Chapter 385 Qian Shuqing 1

People from both parties have their own reasons.

Brothers Zhao Biao and Zhao Hu committed evil crimes and were sentenced to exile. They also implicated their families and were spurned by the world. They were unwilling and regretted being used by Ning Yufu. They wanted to drag Ning Yufu into the water before they were exiled.

At the beginning, when they left the Ning family, they originally wanted to take Yu Yin and go to their hometown to buy a few acres of land, build a few houses, take their wives and children, and live a good life.

It was Ning Yufu who came to them and asked them to help her secretly, and even took out 20 taels of silver, saying it was their monthly wages.

Ten taels of silver per person a month is twenty times what they worked on Zhuangzi, and they agreed excitedly at that time.

Later, they realized that what Ning Yufang asked them to do was all shady things.

They are all harmful things.

Well done, and rewards.

At that time, they were blinded by interests, lost their minds, became more and more courageous, and dared to do anything like murder and arson.

They didn't wake up until they were arrested and sent to prison to be tortured.


Sorry for the first time.

It was Ning Yurong who harmed them.


Yan Kuan knocked on the gavel, and asked sternly, "Zhao Biao, Zhao Hu, you kept saying that it was Miss Ning San who ordered you to set the fire. Do you have evidence?"

"Yes." Zhao Biao touched his body a few times, but when he failed to find it, he remembered that the prison guards had taken away all the money on his body. He said, "The ten taels of silver note on my body was rewarded by the third girl." , the third girl said, after finishing the work, she will give us 100 taels of silver, let us leave the capital, go to our hometown to hide for a while, and come back after the limelight passes."

"Catcher Zhang, does he have a bank note?"

"Go back to your lord, yes."

Detective Zhang quickly asked an official to go to the prison guard, took back a bank note, and handed it to Yan Kuan.

The bank note belonged to Wantong Bank, and the exchange date was just yesterday afternoon.

Yan Kuan immediately sent Detective Zhang to the bank to investigate the person who changed the ticket.

Wei Zijin gave Luochen a wink and asked him to go with Detective Zhang quickly, but Yan Kuan saw that it was getting late outside, so he announced his withdrawal and continued tomorrow.

Zhao Biao and Zhao Hu were escorted back to the prison.

Wei Zijin and Ye Youran also returned to the other courtyard.

Ye Dashi's family had just come back, and Cheng Hongtiao was introducing Mrs. Qian to them, and then talked about what happened this afternoon, before he finished talking, he saw the two of them coming back.

Lady Qian stood up, walked up to Ye Youran, and bowed deeply, "Thank you Miss Ye for saving my life. If Miss Ye didn't save me today, I might be wronged in prison right now."

Ye Youran was taken aback, and quickly turned to avoid it, and then reached out to help her, "Sister Qian, get up quickly, it's just a little effort, don't take it to heart."

Qian Shuqing followed her and stood up, wiped the corners of her eyes, and said, "For you, it's a piece of cake, but for me, it's a life-saving grace. From now on, wherever Miss Ye needs me, I will Reciprocate with springs."

What you said made Ye Youran feel so guilty.

The Qian family was implicated by her and fell into poverty.

Qian Shuqing was implicated by her and divorced by her husband's family.

All of this, after all, actually originated from her.

Although the murderer was Ning Yufu, but if she hadn't blocked Ning Yufu's way, Ning Yufu would not have harmed her, and even dragged Qian's family into the water.

Therefore, she felt very guilty about the Qian family.

She is now paying off her debts, so how dare she ask Qian Shuqing to remember her kindness.

She said, "Sister Qian and I hit it off right away. If Sister Qian is willing, I would like to become sworn sisters with Sister Qian. I just don't know if I have the honor?"

(End of this chapter)

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