Xiao Pu couldn't get away from the fact that this sixty-year-old man who lived in seclusion for many years turned out to be a good fortune teller and a stranger, which was beyond the expectation of Ran Nanyuan and others.What is even more inconceivable to everyone is that this old man knows the past of the 'Wu Mourning Heavenly King' Ran Min and Long Qingluo. You must know that it happened 800 years ago, and even the Ran family doesn't know that there is a clan in the North retain.Ran Nanyuan also learned from the "Hundred Birds Conference" at Iron Wing Villa and the clues left behind in the back mountain of Iron Wing Villa that Long Qingluo, the first wife of Wu Mourning King Ran Min, sent a pair of children to the Khitan clan for adoption. things.

In fact, this matter is also related to Xiao Puli's experience in the past.

His grandfather Xiao Urguna, who was inseparable from Xiao Pu, passed away suddenly when he was 13 years old. His beloved grandfather and grandmother passed away one after another, which made the young Xiao Pu feel unbearable pain.He vowed to study medical science so that his relatives would not be tortured by illness; he studied astronomy and geography, hoping to help his relatives survive natural disasters and droughts; He is involved in divination, fortune-telling and face-to-face, hoping to not only help himself earn a living, but also help his clansmen avoid evil.

He studied hard and practiced hard, coupled with his talent and intelligence, he soon learned something, led the tribe to prosper, and his reputation spread far and wide.Even later, Daozong Emperor Yelu Hongji of the Daliao Kingdom personally issued an order to recruit him to the court as an official, but he rejected him.

As for why Xiao Puli knew the past of the 'Wu Mourning Heavenly King' Ran Min and Long Qingluo, it was because he found some clues about the origin of the Xiao family in the study of his grandfather Xiao Urguna. tie.Xiao Uerguna was the prime minister of the Daliao Kingdom back then, and he was respected by the Xiao clan of the Daliao Kingdom as the patriarch at that time, and the ceremonies of offering sacrifices to the ancestors of the Xiao clan were presided over by Xiao Urguna.Therefore, the inheritance of the Xiao family was handed over to Xiao Uerguna to sort out, not only to record the current descendants of the clan, but also to trace the source and complete the family tree.

Back then, Shouzha only vaguely mentioned that in the short-lived Ran Wei, there were princes and princesses who were fostered by Xiao's family, and the rest were also vague.Xiao Puli traveled all over the world and searched for Xiao's relatives in the Daliao Kingdom. He not only perfected the genealogy, reconnected and helped the distant relatives who were gradually estranged, but also obtained Long Qingluo's foster children from them in the Xiao family. The news that these two people were integrated into the Xiao clan.

This is also an honor to the Xiao family - the Xiao family is not only the queen's relatives of the Daliao Kingdom, but also the royal blood of Ran Wei.That's why Xiao Puli was able to find out the news that Long Qingluo's foster child was in the Xiao family, and he even revealed this matter to many members of the Xiao family.

The noble blood of one's own blood can also make people quite proud.

I feel that I will have more face when I greet people in the future!


And the rumors about Xiao Pu's inseparability and face-to-face made the Xiao family respect him like a god.

Yelu Hongji, the Taoist Emperor of the Daliao Kingdom, once made one of his sons Yelu Jun the Crown Prince, but was framed for treason by Wei Wang Yelu Yixin, who died unjustly in prison.At that time, Yelu Yanxi, the grandson of Daozong Emperor Yelu Hongji, who is the current Emperor Tianzuo, was still young. Xiao Puli once met him on the street, and was surprised that he had the appearance of an emperor, so he asked the passers-by After inquiring, I learned about the crisis that Emperor Tianzuo was facing when he was young.Xiao Puli did not rush to pay a visit to Xiao Wuna, his own clan, and asked Xiao Wuna, who was at the Xuanhui envoy of the Northern Academy and accompanied Emperor Daozong, to protect the young Emperor Tianzuo from Yelu Yixin's murderous hands.Later, Xiao Puli did not predict that Yelu Yixin would die eventually, and warned the members of the Xiao clan to stay away from this person.A few years later, Yelu Yixin was indeed executed by Emperor Daozong of the Daliao Kingdom. Later, Emperor Tianzuo ascended the throne of God and opened Yelu Yixin's coffin to slaughter his body.As for the Xiao clan, those who listened to Xiao Pu's insecurities were all saved from catastrophe. They refused to listen to him and insisted on following Yelv Yixin's loyalty.

And ten years ago, Xiao Puli had a sudden whim, fasted and bathed, and predicted the fate of the Daliao Kingdom.It can be considered that there is a catastrophe in the Daliao Kingdom, and it came from the east, causing a 'female'.Xiao Puli did not repeat his calculations, and concluded that the Jianzhou Jurchens were about to rebel, so he hastily notified his fellow clan Xiao Wuna, and the Xiao clan to avoid military disasters.In view of the lessons learned from the past, Xiao Wuna warned Emperor Tianzuo even though he was dubious.Reluctantly, perhaps it was God's will. Emperor Tianzuo didn't believe his savior Xiao Wuna, and was tired of repeated admonitions, so he demoted Xiao Wuna as the governor of the Liao Xing Army.Although Xiao Wuna was guarding against Jurchen's invasion, Emperor Tianzuo did not support him, which resulted in his defeat by the Jurchen leader Wanyan Aguda, who is now the emperor of the Great Jin Kingdom.After that, the Jurchen tribes were unstoppable, and the Great Jin Kingdom was established, and the Daliao Kingdom lost the opportunity to nip the disaster in the bud.

