Unofficial History of Song and Liao Heroes

Chapter 40 Meeting Susu and Seeing a Miracle Doctor

As a woman, Gao Yurou was a little envious of the girl in pink.Not only is she quite beautiful, but she also has an alluring taste of a youthful and mature woman.Although there is still baby fat on her face, her body already has soft curves that make a man's desire rise.Seeing Ran Nanyuan blushing and running away, the girl in pink muttered to herself strangely:

"It's strange. In the past two years, these big men have been so inarticulate, either stammering or reticent, and blushing at every turn. But this uncle is still stable, compared to the one who turned his head and bumped into him yesterday. The dumb boy in the tree is much better."

She was hesitating whether to continue catching fish or go home directly, when she looked up and saw Gao Yurou, who was dressed in plain green clothes and looked like a bright moon, walking towards her gracefully, she couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she gave a secret praise in her heart:

"What a beautiful sister!"

Gao Yurou came to stand in front of the girl in pink, smiled gently, and asked softly:

"My younger sister is so handsome, can I tell Fang's name?"

"Sister smells so good!" The girl in pink moved closer to Gao Yurou's side, and greedily took a few breaths. If a man behaved like this, he would be a complete disciple. Gao Yurou had already slashed at her Now, the girl in pink is acting like this, but she is so cute, "Sister, what kind of sachet is she wearing? What kind of flowers are there in it that smells so fragrant? None of the crabapple flowers in Ye Sanpo are so fragrant!"

A series of questions like the oriole came out of the valley, uttered like a cannonball, and answered irrelevant questions, which made Gao Yurou stunned, and she realized that she didn't answer Gao Yurou's questions, she felt very rude, her pretty face flushed, and she quickly said goodbye ,road:

"The little girl's surname is Liu and her name is Susu. I don't know what my sister's name is?"

The Gao family is also considered a scholarly family. Gao Yurou's family has a long history of education, and he behaves dignifiedly and politely. He returned the courtesy with a smile:

"It turned out to be Sister Susu. My sister is very polite. My nickname is Gao Yurou. Over there is my husband, Ran Nanyuan. The rest are family and friends. I am waiting to come from Jiangnan. The fragrance that my sister smells should be brought from Jiangnan." Facial powder, if my sister likes it, I can give you some."


Liu Susu cheered for joy when she heard it, and moved to Gao Yurou's side to ask questions.The two women quickly became good friends who talked about everything, which made Ran Nanyuan and others sigh. Sure enough, women's friendship is the most mysterious, and they can hit it off so quickly when they first meet.

After a while, Gao Yurou asked about the purpose of this trip. As the saying goes, there is no coincidence, this Liu Susu is the daughter of the genius doctor Liu Shijie and Shangguan Miaoke, who went out to collect medicine today and was lazy to catch fish, and they caught him.The horses and carriages were all ready for this trip, Gao Yurou asked Liu Susu to point out the direction, and then got into the carriage with her and her daughter Ran Qianxue, and continued to study cosmetics and other things about her daughter's family.Liu Susu's frankness and generosity made Gao Yurou's pretty face blush, and she went bare-chested in the carriage to try on the bra that Gao Yurou gave her, completely throwing away the fact that Cai and Gao Yurou hadn't known each other for a quarter of an hour. To cloud nine.Ran Qianxue looked at the pride on Liu Susu's chest, and secretly held her immature buds, which still looked a little flat, and suddenly felt inferior and frustrated.

Ran Nanyuan and others helped to take Liu Susu's medicine basket, followed her directions all the way, and soon arrived at a short mountain, a small village by the road, and a fairly elegant yard at the entrance of the village, with four large characters written on a plaque at the door :

Liu, family, medicine, museum.

The couplet on the left reads 'I don't go home when I catch fish and I don't catch fish', and the couplet on the right reads 'The cure is good and the cure is not good because I didn't wake up'. There is a small horizontal batch on the door frame above, It says 'no far away delivery'.The handwriting is beautiful and dignified, but the artistic conception is very playful, which makes everyone smile.According to Liu Susu, it was written by his mother, Shangguan Miaoke, who teased her husband, Liu Shijie, a year ago. Liu Shijie was a little annoyed at first, but after reading it a few times, he found it interesting, so he ignored Shangguan Miaoke's objection to finding someone else. Cheng couplets were hung on the door frame as a counterattack to Shangguan Miaoke.

When Ran Nanyuan informed the three women in the car that they had arrived at their destination, Gao Yurou was introducing to Liu Susu the origin of the two monks and the tiger they were carrying. Get out of the carriage.At this time, a young man was passing by with a hoe on his shoulders. He caught sight of Liu Susu and the others getting off the car. He saw Gao Yurou in plain green clothes was dignified and charming, Liu Susu in pink was naive, and Ran Qianxue in goose yellow was youthful and beautiful. Feel more and more slowly.Liu Susu noticed him, smiled slightly, and was about to say hello when he saw two blood lines flowing from his nose.The young man noticed that his nose was hot, so he raised his hand to wipe it, and his face immediately changed, causing Liu Susu to burst into a smile.This is good, the young man on the side of the road was bleeding from the nose, dropped his hoe and fled.Liu Susu from behind seemed to be used to it, and shouted loudly:

"Brother Huzi, I'll put the hoe on the side of my door frame for you, don't forget to come back and get it!"

Before he finished speaking, the young man tripped himself to the ground when he heard that his left foot stepped on his right foot, and while everyone was stunned, he staggered up and ran away while using both hands and feet.

