Huayu Ye Qingjie

Chapter 207 If you are poor, you will intersperse tactics, if you are rich, you will...

I got off work a little late today, and I didn't have time to finish writing, so I will revise the introduction paragraphs of those equipment.See you later, sorry.


A veteran leader, a "recruit Danzi" who has only been trained for a few months, the results are naturally self-evident.

After only a few rounds, Zhong Yunqing was overwhelmed by the opponent's combination of punches.

It's normal to think about it, if ordinary people like him except for occasional fitness can beat the elite reconnaissance company commander of the military region, then the opponent will die of shame!

Of course, Chu Xuan wouldn't really embarrass him too much, every move was clicked to the end, and he didn't really rub him in the mud.

But on the contrary, after several rounds of rolling in the muddy water, the two of them, like the other soldiers around them, had no clean place on their bodies.

Chu Xuan glanced around, first wiped the muddy water on his face indifferently, and then saw that these guys were still watching, and immediately gave a "fierce" expression to the soldiers watching:

"Whatever you look at, why don't you hurry up and continue practicing! Do you still want to train more!"

Then the gang of guys scattered like birds and beasts.They all obediently returned to the training position just now.

Zhong Yunqing was reassigned to the squad leader Han Li.Everyone practiced collectively first, and then he practiced with another familiar comrade in arms after a while.

"I didn't even eat, did you? When you yell louder! Think about how much you "hate" me, and how loudly you yell when you yell to kill! Did you hear me!"


A hundred or so people from the investigation company shouted with all their strength in an instant, and the sound of "kill" resounded through the sky again.

After about 10 minutes, the group fighting started again.At this moment, a few soldiers at the edge of the quagmire alertly discovered that some unknown people were shooting this way on a hillside not far away with camera equipment.

"Company commander, it seems that someone over there is secretly taking pictures of us..."

Chu Xuan's back was facing, so he didn't notice it immediately.But when he saw this situation, he pointed over there, and then to the soldiers on the edge:

"You guys go over and see what's going on. If you don't know each other, you should detain the person and the shooting equipment first."

But before the soldiers started their actions, two young girls in the filming team trotted over with microphones and small cameras.

Chu Xuan probably knew each other, and asked those fighters who received orders to go back to training.

When the two girls approached, Zhong Yunqing also saw the CCTV media credentials hanging around their necks.The cctv and Bayi logos above are obviously from CCTV 7's military reporting column group.

One of the girls came over and waved at Chu Xuan, and then walked to the edge of the quagmire without waiting for him to speak.Especially when he saw Zhong Yunqing who was covered in mud, his eyes lit up immediately.

A girl with shoulder-length short hair.It's not very beautiful, but it's quite attractive.And wearing a pair of glasses, he looks very gentle.

At this time, several other male cameramen not far away also came over.When Chu Lian saw these reporters who came out of nowhere, he was a little speechless.What do sentries eat!

"I said, can you explain to me first, how did you get in! Why don't I remember any shooting tasks? The cameras are all turned off for me! Otherwise, they will be confiscated to you, believe it or not!"

Although Chu Xuan said with a fierce expression, the leading girl was obviously unmoved.She rolled her eyes and retorted:

"you dare!"

"If you dare to confiscate my things, I'll go to Uncle Chu and cry and ask for it back!"

When Chu Xuan heard the girl's hasty remarks, he immediately stopped, and his attitude softened a lot.But still add:

"What on earth are you going to do? We're training, can you stop making trouble!"

This girl obviously knew that she couldn't disturb the training, so she walked up to Chu Xuan with a sorry face, lowered her head, and said in an aggrieved tone:

"Oh, we just wanted to shoot some of the most realistic scenes of army training, so we didn't let the regiment not notify you when we came here this time... Don't be angry, please. Let's not take this as an example..."

"You're really getting more and more foolish."

At this time, the guys from the investigation company could see that the two men and women knew each other and were very close.Chu Lian, who is usually like a predator, has nothing to do with her!And the most important thing is that Chu Xuan's words seem to have a feeling of... doting.

Fresh, so fresh!

Zhong Yunqing was not Chu Xuan's soldier, so he didn't have so many scruples.So he asked first on behalf of the big guys:

"Chu Lian, why don't you introduce yourself to the brothers..."

"Oh!" A group of soldiers who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal started to boo.

Chu Xuan glanced around these guys who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, but he still explained in a low voice:

"Wu Fei, a special correspondent for CCTV No. [-]. We are in a military compound."

