Hosting the program: The beginning drives thousands of foreigners crazy

Chapter 168: 42 Years of Ignorance of Military Revolution!

The night is getting darker.

After the emperor finished approving the memorial on the desk, he couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his brows, feeling tired and hungry, and wanted to eat a bowl of mutton soup to warm his stomach.

But he glanced at the imperial guards, still held back his hunger, and didn't say anything.

At this point the scene changed again.

In the morning of the next day, after the graceful and luxurious queen knew about this, she hurriedly comforted her.

"Your Majesty is worried about the world and is tired day and night, so you must take care of your dragon body.

If you want to drink mutton soup, you can tell the imperial chef to go down and make it, why not say it when you are hungry? "

As a result, the emperor's answer moved the audience, and they were touched one after another!

"It's okay, I'm just empty for a while, and I can bear it.

If I pass the order because of my whim, the imperial chef will slaughter them every night to prepare for emergencies.

Such a cycle has formed a routine, and the number of slaughters by the imperial chef will be immeasurable in the future.

I can't bear to set this evil example and kill countless lives just for a bowl of food, so I would rather suffer from hunger for a while. "

Seeing this, the audience felt that this is really a good emperor.

In order not to waste too much food, I don't want to kill too much, and I would rather endure temporary hunger.

It should be called "good-natured temperament, dislike luxury, strict self-discipline, and lenient treatment of others"!

Even the eyes of some female viewers started to turn red, being moved by the emperor's benevolent spirit.

And the elite scholars sitting in the front row clenched their fists subconsciously, feeling a surge of blood boiling and roaring in their bodies!

This is the history and culture they love!

"Good! That's great! This is the essence of our country's history. Although thousands of years have passed, the spirit in it will never die! The benevolence, morality, and prosperity will last forever!"

"Every time I study the emperor, I am always moved by his words and deeds. I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to see the historical pictures on the stage. This is too rare and precious!"

"Yeah, I think it's very interesting to start the second episode in this way! This trial broadcast is also very good! It can let more Chinese people experience the brilliance and charm of our country's 5000-year history."

"Oh my god! Did Teacher An really make this up alone? Why do I feel that such a scene, characters and props cannot be completed without the cooperation of hundreds of people!"

"Isn't that right? I don't quite believe that this is Teacher An's handwriting alone. I would rather believe that this is a grand performance that the program team spent a lot of effort and energy on."

Not only old professors, experts and elite scholars could not believe that such a scene was completed by Mr. An alone, even other audience members could not believe it.

Because this is too far-fetched!

One person actually completed the workload of hundreds of people?

This is absolutely impossible!

There is only one explanation, and that is that the program group is deceiving people.

But at this moment, all the staff of the program group were dumbfounded!

The surprise and shock in their hearts was no less than that of others, and they almost cried out.

Especially Director Chen, Editor Li, the production director and others stared blankly at the stage, with waves of turmoil in their hearts, and they were so shocked that they couldn't say a word at all.

In fact, their three views have been severely impacted!

It will not be able to slow down for a while.

It was also at this moment that they couldn't help but think of what Teacher An said to them at the celebration banquet.

What a powerful, confident statement!

"I want to invite ancient historical figures to travel through time and space, come to modern times, and have a dialogue with us on the same stage!"

Looking at the situation and the scene again, isn't it all right?

The most benevolent emperor of the Song Dynasty came to modern times to interpret the historical trajectory and witness the glory and glory of the past!

This is also tantamount to turning the historical picture that everyone imagined on weekdays into reality!

Therefore, when such a historical scene appears on the stage, the visual impact it brings to the audience is definitely the most direct and violent!

This is not over yet.

The brilliance on the stage intertwined and changed, and another scene appeared.

The young emperor retreated from the hall and returned to the bedroom where he usually rested.

At this moment, when the eunuch who was serving personally was combing the emperor's hair, he saw a memorial in the emperor's hand, and asked curiously, "May I ask what memorial your Majesty received?"

The young emperor closed his eyes and replied flatly, "The minister suggests that I reduce the number of servants in the palace."

The eunuch suddenly showed a flattering smile, "Your Majesty, this servant dares to say, which minister doesn't have a singer and dancer in his home? His Majesty doesn't have many attendants, but some ministers suggested to reduce some, isn't it a little too much?"

The young emperor was silent.

The eunuch was a little anxious, and said boldly again, "I wonder if Your Majesty is going to accept their suggestion?"

The emperor was outspoken and full of majesty, "Of course I will adopt the suggestion made by the admonisher!"

The eunuch had served the emperor for many years and thought he was close, so he pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "If your majesty insists on adopting it, please cut off the servant first."

After the emperor heard this, he immediately summoned the eunuch in charge, discussed it carefully with him, and finally chose to cut 30 people out of the palace, and the leader was this confident personal eunuch.

Following the Queen's appearance, he asked with some doubts, "The personal eunuch has served His Majesty for many years, and he is considered sincere and not superfluous. Why should he be cut out of the palace?"

The emperor said word by word, "The speaker is the eyes and ears of the imperial court. He, a eunuch, dares to persuade me to reject the speaker's advice. How can I keep such a person by my side?!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience felt a wave of respect in their hearts!

This is not only a benevolent emperor, but also a wise emperor who is good at accepting advice.

At this moment, some viewers have already guessed who the emperor is.

But none of them spoke, but watched quietly.

The scenes that appeared after that were all the actions of the emperor's life.

For example, an envoy reported that in recent years, Goryeo's tributes have become less and less, and asked His Majesty to send troops to fight.

After hearing this, the emperor shook his head and said, "This is the king's crime. If we send troops now, the king may not be killed, but countless people will be killed." He ignored it.

Scenes like this flashed one after another on the stage, touching the hearts of the audience time and time again.

Some viewers even started to cry, hoping that the emperor would have a good death.

Finally, come the scene of the emperor's deathbed.

He made a will in front of the hospital bed, stating that the funeral must be simple.

And when the news of his death came out, the whole country mourned and cried bitterly, none of them could accept this fact.

Even the beggars on the side of the road were crying bitterly while burning paper money to pay homage to this benevolent king.

At this time, the whole sky suddenly darkened.

It turned out that it was covered by the smoke of burning paper money. It was still daytime, but there was no trace of light.

Then this news spread to the ears of the emperor of Liao, and he was taken aback immediately. He tightly grasped the hand of the envoy of the Song Dynasty and wailed loudly, "I didn't know the military revolution for 42 years!"

"I should set up a tomb for him to express my condolences!"

That is to say, as soon as these two sentences came out, it immediately shocked the hearts and minds of everyone present!

Every breath seems to have stopped!

Even the bodies of some audience members began to tremble!

That too was an uncontrollable trembling! !

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