Huayu Ye Qingjie

Chapter 103 The big scene is coming!

?? Work overtime again today!

??I just finished writing and haven't had time to revise it. I'll sort out typos and wrong sentences first.Let's watch it again in an hour, sorry.


?? "How about you go back to class, and I can go by myself."

?? Zhong Yunqing looked at the empty road ahead, then slowed down and looked at Sisi who was sitting in the co-pilot.This girl specially took half a day off to accompany him to the coffee shop where he had an appointment with Boss Cai.

?? As a result, his kind sister paper is of course ungrateful.She glanced at him, then looked at the front and replied casually:

"I don't want it! What you want to talk about with her is so 'extreme', what if you disagree and quarrel! I know her anyway, and I can help you persuade her when you quarrel." Persuade..."

?? The girl's brain hole, Zhong Yunqing is convinced.With a suppressed smile, he stretched out his hand and tapped her little head lightly.

?? "Your little brain thinks about things so weirdly. Please, we are civilized people. Even if we don't speculate, no matter how disagreeable our opinions are, at most we can get up and leave. She is the owner of a film and television company, and I am a much-anticipated star. How could it be possible to quarrel in the coffee shop!"

?? After finishing speaking, Zhong Yunqing continued to express his admiration:

?? "Sister paper, you have such a brain, it's a pity that you don't write the script of the bloody drama!"

?? "Yes..."

?? After listening to the sister paper, she also felt that she was thinking too much.So when he knew his mistake, he corrected it and smiled naively at the boyfriend who was driving seriously.

??Of course, admitting mistakes is admitting mistakes, and she still doesn't want to go back.

?? "Oh, I've been here anyway, and now I can't catch up with class when I go back! Just let me go with you."

?? Zhong Yunqing has never had anything to do with his sister's papers.He could only smile fondly at the front.Then he controlled the steering wheel with his left hand, and gently rubbed her small head with his right hand.

?? "Oh, don't do it, the hair is all messed up!"

?? Of course, the younger sister was dissatisfied, and slapped his evil hand away.

??The two walked into the coffee shop they had agreed upon, and were taken to the reserved seats by the waiter. There were already two people sitting on the seats, a man and a woman.

?? By the way, Zhong Yunqing has never met Boss Cai, but he has seen a lot of this lady on TV in his previous life, so he recognized her immediately.

??At this timeline, Boss Cai is not yet 30 years old. In terms of appearance, he is indeed on par with Sisi.No wonder there are many fans of her beauty in later generations!

?? And the boy sitting next to Boss Cai, Zhong Yunqing is also very "familiar", isn't he the absolute head of the Tang Dynasty now, Lao Hu...

??The other two also saw Zhong Yunqing and Sisi being guided by the waiter at the same time, and they stood up together when they walked over.

?? Sisi knew that her boyfriend and Boss Cai hadn’t met, so she hurriedly stepped forward and introduced Zhong Yunqing generously:

?? "Old Zhong, this is Ms. Cai Yinong, the president of Tang Ren. And the handsome guy next to her, I don't need to introduce it."

?? After saying this, Sisi originally wanted to continue to be a "middleman" and introduce Zhong Yunqing to Boss Cai.

?? As a result, before she could open her mouth, Boss Cai was generous, smiling and reaching out to Zhong Yunqing first:

?? "I'm Cai Yinong, nice to meet you."

?? Zhong Yunqing shook hands with her lightly, and also responded with a smile:

?? "I'm Zhong Yunqing. I took the liberty of asking Sisi to make an appointment today. I hope you won't be offended."

"Of course! If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I'd like to have an autograph or take a photo with you. I have watched the first episode and the rerun of Wulin Biography. To tell you the truth, I really like the role of scholar."

?? After hearing these words, Zhong Yunqing immediately smiled at her very friendly.At the same time thinking in my heart:

??Look, look, look, why can someone become a company boss!The emotional intelligence of this speech is high, regardless of whether it is true or not, it makes people feel like a spring breeze when they listen to it.

?? He spoke politely to her again, and then Zhong Yunqing shook hands with Lao Hu again.Before Zhong Yunqing could speak, Lao Hu took the lead and said:

?? "Hi, I'm Hu Ge, if you want, you can also call me Lao Hu..."

?? After saying this, Lao Hu looked at Zhong Yunqing and continued:

?? "Great writer, I'm not flattering you. I've read both of your novels. They're good, interesting, and imaginative!"

??Hey, he really doesn't know, it turns out that Lao Hu is still his "book fan"!