After that, Xiao Pu inseparably and accurately predicted Xiao Wuna's death, and rushed to treat her in advance.But due to Xiao Wuna's depression, regret and pain for not being able to prevent Jurchen's rebellion, he finally failed to survive the disease.


All things come first, although Xiao Puli's failure to save the fate of the Daliao Kingdom, he warned the Xiao clan in advance, allowing many clansmen to escape with their lives.Therefore, the Xiao family in the Daliao Kingdom, and even the officials and civilians who knew Xiao Puli's deeds respected him like a god.

Therefore, when Xiao Puli didn't see Ran Qianxue and said that she had the appearance of a phoenix and wanted to attach her family to her, all the people present from the Xiao family took it for granted and expressed that they would let Xiao Puli arrange it.

Ran Nanyuan: "..."

Although my daughter looks like your grandmother, you can't be so reckless to attach your family to her!



An idea flashed in Ran Nanyuan's heart, he grasped a key question, and hurriedly said to Xiao Puli:

"Senior, wait a moment to decide! Does my daughter look very much like Grandmother Zun? Then the two should have the same face! But Grandmother Zun didn't become a queen, and to be disrespectful, Grandmother Zun didn't live long either!"

Xiao Puli stopped looking carefully at Ran Qianxue, turned his head and nodded to the hopeful Ran Nanyuan, and said affirmatively:

"That's right! It's the posture of a phoenix, that's right! Although my grandmother's face was the same as Ling Ai's back then, she lacked a trace of the supreme light, but even so, my grandmother was also the wife of the prime minister, and she was also honored in the Daliao Kingdom. Very. In the future, Ling Ai will definitely be more noble than my grandmother."

What the hell is Supreme Light? !

Ran Nanyuan was dumbfounded, senior!I don't know how to tell fortunes, so don't lie to me!


Except for Ran Qianxue's strange "family attachment", Ran Nanyuan's expected kinship recognition went very smoothly.Since everyone has been separated for almost 800 years, there have been at least [-] to [-] generations in the middle, and they were separated due to the war, and the main family has changed. It is really difficult to divide the seniority, so they probably call each other according to their age.Ran Nanyuan called Xiao Sixian "clan brother", Xiao Puli did not call "clan uncle", and Xiao Puli did not call Ran Qianxue "grandmother".

Ran Nanyuan: "..."

Just as long as you are happy!


Afterwards, it is natural for relatives to get to know each other, get together, eat and drink, brag and chat...that's all these trivial things.

After the banquet, it was getting late and everyone rested.However, Hong Shaoyao is full of energy, and she pulls Dugu Xiaoqiu to greet today's young knights for a night tour of Xiao's Manor.In fact, where is there anything to swim in?In the manor, there is only one small garden worth seeing, the rest are the residences of various families, everyone goes to sleep after getting drunk, is it possible that Hong Shaoyao and the others go to the manor at night to listen to these people snoring?

Hong Shaoyao just wanted to pull them out and take the opportunity to beat them up to vent their anger.

Everyone looked at the winter jasmine in the small garden for a while, and Hong Shaoyao took the opportunity to say:

"You guys don't know who is the best at kung fu? Why don't you have fun drinking today, why don't you all make gestures!"

Dugu Xiaoqiu likes to practice martial arts the most, and she was the first to voice her support.Today Xiao Puli didn't hear that he was the orphan of the Dugu clan, so he also made a fortune teller for him, saying that he was also from the Queen's clan and had the same bloodline as the Xiao clan, which immediately made the Xiao family present look at him with admiration.After all, Dugu Xiaoqiu was born in the queen's family, and was accepted as a disciple by Ran Nanyuan, a descendant of the orthodox royal family. Just like their Xiao family, there is no difference in blood.So he quickly got acquainted with several young knights.

Is this also regarded as like attracting birds of a feather and dividing people into groups?

Since Dugu Xiaoqiu agreed, the other young knights also agreed.Although the night was dark, the small garden was not particularly dark. The moon in the sky was full and bright, and the earth illuminated by the bright moon was almost like daytime.Hong Shaoyao deliberately let these boys drink some wine before, and now it really worked. They opened up their postures and wanted to punch and kick.

After finally finding a chance to vent their anger, how could Red Peony allow them to pass the test easily, how could the pain of fists be compared to the pain of sticks?

So Hong Shaoyao threw them the bamboo sticks they had found before, and let them start fighting each other directly.Then this group of idiots really started to fight as they wished, some of them fought against each other, and some of them who were familiar with each other besieged Dugu Xiaoqiu together.

Dugu Xiaoqiu held a bamboo stick in his hand, his face was solemn, as if he was using a long sword, he was advancing or retreating, stabbing or chopping.He also has the advantage of 'Da Luo Tianchen Pupil', in this full moonlight, it is even more advantageous, and the few people who besieged him screamed in pain.

The few people who had been fighting each other looked at each other, and felt that Dugu Xiaoqiu was too fierce and had to be suppressed first, so they turned to besiege him together.

But facing the pressure, Dugu Xiaoqiu yelled:

"Good come!"

Amidst the long laughter, Dugu Xiaoqiu's figure changed, she was as slippery as a loach, and the bamboo sticks were like lightning. The young knights who were still beating were crying for their father and mother.

Not long after, a group of young knights were beaten badly and surrendered one after another.Dugu Xiaoqiu laughed long and happily, snatched the wine jar from Hong Shaoyao's hand, and drank heavily.

Hong Shaoyao's beautiful eyes glowed, and she stared straight at him.

Then Dugu Xiaoqiu fell drunk to the ground.

Like a dead dog.

Red Peony: "..."

Sell ​​hemp batches!Can't drink but still forceful? !

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