"Leave him alone!" Liu Susu said to Gao Yurou, pulling Gao Yurou to the yard, "Brother Huzi, for some reason, has become more and more afraid to talk to me recently. I met me at the door yesterday. I just said hello, blushed, turned around and ran, and bumped into the ginkgo tree in front of my house, almost breaking the tree!"

Seeing Liu Susu's funny words, everyone couldn't help laughing.Xu Shi laughed too much, a woman in the kitchen asked loudly:

"Susu, are there any guests here?"

"Hey~! Mother! Are you cooking? A patient came to see a doctor! Is my father at home?"

Liu Susu saw a middle-aged woman in plain clothes with her head wrapped in a coarse cloth coming out of the kitchen, and she pulled Gao Yurou and others to introduce each other.After a brief salutation, Ran Nanyuan explained the purpose of coming. The middle-aged woman was Shangguan Miaoke, with a dignified manner and fair appearance, but the few crow's feet at the corners of her eyes showed the traces of time.She admitted that Liu Shijie went fishing again and hadn't returned home yet, so she proposed to check Dugu Xiaoqiu's pulse first.Ran Nanyuan didn't know that her medical skills were better than Liu Shijie's, so she didn't point it out, so she called Dugu Xiaoqiu to let Shangguan Miaoke carefully observe and treat her.

When Shangguan Miaoke heard that Dugu Xiaoqiu had suffered damage to his dantian, his heart was heavy.I also heard that he once took Baiducaochongdan, was injured by a poisonous arrow, was also hit by the "Five Poison Locking Heart Dafa", was licked by Jinmaoer, that is, Chixuanli, and finally suffered from the Haisha Gang The two handfuls of arsenopyrite held by Yuan Zhang, the leader of the gang, "Ji Tao Bronze Paddle", are even more troublesome.Sure enough, as soon as he checked the pulse, he felt that Dugu Xiaoqiu's pulse was strange, and he said slowly:

"Dugu Shaoxia's dantian is silted up. Among the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, cold, heat, and poison are entangled and entangled, and come and go. However, it has also achieved a wonderful balance. It does not damage the righteousness for the time being, and it cannot invade the internal organs and harm its life. However, after all, it is full of limbs and bones, and its toxicity is astonishing. Its power is like the internal energy that has been practiced hard for more than ten years, but it is not your own. Rushing into the viscera, I'm afraid I'll be killed on the spot!"

When Dugu Xiaoqiu heard the words, he was like a thunderbolt, and sat on the spot blankly.Ran Nanyuan hurriedly asked:

"I don't know what trick Madam has to save my apprentice?"

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to heal." Shangguan Miaoke frowned, and slowly withdrew his right hand for detecting pulses, "The damage to Dantian needs to be recuperated slowly, whether the severe poison of cold and heat is pulled out slowly or It takes a long time to refine slowly into internal strength, and it takes a long time, and it won't work in three or two months. During this period, the poison is still there, and it may suddenly take the life of Dugu Shaoxia at any time. The most difficult part The fact is that many of the poisonous poisons that the young hero has never seen before, treating them is like a blind man crossing the river, he can only take one step at a time, if the guess is wrong, the young hero's life will be lost."

Hearing the words, Ran Nanyuan hurriedly offered the Baidu Caochong Dan with him, and asked Ran Qianxue to hold the red black raccoon for Shangguan Miaoke to watch.Shangguan Miaoke heard the hundred poisonous grasses and insects, and guessed the names of more than ten poisonous insects and poisonous plants, which made Ran Nanyuan admire.But the red black raccoon is greedy for poisonous insects and snakes, Shangguan Miaoke can only guess the general idea of ​​the poison, and he is more cautious about the poison Dugu Xiaoqiu is poisoned by.So she made an appointment with Ran Nanyuan to come back for treatment tomorrow, and when she met her husband Liu Shijie, she thought about what to do.Ran Nanyuan bid farewell and left. Liu Susu was reluctant to leave Gao Yurou and insisted on going with her. But thanks to her, she helped find a cave in the nearby Baili Gorge, which was convenient for everyone to camp outside. When thieves fight, it is inevitable that they will hurt innocent people.Wang Jiujiu's master and apprentice, mainly because Bu Yizi didn't want to endure hardships, so he went to the village to fool...uh, Yi helped the villagers exorcise evil spirits, and stayed overnight by the way.The two monks could ask for alms for a night, but unfortunately the villagers dared to take in the monk but not the tiger, so they ended up sleeping outside with Ran Nanyuan.Inevitably fighting with bandits all night, Dugu Xiaoqiu showed his might and vented his depression.

On the second day, everyone came to the medical clinic as agreed, and before entering the door, they could smell the delicious fish fragrance in the air, and they really met Liu Shijie, a 'fishing Qihuang' who had returned home.When Liu Shijie came back late last night, he was still so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. As usual when he was seeing a doctor, he gave Dugu Xiaoqiu a pulse check.Hurry up and drive Dugu Xiaoqiu and the others away, bluntly saying that this time it can't be cured, let them go to Tao Dingfa of 'I don't know Yan Luo'.According to Shangguan Miaoke's method, Ran Nanyuan begged for a provocative general, and then seduced him with a strange fish location, and finally made him let go of his promise to give Dugu Xiaoqiu medical treatment.

However, Dugu Xiaoqiu looked at the big pot of herbs prepared by Liu Shijie, looked at the burning firewood below, and looked at the master hesitantly, not daring to take off his clothes and go in:

"Master! Didn't Miracle Doctor Liu really plan to boil me?"

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