Lishan Mountain, Wuchao Mountain and Langgu Mountain are the three main settlements of the Yue people, and the headquarters is in Langgu Mountain.Soochow's grain transportation team has been attacked in these three places many times, and most of the elites of the Yue nationality are concentrated here.

An hour later, the three major troops assembled, and all the believers were like wolves and tigers, ready to fight a big battle.Huo You gave an order, three-pronged approach, each attacking one side.

Langgu Mountain was the closest to Heizheng Mountain, and Huo You and Ma Jun came down the mountain first.The sentry on the top of the mountain discovered the enemy's situation and rushed into the village to report to the king of Yue.

After hearing this, the king of Yue jumped up and said, "It's too much! I was going to clean them up, but they came to my door instead! The generals listened to the order and gathered all the people in the village to kill them down the mountain. If they saw the enemy, they would kill them. Keep!"

At this time, a person in the hall said: "Why does Zong Shuai need to go to war, I can go alone, with this Heaven Slaying Sword, I will definitely kill them all!"

King Yue said happily: "Great, General Wu Tianhu, then please lead an elite army to deal with the enemy!"

"As I said, I alone is enough. In order not to damage the reputation of the White Tigers, I will single-handedly kill them all!" Wu Tianhu put his fist on his chest, expressing that he was sure of victory.

"Okay, General Wu Tianhu, I'll leave it to you. But please remember one thing. If you see Huo You, don't kill him. You must capture him alive. I will settle the old score with him face to face!" King Yue clenched his fists .

"No problem." Wu Tianhu took the deadly weapon Slaying Heaven Sword and went out.

The believers were waiting for the leader's order to attack the mountain, when they suddenly saw a person approaching, puzzled.The man was holding a sword that looked like a blood dragon sword, and it was unclear whether he was here to return the sword or to fight.

After seeing that the sword was not the Blood Dragon Sword, Huo You ordered: "This man is here to die, everyone prepare to fight!"

Wu Tianhu pointed to Huo You in front of the team and asked, "Are you the leader?"

"So what! Kill me!" Huo You gave an order, and all the disciples rushed up one after another.

"Overestimate your own strength!" Wu Tianhu pulled out the Slaughter Sword and swung it, a giant crescent moon shot out from the blade, cutting the several people rushing in front neatly into two.In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the picture was horrible.

The people behind were stunned, not knowing what kind of sorcery it was.Huo You was also frightened: "What's going on? Is that man a monster?"

Ma Jun quickly ordered to protect the leader.Huo You retreated to the rear under the protection of everyone.

Wu Tianhu sneered and said: "Hmph, a group of ordinary people, I want to kill you all with 'Sword Qi'!"

"Don't back down, let me do it!" Ma Jun held up the sword in his hand, "Be careful of the nearby mechanisms, don't be confused by his sorcery!"

After all, they are members of a cult, and they surged up again.

This time several streaks of blue light flew over, cutting the person in front to pieces in two or three.The surrounding flowers and trees were covered with flesh and brains.

Several believers attacked from the side.Wu Tianhu had already noticed it, so he struck away with his palm.The believers were blown out by the palm energy and died on the spot.

Someone released a hidden arrow, Wu Tianhu caught the arrow with one hand and reflected it back.Before the shooter could react, his heart had been pierced by a sharp arrow and he fell to the ground immediately.

A cultist threw a flying spear and stabbed him in the chest, but the tip of the spear became blunt, and the opponent was not injured at all.

Wu Tianhu threw the flying spear back, piercing through the bodies of the three people in an instant.

Several people released throwing knives at the same time.Wu Tianhu roared, and a thick barrier formed outside his body immediately, and all the flying knives stopped in the air.

Everyone was shocked.With Wu Tianhu's strength, all the flying knives were reflected back, stabbing several people to death.

"He's not a human, he's a monster!" Someone yelled.No one dared to go up.

"I like this kind of bloody scene the most, hahahaha!" Wu Tianhu stepped on the corpse and walked down.

The believers retreated step by step, the weapons in their hands were shaking.They were not afraid of death, and they became timid when they saw each other so powerful.

"How is it? Do you still dare to come up?" Wu Tianhu approached step by step.

"Ma Jun, kill him!" Huo You ordered.

