Monk Yuanzhen and Yuanguang are now shit-shoveling officers. They follow the tiger to feed, shovel, brush, and pull the reins all day long, so that Ran Nanyuan can't even look directly at it.

Two masters!Aren’t you supposed to eat fast and chant Buddha’s name?

Now you look like a circus animal trainer, don't you?

Come some master and save them back!

Really blinded my 24 grams of titanium alloy eyes.

In contrast, Bu Yizi and Wang Jiujiu were much more normal. They...followed behind the two monks, gloating constantly?

Daoist, don't you feel a little pain in your Dao heart?

Forget it, go back to Youzhou City first.

But Youzhou City seems to have changed its name.In the past, Youzhou City was also called Yanzhou City, so Youyun Sixteen Prefectures were also called Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures. A few years ago, Youzhou City was changed to Nanjing Xijin Prefecture by the Daliao Kingdom as the accompanying capital of the Daliao Kingdom.However, I heard that the city of Nanjing had been captured by the Kingdom of Jin more than two months ago.Fortunately, the founding king of the Great Jin Kingdom, Wanyan Aguda, was also considered a hero of the generation, and he knew what the people wanted.Wherever the troops of the Kingdom of Jin went, they were still strictly restrained, and they could hardly commit any crimes.Moreover, wherever he went, exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes were canceled, and the people recuperated and lived, and only gold and silver properties were collected from the dignitaries of the Liao Kingdom as military expenses.Ordinary people only feel that the life in the Dajin Kingdom is different from that under the harsh rule of the Daliao Kingdom.Under the direction of the people, and under the jurisdiction of the Liao Kingdom, rebellions broke out from time to time, and the national strength and military strength were greatly damaged, and the two countries ebbed and flowed.The Great Jin Kingdom also has famous generals such as Wanyan Zongbi, Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Zonghan, and Wanyan Yinshu. It is not difficult for the Great Jin Kingdom to send troops into the Daliao Kingdom as if they were entering the land of no one.

When everyone arrived in Youzhou City, the soldiers of the Great Jin Kingdom guarding the gate remained the same as before, and did not make things difficult for passers-by.The two monks want to continue alms in Youzhou City to save some money to feed the tigers, and the two Taoist priests also want to run a dojo in Youzhou City for people who have recently died of serious injuries during the war.Liu Shijie and Shangguan Miaoke wanted to stay in Youzhou City to rest for a while, and then head north to find their son Liu Tongwen and take him to study in Youzhou City. On the one hand, they can first treat diseases and save lives in Youzhou City to earn money, and on the other hand wait and see See if there is any news about Liu Susu.Ran Nanyuan had nothing to do in Dajin Kingdom, so he bid farewell to them and turned to the northwest, intending to go to Daliao Kingdom to find his relatives, another descendant of Wu Mourning Heavenly King.

Going north along Youzhou City first, the mass graves outside the city looked like new soil from the past two months, and even several graves that had just been buried.There were still a lot of refugees along the way, seeing Ran Nanyuan and the others carrying weapons with them, they timidly ran from the main road to the wilderness.It seems that in the troubled times, those who take advantage of the fire and loot are really unscrupulous.Just as Ran Nanyuan and the others were thinking about whether there were many bandits causing disasters in the village, more than ten riders came galloping from far away in the sky, and the group of refugees who had just escaped hurriedly hid deep in the withered grass in the wild.Ran Nanyuan and the others continued to walk slowly, facing the uninvited guests on the opposite side, they were secretly on guard, changed their formation, and prepared their weapons and bows.

Soon, the group of uninvited guests who were speeding towards them became clearly visible.I saw that they were all men, almost all of them were of strong stature, and they were all covered in sheepskins, cotton coats and other clothes to keep out the cold.In addition, each of them carried a sword and a crossbow.Most of them lead spare horses, with chickens, ducks, rice noodle bags and water bags hanging on the saddles. On the horse led by one of them, there is a familiar beautiful figure in a bright red body covered with a red gauze.It's a pity that these savages don't know how to pity and cherish jade. This beautiful figure is tied up like a cloth bag on the horse's back. I don't know if she has spilled the gall in her stomach.

Seeing Ran Nanyuan and the others, the group became visibly excited.Half a mile away, one of the short-bearded, black-faced short and strong men shouted loudly to the leading red-faced tall and strong man:

"Brother! Look! There are two little ladies in front of you! They are really handsome!"

Hearing the words, the 'big brother' also had lewd eyes flashing, staring at Gao Yurou and Ran Qianxue with a lewd smile, completely ignoring Ran Nanyuan who was ready to go with a spear in his left hand and a halberd in his right.Touching his chin with his right hand, he uttered the deadly words that made Ran Nanyuan's eyebrows stand up in anger:

"Hey! Old five, you look good! We just fished the tenderest one from that group of fat sheep, and they are still eating dirt behind our buttocks! Just now I thought we would share one today to taste the meat, I didn't expect to meet two more plump ones in a blink of an eye, so I can have a good time. Brothers! What are you doing in a daze? Kill these five or six men, and these two little ladies will let us brothers love to sleep for a few days God! Let me kill you!"

So this group of short-sighted thieves rushed towards Ran Nanyuan and the others shouting. In order to prevent accidental injury to Gao Yurou and Ran Qianxue, they were so big that they didn't even dare to shoot their bows and arrows.

Why are there murderers everywhere?

