Spring Forest Evening

Chapter 1 Miss Biao

First, he stood behind a small door not far from the entrance of the corridor for a while, and when the voices of the people disappeared, Zhou Heng carefully looked outside. The cement road was replaced by a bluestone road.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Heng's heart moved: If he followed the original road back to the bamboo forest, could he go back to the rockery yard, then walk back to the crabapple garden where the aunts took pictures, and then return to the entrance of the scenic spot smoothly? ?

Dreaming or not now, this possibility is worth a try!

After making up his mind, seeing no one passing by on the road, Zhou Heng quickly ran out with his skirt in hand, and within a few steps, he saw a bamboo forest in front of him as he wished.

There was a burst of ecstasy in my heart. Although I don't have my mobile phone now, I just took a photo, and the situation in the bamboo forest is relatively clear. I just need to walk through the bamboo forest to find the rockery yard on the other side!

So Zhou Heng, who was full of great expectations, buried his head and carried his skirt and continued to run up a cobblestone road in the middle of the bamboo forest. The white jade bracelet on the wrist in the middle was probably a crack, and finally couldn't bear the bumps of running, and it broke in two and fell on it. On the ground, there was a crisp light sound.

"Oh!" Zhou Heng was a girl after all, so he couldn't help but stop and look at it. It's a pity, even a layman like her can tell that the quality of this bracelet is quite good.

"Who is it?" At the same time, a male voice came from the bamboo forest.

Oops, I was discovered, what should I do?

Zhou Heng quickly calculated in his heart, as long as he ran to the end of this bamboo forest road and crossed another road, the entrance of the rockery garden was not far from the opposite side of the road. If he could return to that garden, maybe...everything would go back again. Is it normal?

No matter, you have to give it a try, the current situation is too weird!

Then go!

Zhou Heng pursed his lips, held up his skirt and started running without saying a word, come on, just run out of this bamboo forest!

It's a pity that before I ran two steps, a young man in a costume like that in a costume drama appeared in front of him, holding a sword in his hand, and stopped him: "Stop!"

But when he saw himself, he was stunned for a while, and then he bowed his hands together as if saluting, and said in his mouth: "It turned out to be Miss Cousin, I offended you!" Then he bowed his head and retreated to the side of the road, The attitude looked very respectful.

Cousin?What kind of cousin am I?But no matter what, the other party seems to give way to him, so let's run out of this bamboo forest as originally planned.

Zhou Heng pretended to be "hmm", and then walked forward quickly.

Since someone showed up, you still have to be cautious, if you run with your skirt in your hands, it might arouse the other party's suspicion.

It's a pity that before he took two steps, he heard the people behind him ask suspiciously: "But Miss Cousin, why did you come here? Where's Nanny Huang? And what about Chen Lu and Mu Yan? Why aren't you with me?"

Who is Grandma Huang?Who are Chen Lu and Mu Yan?

No matter, it's important to run away!Zhou Heng hurriedly replied without looking back: "Oh, they are all waiting for me!" He quickened his pace while talking.

Speaking of which, my own voice has also changed, alas, let’s not think about this for now, let’s get out of this bamboo forest and talk about it.

Fortunately, the people behind didn't ask any more questions, and didn't catch up, so Zhou Heng quickly walked out of the bamboo forest. Sure enough, it was the same road as before, but it also changed from a cement road to a bluestone road. , and not far away is the pavilion on the rockery.

Excited, Zhou Heng didn't notice that the bamboo forest and the rockery were all separated by walls, but now they seem to be in the same big garden.

So Zhou Heng, who walked to the bottom of the rockery, was surprised again to find that the stone tables and benches he saw before were gone, and the plantains in the corner of the courtyard wall were gone. There are many wooden stakes, I don't know if they are trees that have been cut down.

Zhou Heng only felt that his thoughts were in chaos, but when he looked up at the pavilion, he felt that there was still a glimmer of hope: "Go up and have a look!" Trying to restrain his disappointment and panic, he walked down the rockery.

This time, the stone steps on the rockery have obviously been trimmed, smooth and level, but unfortunately, when Zhou Heng stumbled and walked up to the pavilion with his skirt in the way, it was as if he had been hit with a sap—

The crabapple trees not far away are still there, and the scale seems to be larger than before, but the tall buildings in the city farther away, none of them can be seen, and all of them have disappeared!

Even after I stood on the railing in the pavilion, I still didn't see it!

But now it is clearly a good weather with blue sky and white clouds, the air condition is quite good, there is no reason why we can’t see those tall buildings...

Zhou Heng stood holding the pillar tightly with his hands, his heart beating like a drum, his mouth was dry, and he began to tremble uncontrollably: "Where the hell am I? Or am I unable to wake up from a dream? Could it be, could it be that I am..."

"Aheng!" A clear voice came from below.

Ah Heng?Are you calling me?Zhou Heng lowered his head to look down the rockery, and saw a young man in ancient costume standing with his hands behind his back at some point. He was dressed in a style similar to his own. It was also a black robe with a waist underneath, and a coat of the same color on the outside. , her hair was tied up with a hairpin that looked like white jade, she looked quite tall, and looked up at herself expressionlessly.

He looks quite good-looking, with thick black eyebrows and clear eyes, but unfortunately his thin lips are drawn into a line, and his well-defined face is also tense now, and he seems very unhappy to look at.

Zhou Heng quickly went through the situation in front of him in his mind: This person should be the leader, and the well-dressed man behind him who stopped him in the bamboo forest just now is now talking in his ear with a respectful face.

Thinking of the well-dressed man calling himself "Miss Cousin" just now, and this place is said to be the palace of the prince, so, could it be... the person in front of him is the prince?Or the prince's son?

Zhou Heng hesitated for a moment, not knowing if he should ask him what the situation is now, but just as he was struggling, two girls in light yellow dresses rushed over not far away and interrupted her train of thought just in time—

The two yelled at the same time: "Miss—!"

They all have shrill voices, with a weeping voice.

Could it be that these two are his maids?Could it be the morning dew and evening smoke that the well-dressed man just said?Even the maid's name is so nice?

"How did you two serve me?" The man in black said lightly at this moment. As soon as the words fell, the two servant girls fell to their knees on the ground at the same time. Fortunately, it is sandy now, so it shouldn't hurt.

I saw one of the servant girls lowering her head and saying: "Go back to the lord, just now the lady sent the slaves back to the room to get the cushions, and said that she wanted to sit in the Begonia Garden. , who knows—"

"Oh, my good girl, don't be too hard on yourself!" Not far away, a loud cry suddenly came to mind...

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