??Of course, the bridal sedan chair was carrying people, Zhong Yunqing smiled heartily at Lao Hu, and then replied:

?? "Speaking of novels, you may not know something, Lao Hu. When I wrote the book Jiuying, I wrote the male lead with reference to the character of Brother Xiaoyao played by you. If there is a chance to make this book in the future If it becomes a TV series, I will definitely let you play the male lead!"

??His reversal surprised Lao Hu a bit, and he asked incredulously:

??"real or fake?"

"Really, I've heard a saying before: No Hu Ge, no Immortal Sword. It can be seen that the audience does not recognize anyone else except you as the male protagonist of the Xianxia drama!"

??The inexplicable "like old friends at first sight" between the two made the two ladies on the side couldn't help but smile at each other.

?? Of course Sisi couldn't stand it any longer. She stretched out her hand and tugged at her boyfriend's sleeve:

?? "Okay, you two stop complimenting each other."

??A writer at the level of a boyfriend is not capable of talking.The girls who got him wanted to beat him up a little bit!Can we sit down and talk about business first.

?? Sisi's kissing action made Boss Cai's curiosity burst instantly:

?? "Should you not be together?"

?? "As you can see, we are a couple."

?? Zhong Yunqing didn't think there was anything shameful, of course he admitted it openly.

?? But to be honest, there is really no need for the two of them to care too much about the comments from the unexpected world.There are many examples of love because of drama.

?? But Boss Cai still likes Sisi very much, so he kindly reminded him:

?? "Aren't you afraid of being secretly photographed by Gouzi, and causing a storm all over the city? Sisi has a lot of male fans now!"

?? When it comes to male fans, Zhong Yunqing is furious. Now these guys in the post bar call Sisi "wife" every day when they have nothing to do, making him feel like he is on the endless prairie!

?? This feeling sucks!

??So, he wants to "counterattack"!He wants to claim sovereignty!

?? "Hey, it's not that exaggerated. After our relationship was exposed, at most some fans of Sisi called me on the post bar to 'let go of his wife' and other remarks."

?? Zhong Yunqing's seriousness is of course impossible for more than three seconds.He then continued:

?? "However, I believe that with my current 'cafe status', I think that to be truly exposed, there should be more girls who shout to tell Sisi to 'let go of her husband'..."

?? Sisi listened to this guy's nonsensical words, and it was inconvenient for Boss Cai and Lao Hu to get mad.So she stretched out her hand with a smile, and secretly pinched his thigh underneath.

?? Boss Cai pretended not to see the fight between the two.Instead, imitating what Lao Hu called just now, he chuckled and said:

?? "Great writer, I didn't expect you to be quite funny."

?? Boss Cai's "funny" made Sisi curl her lips without any trace.Then he secretly said happily in his heart:

"After a while, if you hear that he is going to take over your company, you probably won't find him funny anymore!"

?? Zhong Yunqing, who was pinched by Sisi, gently rubbed her thigh, and then said first:

?? "Ahem, let's talk about business first."

?? Boss Cai nodded, took a sip of coffee, put it down, looked at it and said:

?? "I heard Sisi said that you want to chat with me. To be honest, I was quite surprised. I thought we should have nothing in common, right?"

?? "Common topics, as long as you have the heart, it's easy to find, what do you think?"

?? Zhong Yunqing's ambiguous response made Boss Cai even more confused.

?? "I don't quite understand, what are you trying to express..."

?? "For example, Sisi and I joined Tang Ren, isn't this a common topic that we can talk about for a long time?"

?? Boss Cai heard his response. To be honest, she didn't have any happy or excited expressions because of Zhong Yunqing's "joining".In fact, she would not believe that what he said was true.

??Because Boss Cai understands that the current Tang Dynasty does not have such a broad stage, and cannot accommodate these two thriving first-line stars.

?? Yes, with the continuous rebroadcast of Wulin Biography and Bright Sword, Zhong Yunqing's popularity is actually higher than that of Lao Hu.

??As for Sisi, it is the same. She is now one of the most talked about new first-line actresses in the Mainland.There are even many comments that she is somewhat similar to Liu Yifei.

?? Of course, this time it is not the unscrupulous marketing of "Little Liu Yifei".It was the conclusion drawn by comparing the looks of the interviewees with Liu Yifei after Sisi became popular.

??So, a combination like Zhong Yunqing and Liu Sisi is now a company that can provide them with high-quality resources.Looking at the country, there are only a few big companies.