When he said this, Zhong Yunqing understood.No wonder she can freely enter and leave the training ground where the troops are stationed. The status of this girl is not simple.

In the end, before Zhong Yunqing introduced herself, the girl said with a happy face:

"Zongziju, I'm a fan of you and Sisi. I've watched Wulin Biography several times! Can we take a photo together?"


If there were such a level of fans in normal times, Zhong Yunqing would certainly wish for it!But he had just crawled out of the muddy water, and he was covered in mud at this time, so it was obviously inappropriate to take a group photo.

"Forget it, look at my muddy body, it's not good to get you dirty..."

Of course, it is impossible for the other party to despise Zhong Yunqing's "worried" appearance.A big star is usually glamorous, and now he is rolling in muddy water with a group of scouts regardless of his image. I'm afraid he can only see this with his own eyes once in his life.She couldn't dislike him just because of this.

"It's okay, you can wipe your face with my handkerchief, I really don't despise you!"

Saying that, the girl took out a small pink handkerchief from the right hand pocket of her jacket and handed it over.

Not to mention, these days there are still girls who go out with handkerchiefs, which is really good.

But Zhong Yunqing still shook his head slightly, smiled at her and declined:

"I think it's better to leave. I have a muddy face. It's not good to dirty your handkerchief."

But after saying this, he looked at Chu Xuan beside him.Then he looked at the disappointed expression of this girl named Wu Fei.He then shook his head slightly:

"Why don't you do this, wait for me to wash my face, and let's take another picture."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yunqing completely disregarded his image and picked up the muddy water on the ground with his hands to wipe off the yellow mud on his face.

And this scene was also completely photographed by the accompanying cameraman.

In the same way, if a big star can achieve this step, the soldiers around him will immediately have a good impression of him.

Although it was his second time to train in this company.But after all, people have an inherent impression.At first everyone thought that this guy was just coming to the army to accompany him through the motions, or to put on a show.Everyone also treated Zhong Yunqing with the mentality of running with him.

In the end, he didn't expect that he could really toss and roll in muddy water with ordinary soldiers. Such a star is really rare at this stage.

After taking a simple group photo, these military reporters took another training video, bid farewell to everyone and left.

Zhong Yunqing was much more courageous than ordinary soldiers.He looked at Wu Fei's back, and asked in a low voice to Chu Xuan who was also looking there:

"Company commander, is that our sister-in-law?"

Chu Xuan turned his head and looked at him with a solemn expression:

"It's okay to inquire about it, go to the bathhouse to clean up and go back to eat!"

Wait until the entire company is regrouped and brought back,

"Yun Qing, you are still in Squad Leader Han's class as before."

Zhong Yunqing saluted:


After dinner, I went back to the dormitory. There is no training program tonight.Zhong Yunqing was still in the same bed as before, and his daily necessities as a soldier were relatively simple.He didn't pack up much either, he was just about to lie down.Veterans from other classes came over to say hello to him.

"Yun Qing, what kind of film are you going to make this time?"

"The soldier assault you filmed last time was really good-looking!"

Big guy, you talk to me. Zhong Yunqing likes to chat with these soldiers. The plot of the special forces was originally adapted from a novel, so there is nothing special that needs to be kept secret.

"This time we are filming special forces subjects. In two months, Hu Ge and the others will come and train together with us."

"Hu Ge...I know him, the hero of the fairy sword. Yu Jianfei..."

Everyone chatted and chatted until the lights were turned off, so they hurried back to sleep.

The next afternoon, the reconnaissance company was pulled to the shooting range yesterday.This time I saw a lot more equipment than yesterday, lined up in an area of ​​more than 200 meters.

"The main task this afternoon is to train the newly prepared essentials. Next, take the platoon as a unit and take it away by yourself."

Each platoon is introduced one by one by the trained old squad leader:

"First of all, what you see now is our new 35mm grenade launcher. The one carried by an individual soldier is in the form of a bipod, and the weight is also 12.9 kilograms. The weight of the tripod is 23 kilograms. The matching scope can accurately strike 1000 Point targets at a distance of 1750 meters can also effectively strike area targets at a distance of [-] meters.”

"While the 35mm grenade launcher controls the total weight as much as possible, the projectile weight is also controlled at 220 grams. While maintaining sufficient power, it also reduces the carrying weight and recoil."

Zhong Yunqing also listened carefully to Squad Leader Han Li's introduction.In fact, experts who watched military programs in previous lives introduced that this precise sniper grenade launcher still has a very large recoil.It can even be said that it has almost reached the upper limit that conventional individual soldiers can bear...

