treasure hunter

Chapter 96: I'll Call You Brother

Anyway, there is plenty of time. In order to improve his ability to look at stones, Pei Miao did not use his supernatural power immediately. Instead, he used the knowledge he had learned to look at the external performance of the stone and the condition of the jade flesh. After reading it, he used his supernatural power Check the complete internal condition of the stone to prevent any omissions. After all, these stones are only cut once. Small stones are fine. For large stones, there is still a high possibility of variables inside.

After Pei Miao looked at more than 20 stones, he came across a stone with very large internal variables. The number of this stone was 5302. It was a Mowanji black sandstone. The shell of this stone was still good. , weighing 42.5 kg, the leather shell is compact, partially desanded, with ribbons winding through, and the shape is also very good, like a spherical body with edges and corners.

The performance of the cutting surface is not very ideal. This knife cuts along a large slit near the ribbon, almost in the middle, which can be said to be the most obvious way to cut the knife.

The cut surface is waxy white meat, and the white meat is like a small stream, flowing through a forked ribbon. The color of the ribbon is very, very good, and it has reached the level of emerald. What is the concept of emerald? When it is full of green , it's called Imperial Green.

Not only that, but there is water wherever the dragon goes, and the seed water of the ribbon is extremely high, reaching the difference between the ice seed and the waxy seed. The most amazing dragon everywhere water case ever seen.

It is reasonable to say that cutting out such a ribbon is a big increase, but unfortunately it is not, because this ribbon is too thin, the widest part is only six millimeters, such a narrow ribbon, even if it is made It is impossible to make a bracelet. As for making a bracelet, it is a bit weird. It is not impossible to make a waxy bracelet with emperor green flowers, but the emperor green has been ruined, so the effect of cutting this stone is a bit Embarrassing, say it is worth money, where is it worth it, do you want to make a bracelet of fine glutinous floating emperor green flowers, say it is worthless, in case the color bands in other places will become wider.

The base price marked on this stone is 30. If the overall performance of this stone is the same as this cut surface, let alone 30, 10 is worthless, but if there are internal variables, the color band becomes wider, such as the color band changes A width of one or two centimeters is enough. Seeing this beautiful ribbon, many people will take a gamble to see if a miracle can happen. After all... this is the imperial green belt of the ice species. what.

Others need to gamble on luck, but Pei Miao doesn't need it, because he has already seen through the ability of his right hand that this stone has miracles, and it is a great miracle.

The stone was cut from the middle. The half of the stone on his left is completely useless, while the half on his right began to change three centimeters down from the cutting surface, and the color band turned into a color root. A very large spherical color root.

What is color root, for example, many small rivers lead to a large lake, these small rivers are color belts, and this large lake is color root.

This color root is roughly spherical in shape, with a diameter of about twelve centimeters, and there is no crack in the whole.

This made Pei Miao extremely excited. If nothing else happened, this stone might be the stone king of this public offer. Pei Miao suppressed the excitement and secretly wrote down the number of this stone——5302, before continuing. Look at the next rock.

For Pei Miao, looking at rocks is not only a process of making money, but also a process of learning. He enjoys this feeling very much. Before he knew it, it was already noon. He took out his phone to check the time, it was already 11:30, so he called Ah Fa, and a group of people went out to eat.

The place to eat is just outside the public market. There are many restaurants around the square. They chose a small restaurant with a good environment, sat down and ordered a few dishes. Wang Huijun ordered two bottles of beer on a whim.

Pei Miao poured beer for everyone, Wang Huijun picked it up and took a sip, looked at Pei Miao with a smile, and asked, "Pei Miao, what's the result of the battle all morning?"

Pei Miao said, "I saw a few that performed well."

"Oh? Is that so?" Wang Huijun laughed and said, "I'm also interested in two dollars. How about you check it out for me this afternoon?"

Pei Miao nodded: "Okay, let's read the details together."

Jin Dawei saw that Ah Fa was still reading with a book in his hand, he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Ah Fa, what are you doing, sharpening your gun before the battle? You only read gambling stone books when you are at the fair, are you kidding me?"

Ah Fa put down the book, scratched his head and smiled innocently: "Pei Miao asked me to read it. He said he would teach me how to bet on stones. I read it all morning and found it very interesting, and things like betting on stones are also very interesting." , analyze the internal emerald situation through various data given on the surface of the stone, which is completely in line with the big case."

Chen Yao couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Damn, all the big case books have come out, have you read too much at the twelve o'clock in Chang'an?"

But Wang Huijun said: "Don't laugh at him. I am very optimistic about Xu. Since Xiao Xu can calculate the number range of the Mark Six lottery, it shows that he has an extraordinary ability to process data. Stone gambling seems to have nothing to do with data. Relationship, in fact, if the external performance of the stone is integrated, it can also be digitized, as long as Xu can digitize these things proficiently, then he may really become a master of stone gambling."

Ming Jia also echoed the words: "Yes, in fact, many things can be digitized. Since Xu Qiangsheng has such a high talent in mathematics, he can really try the data flow gambling method."

Everyone looked at Ming Jia with strange expressions when they heard the words, because Ming Jia had not been very interested in Xu Qiangsheng before, and questioned Xu Qiangsheng's mathematical talent many times. Now she actually said that Xu Qiangsheng has a very high mathematical talent. They were caught off guard for a while.

Ah Fa said with a silly smile: "I've just started learning, I don't understand anything, Pei Miao, I've almost finished reading these books, but they still feel too abstract, can I go to see the stones in the afternoon, and compare them at the same time According to the description in the book, I think I must first be able to recognize the external characteristics of the stone.”

