"Foie gras? Looks like it's authentic French foie gras, right? I'm afraid this piece will cost $1000?"

"White truffles, caviar, my God, these are super expensive! Ms. Su Wan enjoyed it so much."

"Did anyone see that bottle of water? It's the salve logo on it. In the United States, you can only buy 100L for about 1 dollars."

Seeing the comments on ins, Suwan was stunned. In fact, she mainly took pictures of king crabs and big lobsters. After these were made by Li Miaoke, they turned into meat. People pay attention to the little things next to them.

Su Wan is not an ignorant person. Naturally, she knew that some foreign truffles and caviar would be very expensive, so she hurriedly looked at the plate next to her, then turned her head in amazement, and asked Li Yue, "What kind of caviar did you use?" Sauce?"

"It's Emmas caviar, don't mention it, it tastes very fresh and tender, but it's a bit small."

Li Yue is a person with a "king of mouth". He is quite picky about food now, so after his evaluation, these dishes are actually far from as good as their prices indicate.

But Su Wan couldn't laugh or cry when she heard it, and said, "This is the most famous caviar in the world. It costs 25000 knives a can, and you still think it's too little?"

"No matter how expensive the food is, it's for people to eat. Come, try this piece of black-skinned watermelon. It's still delicious as a natural fruit."

With that said, Li Yue gave her a piece of watermelon.

"Black-skinned watermelon? It can't be the one from Hokkaido, right?"

Suwan tasted it cautiously, and found that it was juicy and sweet, and it was delicious, but she was always a little nervous.

"That's right, that's the one. This year's weather is bad, so we only produced more than 3. I packed 10."

"how much is it?"

"Only 30."

Li Yue showed a bright smile.

Su Wan: "..."

The beauties on the stage, like Su Wan, didn't know what kind of fairy food they were eating, but it didn't matter, there was Li Miaoke explaining in the middle...

"...The top-quality Alba white truffle from Italy, don't be too little, the price of this piece on the plate is 10 knives..."

"...EGL's Kobe steak, the top a5 Kuromo Snowflake Wagyu steak, this piece is about 200g, and it costs about 1000 knives..."

"...Finnish matsutake, in order to preserve the original flavor of matsutake, I made it into a soup. As we all know, the production of matsutake is rare, and each one is very rare. A bowl of matsutake soup like this is about 1000 knives..."

The competition is halfway through, and all the water friends watching the live broadcast have question marks all over their faces!

What the hell?Is this food?This thought came to everyone's mind.

"I checked, and the price is really like this!"

"Mmp, I just want to say that poverty limits my imagination."

"Is this really something for people to eat? The rich can't afford such expensive food."

"In my opinion, we might as well change the name to the Fairy Fairy Food Contest. Anyway, my little stinky is so pretty, so he can still be worthy of this kind of food."

"Actually, I think that young lady named Lu Yunuo is really pretty, and she is the most temperamental at the scene."

"Nonsense, my wife Xiao Mo is obviously the most beautiful."

This is the only bad point in the official live broadcast room. Once someone says that XX is the most beautiful, it will immediately trigger a series of rebuttals, and there are all kinds of wives.

Often at this time, someone will silently say: "Your wife is so beautiful", and someone will make up the knife and say: "Qiaoshen thinks so too."

Then there was a moment of silence: the reality is often so cruel, I was enjoying the joy of licking the screen, and suddenly I was stabbed in the heart, and I even had to sprinkle some salt in it, beast.

The ten guests at the scene were all girls after all. After eating for about half an hour, many of them stopped. Yang Xiaomi also acted as the host, and now she came to the guests to talk one by one.

"Yunuo, is your food okay?"

"It's great, but it's a bit expensive! I just heard Miss Miao Ke's explanation, and I can't bear chopsticks for some things."

"Haha, I feel the same way, but this time it's a food competition, doesn't the organizer stipulate how much to eat?"

"I didn't receive the notice, it should be, no need?"

Lu Yunuo didn't have much confidence in her words. Before the competition, she was very confident in herself. She felt that with her appearance, she could definitely stand out in the competition, and then won Li Yue's favor. For this reason, she even chose to compete with Nan political breakup.

But at this time, Lu Yunuo realized that potential stocks had already turned into diamond stocks, and Li Yue was surrounded by all kinds of beautiful girls. It was too difficult for her to achieve her goal.

Look at the girls around you, one is prettier than the other, and they all have their own characteristics. Needless to say, the finale Xiao Mo and Xiao Er, the talents of these two made Lu Yunuo admire, especially Xiao Mo, "One Person The song "I'm Drunk" left a deep impression on her today.

What about the rest?Chen Siqi's fierce character, Qiao Qin's white and rich temperament, and Xiao Er's sexy hotness, Lu Yunuo felt that she fell into the bottom five unknowingly among the top ten, which was something she dared not do before the competition. imagination.

In addition to people, the food in front of her also brought great pressure to Lu Yunuo. She always felt that she was very ambitious: liking Tomson Yipin's house proved that she was not afraid of the hundreds of millions of real estate. However, these ingredients today really put pressure on her.

What she eats is worth hundreds of thousands of knives per serving. After a meal, it may cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. To her, this is simply unimaginable!

Yang Xiaomi chatted with her for a few words, and seeing that Lu Yunuo was restrained, he quickly changed the interview target, and Lu Yunuo was deeply shocked...

"Jiang Jin, is the food okay?"

"Of course, very nice!"

"What's so good about it?"

"Expensive! My god, I swear, this is the most expensive meal I've ever had!"

"Haha, then you should eat more."

"Don't worry, I've eaten enough to eat, this trip is not a loss!"

"Qiao Qin, how do you feel..."

After Yang Xiaomi's interviews one by one, Li Yue sat not far away, taking all the guests' feedback into his eyes one by one. Lu Yunuo's restraint made him feel slightly moved:

No one knows that among the ten beauties present, he actually has the most feelings for today's Lu Yunuo. When he knew that Lu Yunuo was the heroine of "The Invisible Guardian", he had already taken a fancy to her It was just because Nan Zheng was involved in it that he couldn't do anything.

Moreover, this school belle gives people the impression of being "cold and arrogant". Although she is very down-to-earth, she can play together, and she is not taboo in talking, but you must know that Lu Yunuo has never let the rich and handsome Nanzheng Getting started, just this point, one can imagine how high-spirited this girl is.

Li Yue is no longer the hanging silk when he first got the system, so even if he wanted to, he didn't rush up at the beginning and just throw money down, but waited patiently until now...

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