The biography of Gu Qi, a poor girl

Chapter 389 Large-scale farming 2

At present, the growth of seedlings everywhere in the farm is pretty good, and some of them are not in good condition. Because there are enough people and special field personnel are in charge, the problems can be solved quickly.

In addition, Gu Qi also selected four well-known planters from ten miles and eight villages from a group of hired farmers to serve as agricultural consultants for the farm.

In addition to taking care of their own responsible fields, these four farmers are also responsible for inspecting and helping other farm laborers to solve the planting problems of all fields in the entire Zhuangzi.

Of course, with one more job, the salary will naturally increase.

Each of these four people can receive an additional technical guidance bonus of [-] cash per month. In addition, they can also receive an extra meal for the family members of the employees every day, which can be regarded as extra care for the families of technical employees.

There is food, drink and monthly money, and the rations of the family can also be taken care of.In the current situation, such a good job is really impossible to find with a lantern.For this reason, once this part-time job was launched, it was very popular in Grange.

In this way, some of the hired farmers who are very experienced in tending the crops began to take care of their own responsibility fields more carefully than before.Farming is no different than other things, and whether you are a good player or not can be determined by a word of mouth.

For plots of the same size and soil quality, it is clear at a glance whose crops are being served well, growing gratifyingly, and will have high yields and good quality in the future.

I heard that the number of concurrently serving as agricultural consultants will increase in the future. It doesn't matter if you can't make it now. When the output of your own responsible field becomes the first, you will always be able to get it in the future.

With this longing for a better job and better treatment in the future, the farmers in the farm are full of enthusiasm for a while, and at the same time, the Luojia Village outside the farm is even more happy and worried.

In particular, some village households were originally in good condition, with a large number of people and a lot of fields, and they devoted all their energy to the cultivation of their own fields just in time for the beginning of spring.

After all, the conditions for recruiting farm laborers in the farm sounded good, but the number of places was limited, and families with a large population could not send their entire family to work as farm laborers.Don't talk about good looks, even if you don't have face, they won't accept you.

But if only one person is sent in, a large family of old and young counts down to a dozen people, and one person is full of food and drink every day, and the others still use the little rations left at home to make up for one or two meals. mean.

The advantage of a family with a large population is that the strength of unity is strong, and the disadvantage is that it is easy to distribute unevenly.

They are all their own children, and whoever benefits them will have to make trouble at home; even if the directors of the children don't make trouble on the surface, if there are too many times and they are depressed for a long time, people's hearts will disperse.

It would be better for the whole family to eat, drink and work together. Since it is already raining, as long as the whole family works hard, they can always grow food and enjoy the rewards.


Luojia Village covers a large area and has a large population. There are not a few farmers in Luojia Village who have such ideas.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this idea, but it is a pity that God's will tricks people, and accidents sometimes come earlier and more suddenly than expected.

Nowadays, many people have regretted it.

The seedlings in the field are all rotten, and the heavy rain does not know when it will stop.The rations at home are getting less and less day by day. At this time, someone can go out to find a job. Even if there is no wages, it is always a good thing to manage their own food and save an extra ration for the rest of the family.

Besides, as a hired farmer, I patiently waited on the responsible field. Although it was not entirely my own field, I could still get a part of the grain when the harvest was bumper. These grains might be taken home to save my life in the future.

After all, at present, most of the fields in the village cannot grow crops, but the fields in the village are well taken care of, and the harvest can only be seen in three to five months.


"The head of the family, or else I should ask someone to go to the farm and ask if they still have hired farmers?"

At the west end of the village, Hu Yungen's house, the old lady of the Hu family counted the rice grains hidden in the main house at home, with a sad expression on her face.

The Hu family is a well-known well-to-do family in Luojia Village. Not only is the family strong and has a lot of labor, it also has a lot of fields. The house is also one of the most wealthy in Luoshan Village.

Before the famine, the Hu family lived a prosperous and stable life, not to worry about eating and drinking. There are two sons in the family who can read and write in the county town, and the daughter married in the county town. The son-in-law has a shop in the county town. In the tofu shop business, the young couple lived comfortably.

In the past, Hu Yungen's family was a smooth family that many people in Luoshan Village envied.

The Hu family has a lot of land, nearly a hundred acres.Only a small half of them are kept for home cultivation, and most of them are leased to other farmers in the village.

During the last autumn harvest before the disaster, Hu Yungen, head of the Hu family, got some news from his son-in-law’s family in the county. He was worried that the coming year would be bad, so he dried all the autumn grain harvested last time and put it in his own granary. Willing to sell.

For this, Hu Yungen's family has been laughed at by other farmers in the village.

The Hu family’s [-] mu of land is self-grown and rented grain. In previous years, in addition to keeping food for the family and sending it to the son-in-law’s family, the rest can be exchanged for hundreds of taels of silver.

That year Hu Yungen withstood the pressure from his family, but he didn't exchange food for a penny.

For Hu Yungen's tough behavior, not only the villagers in the village laughed at him for being out of his mind, but even the old woman and several sons and daughters-in-law couldn't understand what he did.

After suffering like this for half a year, seeing the situation in Yuzhou getting worse and worse, the Hu family finally understood Hu Yungen's intentions.

But at the same time, the temptation the Hu family is facing is far greater than it was half a year ago.Because the price of grain in Yuzhou Prefecture has begun to rise sharply.

There are quite a few families in the village who are used to hoarding grain, but they couldn't resist the temptation of high-priced grain at the moment, and more or less sold a lot of their grain to the county town for money.

Although there is no rain in Yuzhong at this time, and the water level of nearby rivers has dropped a lot, no one really takes this drought seriously.

As long as half a year has passed, it will pass soon if you think about it, and it will be a year at most. No one has thought about this drought, and it has been drought for three years.

The villagers in Luoshan Village thought so, and the Hu family naturally thought so too. Even Hu Yungen himself was not as tough on selling grain as he was at the beginning.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Hu family stockpiled too much grain. When other villagers in Luoshan Village had sold their grain, Hu Yungen's family monopolized a large amount of stockpiled grain.

In this way, under the persuasion of his family members and the concern of the prying eyes of the villagers, Hu Yungen finally wavered.

A few days later, the daughter and son-in-law who lived in the county were called to transport nearly half of the grain stored at home to the city to sell for a full 500 taels of silver.

This amount of money is more than the family sold all the food in previous years.The whole Hu family was very happy because of this money, and Hu Yungen was also happy.

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