??Boss Cai has self-knowledge, which certainly does not include her Tang people.

??So when Zhong Yunqing said that he would "join" Tangren with Sisi, Boss Cai responded with a serious expression:

?? "Great writer, this joke is not funny at all."

?? Zhong Yunqing didn't feel anything because of the change in the other party's attitude. He smiled and looked at Sisi.Then he took out a file bag from his carry-on bag and handed it to Boss Cai with one hand.

?? "Okay, let's talk about this later, you should take a look at this first."

??Boss Cai took it with a puzzled face, and then, under the gaze of the two of them, untied the thin rope that was wrapped around it.She first looked inside and found that there seemed to be a document printed on A4 paper in the document bag.

??But Boss Cai has been the CEO for several years after all, and he is good at nourishing his energy.She took out this "document", flipped through it casually at first, and then slowly immersed herself in the content.

?? After about 15 minutes, she carefully read a third of the content, raised her head and looked at Zhong Yunqing in a daze.

??I saw that she was about to speak, but Zhong Yunqing didn't let her speak, but answered the doubts on Boss Cai's face first.

?? "You read that right, this is a movie script. To be precise, this is 'one of' the movie scripts I'm going to show you..."

?? "What do you mean, I still don't quite understand." These words made Boss Cai more and more confused.

?? And Lao Hu next to her looked at his boss and the things in the file bag, and suddenly he looked like this. After obtaining Zhong Yunqing's consent, he also picked up the script and read it seriously.

??To be honest, when Boss Cai first found out that this was a movie script, he thought with ecstasy in his heart, thinking that the reason why Zhong Yunqing came to her was to attract investment for the filming?

??But this idea was overthrown by herself just as soon as she came up with it.

?? The reason for this is also very simple. With such a high-quality movie script, Zhong Yunqing can find any film and television company in Yanjing to cooperate with, and the other party will sweep the bed and welcome him.

?? Or go directly to China Film Group.China Film has a shooting team and first-class publicity, and even movie theaters can give high-ranking films after shooting!

?? China Film can let him "one, one, dragon" service in this way.

??So she understood that Zhong Yunqing really didn't need to look for herself.

??However, since he had seen such a script, Boss Cai of course still had the mentality of trying it out, and asked Zhong Yunqing softly:

?? "You came to me with the script, do you want me to invest?"

??The result is of course self-evident. Zhong Yunqing responded with a smile just as she thought:

?? "Boss Cai, let's stop messing around! Do you think your company is comparable in size to China Film Group, or to Huayi? I can't find Tang Ren for filming funds..."

?? This turnaround made Boss Cai a little depressed, but he had to admit that what this guy said was quite reasonable!However, since it is not looking for her to invest, isn't that tantalizing!

??Actually, even if Zhong Yunqing asks her to invest, she still can't afford the extra money now.

??Now all the money of the Tang Dynasty is put in the drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".At present, the crew has been set up, and the actors have already selected most of the cast, only the heroine is still considering...

??When Boss Cai was casting this casting, he initially considered that it would be broadcast on Wanwan, so he wanted to choose Ariel Lin to play Huang Rong.

?? Later, after Wulin Gaiden continued to hit the air, Boss Cai had another more suitable choice, and that was Liu Sisi.

?? The reason for this is also very simple. Sisi is not a flower pot. Although her acting skills in Wulin Biography are a bit mediocre, she is really good in fighting scenes.I tried my hand at this show a little bit.

?? And there is another very important reason, that is, Sisi is now a very popular topic in the Mainland!Boss Cai thinks it's perfectly fine for Sisi to play with her old Hu.

?? However, she gave up this plan after thinking about it seriously.After all, Sisi has always been unwilling to accept her offer to sign with Tangren, which made Boss Cai a little bit reluctant to let Sisi play a high-quality role like Huang Rong.

??Of course Zhong Yunqing and Sisi didn't know about these small things in Boss Cai's mind.

?? "You didn't come to me to invest, so what are you doing here with the script? Just to whet my appetite?"

?? Boss Cai said this, and he was already mentally complaining that this guy is too boring!

?? "Of course not, I really don't want Tangren to invest in my scripts. But the next thing I'm going to talk about does have something to do with Tangren. If it goes well, these scripts can become "Tangren Film and Television's scripts"! "

?? "Oh, this statement is interesting, then I'm all ears..."

?? After Boss Cai finished speaking, he and Lao Hu looked at Zhong Yunqing, waiting for his next words...

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