Ma Jun panicked when he heard the order, but as one of the Big Three, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward to fight.His blade trembled.

Wu Tianhu asked contemptuously: "Just because you want to deal with me?"

"You... you monster, I'm going to kill you!" Ma Jun was dripping sweat from his forehead.

"You lowly creatures that obstruct your vision, come and kill each one!" Wu Tianhu looked at everything and didn't pay attention to these humans at all.

Ma Jun was already so frightened that he lost his mind, but when he was so excited, he lost his mind and roared angrily: "Fucking bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm going to kill you!!"

Ma Jun raised his sword and went straight up.Suddenly a human head flew over, he split the head in half with a quick sword, and the brains were scattered everywhere.

Wu Tianhu used the movement technique, several human heads flew away at the same time.Ma Jun chopped off all the heads with his elegant swordsmanship, and was splashed with disgusting things at the same time.

"Sure enough, he has two skills, and his sword skills are not bad." Wu Tianhu boasted deliberately.

"Monster, die!" Ma Jun rushed up and slashed at him with a sword.

Wu Tianhu blocked it lightly with the Killing Heaven Sword, and Ma Jun's sword broke.

"What?!" Ma Jun was very surprised, his sword was harder than ordinary swords.

"Do you want to compare this mortal weapon with my Heaven Slaying Sword? It's just a dream!" Wu Tianhu kicked Ma Jun more than ten meters away and hit a tree.

Ma Jun held his wound and stood up reluctantly.Wu Tianhu punched hard, Ma Jun dodged quickly, and a strong air current pierced a hole in the tree trunk.

"What an astonishing Qi Dao!" Ma Jun thought in amazement, "Who the hell is he? Does the Yue people have such a person?"

"Hurry up and change your weapon, don't let me get close to you." Wu Tianhu pressed tightly.

Ma Jun picked up a spear and flew towards it.Wu Tianhu dodged lightly and dodged.

Ma Jun suddenly pulled out a small dagger from the inside of his trouser leg, and threw it over.Wu Tianhu held the dagger in his mouth and spat it out.

"Don't use such little tricks anymore, quickly use your ultimate trick!" Wu Tianhu was a little impatient.

In anger, Ma Jun picked up a knife with his foot and rushed towards it.Wu Tianhu slapped him, knocking him away several meters away.

Ma Jun thought about it calmly, and decided to adopt a surprise attack tactic.He pretended to rush over, and suddenly rolled in the air, landed behind the enemy, and stabbed him fiercely.

It's a pity that his blade has not touched the opponent, and his whole body has been ejected far away.At this moment, Wu Tianhu has a barrier formed by body energy outside his body, even if he closes his eyes, Ma Jun cannot attack him.

Ma Jun didn't understand Qimai, and he couldn't get close to the opponent, so he was at a loss for what to do.

"Is there no other way? If that's the case, I'll send you to the west now!" Wu Tianhu waved his blue light.

Ma Jun quickly leaned back, and the blue light brushed past the tip of his nose, cutting off the trees behind him.His nose was oozing blood.

"Sure enough, it's not a fuel-efficient lamp, but you can avoid my sword qi slash. But, how many swords can you avoid at the same time?" Wu Tianhu swung three swords in quick succession.

Ma Jun jumped up quickly, dodging the first two strikes, but couldn't dodge the third one.Qing Guang ruthlessly cut across his waist, cutting his body in half.

The dying Ma Jun knew that he would die today, so he moaned helplessly: "No...impossible, not human power, we...definitely win...not..."

Wu Tianhu said: "You ordinary humans cannot defeat me, rest in peace."

What he didn't expect was that instead of being intimidated by the captain's death, the believers rushed forward more bravely.

"Since you are not afraid of death, I will fulfill you!" Wu Tianhu frantically swiped his sword several times, causing a sea of ​​corpses and blood in an instant.

I don't know whether they were enraged by Ma Jun's death or driven by the teachings of our religion, none of the believers became deserters, and they rushed forward one after another.

"A group of useless people!" Wu Tianhu went on a killing spree, and countless people died.

In less than a while, all the believers were sacrificed, and the corpses were everywhere, bloody and bloody, and it was impossible to tell whose head and whose hands were.

"Phew, what a joy!" Wu Tianhu said, licking the blood on the blade, "It's really not fun, I'm going to die so soon."

