The biography of Gu Qi, a poor girl

Chapter 367 Variation in the world

In this way, the Xu family has already received ten acres of responsible land. In addition, the person in charge of registration also gave the Xu family a lot of face, and deliberately vacated the other five acres of responsible land adjacent to the two brothers of the Xu family. For two registrations.

On the third day, all the snap lines at the positioning points were landed and completed one after another. The seven registered first and the eight farm laborers were arranged by professional brothers to start excavating the first-level vertical on the side of their private plots according to the position of the snap lines. main channel.

Due to time constraints and not considering the auspicious day for starting work, we had to choose a day rather than bumping into the sun. However, the necessary ceremonies were complete. Before the start of work, there were sacrificial tables, incense, drinks, and sacrifices.

All of a sudden, the sound of firecrackers resounded through the sky one after another.The rare excitement attracted the villagers of Xiahetang Village to come out of the city to watch, and also attracted the attention of the villagers of Wangjia Village below the mountain stream.Although the two villages are separated by a mountain stream, which is like a cliff, but because the difference in the terrain of the cliff is only less than three feet high, and the water flow in the mountain stream is not too fast, the distance between the two villages is actually very close, and daily walking is also easy. .

Not long after, many villagers from Wangjia Village came over looking for the noise, and when they came, they saw that the wasteland outside Xiahetang Village was full of people, and saw many people holding various tools, which was even more strange.How could there be such a big commotion in the well-established Xiahetang Village?

Those who were acquainted with the villagers of Xiahetang Village chatted with them. After asking, it turned out that some nobles came to Xiahetang Village, took the wasteland outside Xiahetang Village, and hired farm laborers from the village.

The most important thing is that these farm laborers are in charge of three meals a day!

Hearing this, the eyes of the villagers in Wangjia Village became hot. The geographical location of Wangjia Village is not good. Their ancestors were from the same family who fled from the north during the war in the previous dynasty. The reason is that we can't choose a good place to resettle, so we can only pick some unused mountain wasteland in the local villages and redevelop it.It is not bad to be able to barely build houses and villages in such a lot, and there is no surplus of contiguous fields for the villagers to cultivate.

In fact, before the three-year drought in Yuzhou, the life of Wangjia Village was not easy. Apart from a few scattered acres of private land for food and drink, most of the villagers made a living by hunting in the mountains or fishing in the Sihe River. Yes, the life of most villagers is very difficult.Not to mention that in the past two years, the Si River has dried up, and even the bark of the trees on the mountain has been dug up, making it difficult to even make ends meet.

A few days ago, the villagers of Wangjia Village heard that the residents in Chengnei, Lushan County had distributed grain seeds, and many villagers in several nearby villages had already started digging the ground for spring planting, and they were even more worried.I want to farm, but I can’t find any grain, and I want to catch fish. The water level of the Si River has risen, but there are no river fish to catch in such a short time. As for hunting, I don’t have to think about it. On the mountain range, the turf is not good, and many dry old trees have sprouted new buds, but the game on the mountain can be transformed without water.


Sometimes it’s not the scariest thing for people to live a hard life, the scariest thing is that there is a reference for you.When you drink cold water, others will eat bran; when you eat bran, others will eat white flour;

The most uncomfortable person, you can't walk away from the reference object and don't move your position, just sticking around your house, making your eyes hot every day, but you can't reach it.

This is the situation in Wangjia Village and Xiahetang Village. Compared with other places, Xiahetang Village is naturally not rich, but life is much easier than Wangjia Village.In other words, although there was a gap in the beginning, the villagers of Wangjia Village have gotten used to it after a long time.

Results, good guy!

My family is still living a tight life, and other people's houses have started to set off firecrackers. How can it be good, and some nobles have taken a fancy to the wasteland outside Hetang Village. How can this catch up with the recruitment of workers?

Speaking of which, this wasteland does not count as Xiahetang Village. This wasteland is obviously located between Xiahetang Village and Wangjia Village. Although it is separated by a mountain stream, it is still an unowned wasteland. Why do you only go to Hetang Village to recruit workers? Woolen cloth.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

The villagers in Wangjia Village watched the blazing groundbreaking ceremony and felt sour in their hearts. After inquiring again, they heard that the recruitment was not limited to these few workers, and there would be several batches to be recruited in the future. This made their hearts even more sour.


That night, the news that a wealthy businessman was recruiting farmers in the wasteland outside Xiahetang Village spread in Wangjiacun. There are only a dozen or so families left in Wangjiacun, and every one of them is on fire.Wang Fugui, the head of Wangjia Village, tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep.

Wangjia Village was migrated to Lushan County by the same family with the same surname. The whole village is surnamed Wang, and every household is more or less related.Therefore, Wang Fugui is not only the village head of Wangjia Village, but also the current patriarch of Wangjia Village, who is in charge of the livelihood of the whole family.The life in Wangjia Village was difficult, and Wang Fugui was also anxious. He couldn't find a solution before, so he could only endure it. Now that the next village is waiting for a better life, the village head himself can't think of a solution. What face does he have to face the village? People of all ages waiting to eat and drink.

"Old man, where are you tossing pancakes?" Beside Wang Fugui, the old lady of the Wang family said impatiently: "Our family has a rule that there is no food after noon, and I have been hungry for four or five hours. I don’t have any strength, and if I don’t sleep, how can my body survive.”

"I only know how to eat, drink and sleep, but I don't understand anything." Wang Fugui was angry, and temporarily suppressed the anger: "Every woman I know!"

Mrs. Wang was already short-tempered, so she became angry when she heard this: "You have knowledge, you have knowledge, and the whole family follows you without enough food and clothing? Even the head of the clan, he only eats one bad meal a day. Vegetable leaves. The little ones in the family are all skinny and hungry."

"You're still fooling around, no matter how foolish you are, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

"You smoke, smoke me, old woman, forget it. It will save me from having to suffer from this kind of crime when I am old. It happens to save some rations for the two young ones." Mrs. Wang yelled at the beginning, but at the end Then he couldn't stop crying.

Wang Fugui's face was a little ugly, but he didn't speak any more.

The hungry little ones in the family are no longer tall, and everyone feels uncomfortable when they see it.

But whoever's life is not like this, if there is another way, even if he sacrifices his old life, he has nothing to be reluctant about.


Different from the gloom in Wangjia Village, many villagers in Xiahetang Village had uncontrollable smiles on their faces for two consecutive days. It turns out that Xu Dongfu picked seven or eight families in the village one after another in the past few days. After signing the contract, you will be assigned to the responsible field on the same day. The most important thing is that when you receive the responsible field, you can also receive a meal of dry food at the same time.

Who can be unhappy to take care of the first meal before starting work.

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