Without waiting for Ran Nanyuan to say anything, Dugu Xiaoqiu performed the "Iron Clothes Movement" exercise and charged towards the chaotic horses on the opposite side.Holding the hilt of the sword tightly in one hand, he shouted loudly without looking back:

"Master, please sweep the formation for your disciples!"

have to!Ran Nanyuan sighed inwardly, this idiot of himself is going to use these thieves to practice swords again.Since the last time Liu Shijie's medical center healed and detoxified, although Dugu Xiaoqiu's internal strength practice was as slow as a snail, his swordsmanship has improved to a higher level.He always had the idea of ​​reward in his heart, his diligence in practicing swords was outrageous, and the frequent exchanges with Shangguan Qing, Ran Nanyuan and others were inhumane.And from time to time, he practiced swords with the thieves who came to him to kill him, it was like being possessed by a demon.

These thieves, be cool!

At the sound of the bowstring, the thieves who were far away from Dugu Xiaoqiu fell off their horses one after another. It was Wang Zhenguan who was helping Dugu Xiaoqiu to reduce the danger.As a sharpshooter, there is no such thing as "shoot the man first and shoot the horse" for him. He shoots wherever he wants, and shoots accurately. He is just so capricious.Seeing that three or four brothers were shot by arrows in the heart, throat and other vital points, they fell off the horse.The bandit leader sensed something was wrong and was about to stop his mount when Dugu Xiaoqiu rushed in front of them.

Can you hurry up?

Although I, Dugu Xiaoqiu, run fast, your horses run faster than me. I was shocked by the approaching speed.Dugu Xiaoqiu was jealous in his heart, but he didn't hesitate in his hands.The moment he crossed the first horse in a flash.

Draw your sword!

Pull out the air? !

The bandit passing by looked at Dugu Xiaoqiu with disdain, he didn't see any sword unsheathed, only saw Dugu Xiaoqiu dodge, and then raised his right hand.

What are you raising your hand for?Take a yarn? !Escape from my saber is cause for celebration, isn't it?If it wasn't for your sudden flash just now, Lao Tzu's saber would have cut a red river valley on you, a life-or-death bastard!Do you still have the face to raise your hand after you escaped, and signal to your master that you are still alive?

Boring or not? !Funny or not? !

But why do I feel so cold all of a sudden?It was as if a strong wind had poured in through the sheepskin jacket.And it still hurts, and I was bumped a little high by the horse? !

The thief looked down at his horse, which was running normally.No, it's not normal, Tema's it ran to the front and flew me to the back.But who's that guy right away with half of his shoulders and head missing?How silly, being hunched away by a horse so fast, the wound spurted blood mist all the way in the cold spring wind...

Why do you think that outfit looks familiar?Like me?Why is that idiot learning how to dress me? fact...that's me? !

This bandit somehow thought of so many things in a flash. As expected of the great horror between life and death, he actually thought of the most things he could think of when the god of death came.I can still look back at Dugu Xiaoqiu, see him throwing the sword in his hand and jumping onto an empty horse behind him.

So fast!

What a fast sword!

It turned out that it wasn't him who pulled out the air, but that I didn't see it!

The thief's upper body flew up slightly, then fell into the dust again, the past events of his life revolving in his mind like a revolving door, and at the same time he tried his best to not die, but his eyes went dark after all.

Broken gold and sword drawing? !

Do not!wrong! !

Cut the sky and draw the sword!

Gao Yurou in the distance watched Dugu Xiaoqiu chop the first bandit into the dust with a sword, but her body shape was not affected at all, just like just splitting the air, her eyes widened immediately.She immediately guessed that such a powerful sword-drawing technique must not rely entirely on the strength of the Qinghong sword, even the Broken Gold Sword-drawing technique handed down by her Gao family is difficult to achieve this.What is the technique of drawing a sword that is so overbearing?The answer is already ready to come out, it must be yes, apart from the Sky Slashing and Drawing the Sword, there is absolutely no way in the world that is more powerful than the Broken Gold and Drawing the Sword to slash the enemy.It's just that I don't know where Dugu Xiaoqiu learned this magic sect's uninherited secret technique. You must know that this is a swordsmanship that only the leader can learn.

If you are not the leader of the demon sect, you practice without authorization, and you are a disciple of the demon sect, you will swear to kill him!

I want to talk to Xiao Qiu alone when I turn back, and ask him to understand the source of his sword drawing skills.It shouldn't be possible for him to be the leader of the Demon Cult, so he must hide his ability to cut the sky and draw swords, otherwise he will be endlessly hunted down by the Demon Cult's disciples, and then it will be bad.

Gao Yurou thought so in her heart, and the battle situation in front of her was changing one after another.Seeing that more than a dozen of his brothers had already lost more than half of them before they rushed to Ran Nanyuan, the leader of the bandit knew that he had encountered a hard stubble, and if he dared to fight again, he would definitely die.Only then did he rein in his horse and roared:

"The idea is hard! The wind is tight! It's ridiculous!"

It's a pity it's still too late.Taking advantage of the timing when he reined in his horse, Dugu Xiaoqiu ran up from behind him, took advantage of his unpreparedness, only looked at Ran Nanyuan who was nearby, and stabbed his sword into the back of his heart.Then, without any nostalgia, he galloped around on several horses, beheading the remaining thieves one after another.

After cleaning up these people, Dugu Xiaoqiu rode to the side of the empty horse herd that followed the thief, and lifted the crimson veil of the woman in red.

Sure enough, it is red peony!

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