All Heavens Planes

Chapter 327 Murloc

The embarrassment on Jin Ping'er's face was fleeting, and then she showed a charming smile again, and said very bachelorly, "Master Dao is really wise, you have seen through all of this~"

"Ping'er and Gui Li are in a competitive relationship, so it's understandable to do so. Is it possible that I, a weak woman, will fight head-on with him?"

Chen Chen didn't take it seriously when he heard the words, and he slandered in his heart, "If you are a weak woman, all the men in this world should be ashamed to death..."

Jin Ping'er's eyes flickered, and her gaze stayed on Chen Chen for a moment.He said in a vague tone, "Did Master Dao enter this dead marsh to join in the fun? Or is it also because of the rare treasures in it?"

When Jin Ping'er asked this question, she felt uneasy.Whether it is Gui Li, Qin Wuyan, or those outstanding disciples of Zhengdao.They are all her strong competitors, if there is another unfathomable Chen Chen...

Chen Chen didn't even think about it, so he directly replied, "I'm lucky if I get it, but I'm dead if I lose it. With such a great ability, it's impossible for the Taoist master not to get all three things."

Jin Ping'er's expression froze, with a hint of suspicion on his face.When he looked at Chen Chen again, his eyes were full of strange brilliance.

"Three! Which three?"

Chen Chen didn't answer, but turned to look at the golden light in the sky.I saw that the golden light became brighter and brighter, just now it was only the thickness of a bowl, but now it has become like a water tank.It seems that it won't be long before the golden light will fully bloom.

No matter what Jin Ping'er knew, if he wanted to pass it back to the sect, it was already too late.

Chen Chen suddenly asked, "It is always said that there are strange treasures in the Dead Marsh. What do you think there are in the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor..." Jin Ping'er murmured, the smile on her face faded, and her expression became serious.

The legend of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House has been circulating in the world, but only some big sects with a long history know that the strange treasure in the Dead Marsh came from the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House.

That's why the major factions send their best disciples to fight for it. As for what is in the treasury.It's not really a secret, everyone in the know knows it well.

Jin Ping'er said softly, "According to the records of my sacred scriptures, there is only one ancient strange stone in the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor, named the Heavenly Emperor's Underworld Stone. As for the three rare treasures that Chen... Taoist said, Ping'er is ignorant and ignorant. Please enlighten me."

Chen Chen looked at the golden light again, and said in a low voice, "Time is running out, let's talk as we walk."

After all, under Jin Ping'er's unbelievable gaze, Chen Chen stretched out his hand and pressed on the poisonous miasma.In just two breaths, his figure became blurred.Like a cloud of purple-black smoke, it melted silently into the poisonous miasma.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Ping'er heard Chen Chen's voice from the other side of the poisonous miasma, "Why, you're not here yet?"

Jin Ping'er came back to her senses immediately, and didn't hesitate anymore.Gathering the strength of the whole body, the purple awns in the palm of the wave flourished.The sharp purple light blade aimed at the poisonous miasma and slashed several times, cutting open a crack that was as wide as one person, and dodging through it.

Only after Jin Ping'er passed through the poisonous miasma did she realize that Nei Ze was completely different from what she had imagined.There is no fog and haze at all here. Although the sun cannot be seen, the sky is extremely clear.

Not far away is full of tall ancient trees and jungles, and delicate flowers and tender grass.Occasionally a breeze blows, the wind is mixed with the elegant fragrance of flowers and plants, which smells refreshing.

Jin Ping'er suddenly held her breath, and a faint pink glow appeared around her.Because she knows that this elegant floral fragrance is actually a kind of strange poison that can cause hallucinations and madness!

Looking up, Chen Chen had already jumped onto the top of the tree.Jin Ping'er stretched out her movements and quickly followed.

Chen Chen looked around, and saw a huge shadow looming in the distance to the southwest. It was an unimaginable giant tree reaching to the sky.

Chen Chen glanced at Jin Ping'er, jumped into the air, and flew straight towards the giant tree.

On the way, he said to himself, "You know the Heavenly Emperor's Dark Stone. It has a great effect on spirit beasts. It can make spirit beasts evolve and enter a new level of life. Whether it is effective for human beings is still unknown. But There have long been rumors that no matter how severe the injury is, it can be healed by the power of the Heavenly Emperor's Dark Stone, which has an indescribable miraculous effect."

Jin Ping'er nodded silently, she knew this.Only to hear Chen Chen say again, "Whether you can get another thing depends on luck. It is a heavenly book that has not been seen for many years, and it is completely different from the heavenly book inherited by your demon sect."

Jin Ping'er was shocked when she heard the words, as far as she knew, all kinds of skills in the current magic way were evolved from the two volumes of heavenly scriptures.

The heavenly book in the Blood Refining Hall disappeared with the fall of the black-hearted old man as early as 800 years ago.And the other volume of heavenly scriptures is still kept in the most powerful ghost king sect.

If Jin Ping'er can get another volume of heavenly scriptures this time, it will definitely be an opportunity for the Hehuan faction to rise up!

Thinking of this, Jin Ping'er's heart became hot.She doesn't care much about whether the heaven, earth and ghost stones can be obtained.But that volume of heavenly book made her heart beating, and she was determined to get it.At the same time, she became more interested in the unknown third treasure.

Chen Chen stopped talking at this point, and did not continue.

The longevity medicine in the treasure house of heaven and earth has been handed down so far and no one knows it, but Chen Chen doesn't want to reveal the news.

Countless cultivators are not afraid of the cold winter and scorching heat, what is the purpose of spending hundreds of thousands of years?For a long life!

Once the leak of the elixir is made public, indifference will turn into madness.It's just a common thing to set off a bloodbath...

Chen Chen didn't speak for a long time, Jin Ping'er seemed to have thousands of cats scratching in his heart.Just as she was itching and was about to ask, Chen Chen suddenly fell to the ground.

Jin Ping'er also fell to the ground, and then saw seven or eight dead bodies lying horizontally in a patch of grass.

Looking carefully, those corpses were neither human nor beast, and they were extremely strange.

The torso and limbs are very similar to humans, but are covered with fine water blue slippery scales.There is a huge fish head on the neck, and the fangs and sharp teeth look fierce and tyrannical, making people daunting.

At this time, a big hole was blasted out in the chest of each corpse, and the blood was drained from the whole body, and it was shriveled like a piece of rotten wood.This kind of situation can be seen as the work of Ghost Li's Bloodthirsty Bead.

Jin Ping'er had never seen such an ugly, evil, and disgusting monster. She couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands, and said in amazement, "What are these things? Why do they look so evil?"

Chen Chen frowned. Although he had never seen it before, he was sure that these monsters were the alien murlocs sent by the beast god to look for the heaven, earth and ghost stones.

The birth of the Beast God is not good news...

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