Pei Miao smiled and nodded: "Well, that's how it should be. You can go to see the stone in the afternoon. If you don't understand anything, ask me anytime. If I don't understand, then you can call a friend."

The friend he mentioned naturally refers to Ma Cong.

Soon, the food was served and everyone began to eat and drink. Since they were still busy looking at the stones, each of them only drank two glasses of beer before starting to eat. After eating, they went straight to the quarry to continue looking at the stones.

Pei Miao first went to check on Wang Huijun. The two stones that Wang Huijun liked were not bad. After all, he had already cut them once, and Wang Huijun's stone gambling skills were also good. Pei Miao gave a very pertinent opinion and asked Wang Huijun to make his own decision. Then I went to the side and continued to look at the stone.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Pei Miao probably watched half of the stones in the audience. It doesn't mean that he can see thousands of stones a day, because he also chooses to look at them, and he just skips those that don't look good. , I only picked the good ones to see. After one day, I saw almost more than 300 stones.

There is still time to look at the stone tomorrow, Pei Miao felt that his eyes were already blurry, so he decided to call it a day, went to say hello to others, and went to the public market for a stroll.

After leaving the public market, Pei Miao took a long breath. The outside was empty, and he felt that his breathing became easier. He didn't expect to be so tired from looking at the stones.

At the moment, there are more people looking at stones in the stall area outside the public market than in the morning. Pei Miao was bored, so she decided to go to the stall area to try the experience she learned from looking at stones today, and began to pick stones in the stall area.

After picking and picking for more than half an hour, Pei Miao fell in love with a stone. It was a stone with a black leather shell from Laohoujiang. It was shaped like an oversized mango and weighed 6.8 kilograms. There is a piece of cinereus with pine flowers on it, because it is pine flowers on the scurvy, it looks very inconspicuous, on the other side, facing the direction of cinerea, there is a fish scale window the size of a coin, under the window is green jade flesh , the color is not bad, but the species is a bit average, the waxy species, the light is turned on from the window, and the length of the water head is average.

Looking at the leather shell again, the sand is very fine, and almost half of the place is covered with wax leather shell. According to his new experience, it shows that this stone has very good leverage.

Houjiangchangkou is characterized by good leverage, reversible varieties and colors, and very beautiful products. The disadvantage is that there are many cracks, and most of Houjiang is small stones. Such large Houjiang stones are relatively rare.

The place where this stone needs to bet is ringworm and cracks. You can’t see any cracks on the skin, but this situation is often very dangerous. The better the stone, the easier it is to crack. It is also an important reason why there are many stone cracks in the Houjiang River.

According to Pei Miao's guess, there should be a green flower on the leather shell where the window was opened, so I chose to open the window here, but the performance after opening the window was not very good. Although the color is good, it is only waxy, and I don't know if there is green in places other than the window, so the risk of this Houjiang stone is very high.

However, Pei Miao knows that since there are colored flowers on the opposite side of the ringworm, it means that the ringworm has sent the color into the jade flesh, and this gray ringworm is just a lying ringworm, which is one of the possible ringworms, that is to say, there is a possibility of coloring in other parts The sex is still quite large, and now for this stone, he only needs to bet on the internal cracking.

While Pei Miao was studying the stone, a young man in black casual clothes walked up to the booth, his eyes wandering around the stone in the booth.

Pei Miao was studying the stone and didn't notice him, and the young man was also attracted by the Houjiang stone. Almost at the same time, Pei Miao and the young man asked, "How much is this stone?"

The difference was that Pei Miao was holding the rock in his hand, while the young man was pointing at the rock.

Pei Miao couldn't help turning her head to look at the other party, and the young man also looked at Pei Miao.

The vendor glanced at the two of them, looked at the young man with a smile, and said, "It turns out to be Master Yun. If someone else buys this stone, I must sell it for 8. Since Master Yun wants it, you can take it for 3." Walk."

Pei Miao reminded the vendor: "Boss, I asked first."

The young man called Master Yun grinned: "Well, I feel like I asked first."

The vendor said, "I think Young Master Yun asked first."

Pei Miao said: "That's your illusion, I asked first, [-], right..."

The vendor said: "No, if you buy it, it will be [-]."

Pei Miao was depressed when he heard that the boss was obviously partial to this young master named Yun.

The son surnamed Yun looked at Pei Miao with a smile and said, "Brother, my name is Yun Weisong, what do you call me?"

Youdao is a person who stretches out his hand and doesn't hit a smiling face. Since the other party's attitude is not bad, Pei Miao replied, "My name is Pei Miao."

"Oh, Pei Miao!" Mr. Yun was slightly surprised when he heard the words, "You were the one who made the Yang family and the Fang family suffer a lot a few days ago."

"How do you know?" Pei Miao was as surprised as this Mr. Yun, after all, the Jin family didn't publicize this matter, and it's even more impossible for the Yang family and Fang family to publicize such disgraceful things. .

Yun Weisong laughed, and said: "There is a disturbance in this three-acre land in Luzhou, how could our Yun family not know about it."

Pei Miao knew that he had met a son from a big family again, but this son was not as annoying as Yang Tai, so he naturally didn't want to have any disputes with him. It's not a problem for Song to continue to fight, so he used the ability of his right hand to check the internal situation of the stone.

After checking, Pei Miao was surprised. Then, he looked at Yun Weisong, showed what he thought was the friendliest smile, and asked, "I'll call you brother, how about you give me this stone?"

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