However, as far as the grenade launcher is concerned, it is not an equipment that pursues firepower coverage like a howitzer.The purpose of its existence is to allow infantry to carry out precise strikes on targets such as bunkers and machine gun positions at medium and long distances.The 35mm sniper grenade is relatively reasonable in terms of power and accuracy. As a company-level infantry support firepower, it is sufficient to deal with these targets.

For example, the new machine gun that appeared before is the same. It can effectively control the weight. It can be used in a heavy form on the vehicle. In the hands of the infantry, it can maintain enough powerful direct firepower, maintain the balance of firepower and even the advantage in frontline battles. The sniper grenade can Attached to the company-level unit, if necessary, it can be directly strengthened for use in platooning, and the strike is more direct and effective.

"The next thing is this rocket launcher for heavy individual anti-armor fortifications. This rocket launcher is very powerful. When dealing with heavy armored targets such as tanks, the thickness of the armor can reach 800mm! Basically, it can effectively destroy most of the modern main vehicles. Battle tanks..."

&n1a2 No? "

Squad leader Han said in a down-to-earth manner:

"It's okay to hit the side and the rear. It's okay to attack the top from a high place. It's terrible to say it from the front. According to the data, the frontal protection of Laomei's heavy tank is more than one meter, and it also uses mysterious depleted uranium armor."

After interjecting some digressions, Han Li retracted the topic:

"This heavy-duty rocket launcher has a complete fire control system and can adapt to operations under various weather conditions; the effective range is long: the launch of armor-piercing shells can reach 800 meters. It is flexible and easy to operate: it is usually operated by two people, and a single infantry in an emergency You can also carry..."

"Okay, let me tell you about this new cloud bomb."

"This is a single-use rocket launcher, which can be used to damage light armored vehicles and fortifications. But its main function is to penetrate walls to force entry into buildings. It is most practical in street fighting.

Rockets cannot be reloaded after launch.80mm attack rockets with tandem warheads.The rocket ships installed and sealed in a fiberglass launch tube.The rocket weighs 1.65 kg, with a total weight of 7.5 kg, which is light and portable enough.

The rockets used are tandem warheads, with the front charge penetrating armor or walls and the second charge detonating with a slight delay, destroying personnel and equipment inside an armored vehicle or building.The explosion can also create a hole in the wall for soldiers to pass through.

The most important thing is that this thing is light and dexterous. In theory, it can be given to each soldier in combat, and he can throw it away after fighting, without occupying the establishment at all. "

After hearing this introduction, Zhong Yunqing immediately asked:

"Squad leader, how about the armor-piercing power of this rocket?"

"This armor target is not very ideal. However, there are specialties in the art industry. This thing is for you to use in street fighting. There are other weapons for anti-armor. The Type 08 penetrates 65mm of homogeneous steel at an angle of 25°, and the most important thing is a bunker. Such solid fortifications can be destroyed in one shot. The lethality against armored vehicles is obviously insufficient. The Type 08 can penetrate reinforced concrete with a penetration of 500 mm. In many cases, it can enter the building through the doors and windows of enemy buildings Objects are not safe. This kind of fortification rocket can not only kill the enemy in the building, but also open the opening on the enemy's building where it is beneficial for one's own entry. The old pf-89a rocket launcher can also penetrate 65mm at a 20° angle Steel armor, but can only penetrate 300 mm of reinforced concrete.

"Ok, I see."


"Not to mention, the recoil of this thing is strong enough, and my shoulder hurts from the shock."

"Nonsense, this thing is sniping against others. If they hit you in a hurry, at most they will throw up some sand and spray you in the face. If you use this sniper grenade, even if you miss the opponent, the shock wave can kill him like shrapnel!"

"Or how can I say it's the late stage of lack of firepower phobia! There is a saying in the military fan group: Lao Mei is desperately developing high-tech, grinding the bullets to the millimeter level little by little. The rabbit is good, desperately developing great power, and making the bullets hit the millimeter level. The lethality covers a few meters around! Just ask the opponents if they are afraid!"

"Lao Mei was volunteered. The volunteer army was terrified of fighting in the jungles of the stick country and the monkey country, and desperately developed night combat capabilities. Our army was deeply impressed by the carpet bombing of the US military, and desperately developed a big bombing ratio! Then the two sides slowly They all became what they hated at the beginning.”

Only later did the sentence that swept the entire military fans circle:

If you are poor, you will be interspersed with tactics, and if you are rich, you will bomb labor and management!

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