hands of Puzhi in the end.

How can you just let go of such a bloody feud? " Zhao Qiu sneered in his heart.

In the future, it is unavoidable to go to Tianyin Temple and ask the remaining three great monks for explanations.



Next, Zhao Qiu practiced hard day and night.

That Taiji Xuanqing Dao has been pondering for a long time, and he has also practiced for a while.

But even for him, it would take a long, long time to penetrate the rules of a world.

Therefore, he wants to use Dafan Prajna, after all, Dafan Prajna comes from the heavenly scriptures.

That day the book was the number one strange book in the world, even on top of the unnamed ancient scroll.

He can learn the rules of this world with the help of Dafan Prajna, which is the fastest technique he can think of now.

Perhaps, he can now practice Tai Chi, Xuan Qing Dao and Da Fan Prajna bravely and diligently, but this can only be because he knows what it is and doesn't know why.

For people in his realm, it doesn't make much sense.

He has reincarnated in many worlds, and has gained the experience, memory and exercises of other reincarnated people. He does not lack the skills to kill people.What he lacks now is to know the rules of each world and find similarities and differences from them.

This is what he will do in his future practice. Fighting and killing is not the purpose at all, and it is just a means to do it occasionally.


The cultivation method contained in this Dafan Prajna is completely opposite to the miraculous method of Taiji Xuanqing Dao.

According to the Great Brahma Prajna, when cultivating the true Qi, you must cut off all connections between yourself and the outside world, and realize the self-nature. That is why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, no color, sound, smell, taste, touch, no vision, no unconscious. There is no end to old age and death, no end to old age and death, no accumulation of suffering and extinction of the Tao, no wisdom and no gain.

Zhao Qiu is clearly aware of this reason.

He has reincarnated in so many worlds, and he knew the meaning of Buddhist scriptures.

There are many Buddhist classics, but after reading them, I found that the source of everything lies in the heart.

The law is not to be sought outside, but to be sought from the heart.

What the Buddhist scriptures say is all truth, but it is not truth.

The ultimate truth lies in your own heart.

But Taiji Xuanqing Tao is the supreme magic method of Taoism. Its main idea lies in the word "Tao", so-called: Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and the middle qi is harmonious.Taoist thought, even the triple realm of Taiji Xuanqing Tao, is also named after Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun in Taoist mythology, Yuqing, Shangqing, Taiqing, which is commonly known as the "Three Qings".Taoist cultivation emphasizes sharing the breath of heaven and earth, being one with nature, using the body to resist nature's good fortune, and transform it into great power.

On the other hand, the main purpose of Buddhism is that "things should be born without a place, and all dharmas should not be separated from the self-nature."It is also said: when the self-nature is originally pure, when it is self-nature, there is no birth and death; when it is self-nature, it is self-sufficient; when it is self-nature, it is unshakable; when it is self-nature, it can give birth to all dharmas.Buddhist practice of truth, focusing on self-awareness, seeing the five aggregates, "can give birth to eighty-four thousand wisdom with general similitude", this is the reason.

The thoughts of Buddhism and Taoism are completely different, and the practice of Dharma is naturally in the opposite direction, but they have kept their secrets for thousands of years and have not been known to others.

What is Dao, even Lao Tzu does not know, only know that things are mixed, born innately.Lonely and lonely, independent without changing, traveling around without dying, can be the mother of heaven and earth.I don't know its name, but its word is Dao, and it is strong, its name is Da.Big is death, death is far, and far is reverse.Therefore, the Dao is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and people are also big.There are four major domains, and people live in one of them.Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.

Lao Tzu doesn't know what "Tao" is, he only knows that it is a rule, and he named it "Tao".

Therefore, few people know what the "Tao" is, or they still know what it is but don't know why it is, that's all.

After reading Dafan Prajna nine times, Zhao Qiu verified its essence with Taiji Xuanqing Dao, and gradually discovered the differences and similarities.

There are three thousand roads, but in the end they all come to the same goal.

What Dafan Prajna and Tai Chi have in common is the fundamental rule of this world.

The difference is that the branches and leaves of the trees are different.

Finally, he suddenly realized.

He immediately sat on the futon on the ground and began to practice Dafan Prajna.

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