Suddenly, he found that Huo You was missing, so he searched everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found.

"He ran away, cunning guy!" Wu Tianhu slammed his fist on the tree.Only then did he understand that those people who kept coming to die just now were actually trying to cover the escape of the leader.

"Unexpectedly, they are so loyal to their leader! To protect one person, they can sacrifice the lives of the whole team! Is this the style of a cult?" Wu Tianhu felt incredible, "It seems that I underestimated them too much. No way, go back first Tell him."

King Yue was very annoyed when he heard the news of Huo You's escape, but he didn't dare to blame Wu Tianhu. He knew the strength of the White Tigers very well.

Wu Tianhu said: "This time I was negligent, I'm sorry. If Zong Shuai needs it, I can directly attack Huanglong and teach Jiuyou to Lian Woduan."

The King of Yue thought for a while, and said, "Don't scare the snake, let's see the situation clearly. I know Huo You very well. He is full of tricks. Maybe he has already sent a surprise soldier to wait for our army at the headquarters."

"Don't be afraid, Commander Zong. With my Heaven Slaying Sword, even if he lays in ambush on all sides, I can break him with one sword. Gray-faced tiger and I came all the way to Jiangdong, just to use the power of the nobles to contain Wu Jun and let Cao Jun Take Jiangnan smoothly; at the same time, we will help the nobles eliminate their old enemies as a transaction condition. Zong Shuai, as long as you give me an order, I can act at any time." Wu Tianhu is still regretting his mistake just now.

King Yue shook his head and said, "No need, I want to settle the personal grievances between me and Huo You by myself. You don't have to do anything next time, we will handle it all."

"Couldn't Zongshuai doubt my strength?"

"You misunderstood General Wu Tianhu. I never doubted your strength. It's just that Huo You killed his wife. This king must personally ask him to settle the debt!" King Yue slammed his fist hard on the table.

"Zong Shuai can speak up whenever he needs me. I just hope this cooperation can be successful." Wu Tianhu's tone was full of sincerity.

The King of Yue nodded and said politely: "I don't dare to be the one, we just help each other."

"Why hasn't Lu Ji come back yet? He should have arrived early." A staff officer suddenly asked.

"It is indeed time to come back, will something happen?" King Yue also began to feel puzzled.

"Could it be that his identity has been revealed?" Wu Tianhu guessed.

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome! If Lu Ji's identity is exposed, Sun Quan will definitely deal with him. If he confesses all the truth, we will be very passive. Without the information provided by the internal staff, we will not be able to grasp Wu Guoyun's grain The whereabouts of the team. Once the food transport team diverts, our food source will be greatly reduced! This is related to the life and death of the entire nation!" The king of Yue was anxious.

At this time, a person in the hall said: "Zong Shuai, my subordinates would like to go to Wu Palace again to find out about this matter."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Tongge. Go check it out immediately!"

"Yes!" Bronze Grid retreated.He was the one who stole the ball with Lu Ji.


Jiangling County.

On this day, Cao Cao was gathering people to discuss matters, and suddenly someone reported that Soochow sent an envoy to write a letter.Cao Cao ordered the envoys to be brought in, and the envoys presented bamboo scrolls.

Cao Cao opened the bamboo scroll and saw that it was Sun Quan's letter of challenge.He quickly finished reading, and said to the messenger: "Go back and tell 'Zhuzi' (meaning Sun Quan, with a derogatory meaning), tell him to prepare for the battle, and don't relax!"

After the envoy hurriedly withdrew, Cao Cao asked, "Cai Mao, Zhang Yun, how is the training of the navy going?"

"Report to the prime minister, the progress is very smooth. The warship team has basically mastered the cross-complementary attack technique; the red horse boat team is urgently training shock tactics; the construction of the building ship is also nearing completion, and it will be put into use in a few days. The main warships They are all stepping up their training and dare not relax in the slightest," Cai Mao said.

"We are roughly divided into three teams for training, and the skills of each team are constantly improving. I believe that we will reach the level of the Soochow Navy in the near future." Zhang Yun is full of confidence.

"Very good! Continue to practice, we must practice to the point of proficiency! We must not lose to Wu Jun!" Cao Cao ordered.

"Yes!" Cai Mao and Zhang Yun responded in unison.

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