At Momeier's age, it is the time when she looks forward to the outside world the most.

When he was fifteen or sixteen years old, he never thought about lying flat, staying at the door of the house all his life, doing the same things.

My heart is full of stars and seas.

Memei'er had a rough life experience since she was a child, she was sensible and clever, and she also heard a lot of legends from the outside world with Pinqi Li.

Pinqi Li was originally a person from the rivers and lakes, a person who traveled all over the country.

She can't bear to have such a lively person like Yaomeier spend her whole life looking at grocery stores and selling dragons and handwriting on the street.

But Meier couldn't bear to part with grandpa after all.

"Then I won't go either, I'm worried..."

"You're worried about a hammer!" Pinqi Li was also really anxious.

The old man has been in the rivers and lakes all his life, and he is very accurate in judging people.

Knowing that Wang Ye and others are definitely not idle people.

For Momeier, this is an opportunity.

Go out, maybe the sea and the sky will be brighter.

"I'm not dead yet. I can cook by myself, I can make tea, and I can make money by making utensils. I can make two umbrellas for 2000 yuan a year. Don't worry about it."

"It's not to keep you from coming back. When you get along well and become prosperous in the future, it's okay to lend grandpa out to enjoy the blessings."

"Girl like a flower, don't delay in the mountains."

Wang Ye listened to what Li said with sincerity, and he really cared about his granddaughter, so he immediately took a step forward.

"Your grandpa is right. I'll give grandpa another 1000 yuan. It's the money to order the vajra umbrella from him. I'll get it when I'm free."

"Just do it well within a year."

"This amount of money is enough for your grandfather to eat and drink for a year, including wine and meat." <Guo..."

After all, Meier is a child, her eyes lit up when she heard what Wang Ye said.

"Brother Wang Ye, don't frame me."

The corners of Wang Ye's mouth twitched slightly, now he knew he was calling him brother?

"Don't worry, I gave all the money to your grandfather, can you still be a liar?"

So does my sister think about it.

Finally agreed.

Pinqi Li is naturally happy, relying on his seniority and seniority, he must follow the rules in the Jianghu and worship Wang Ye as his senior brother.

After thinking about it, Wang Ye agreed.

Of course, this generation is quite chaotic.

According to Mr. Li's seniority, he is a generation older than Hu Bayi's grandfather Hu Guohua.

Following Elder Chen is a generation.

When Wang Ye was caught off guard, he was a generation taller than Hu Bayi.

At this moment, a car horn sounded from the street.

It turned out that after the sun rose, the fog on the mountain road had dissipated.

Right now, the weather is fine for driving.

The big driver had already eaten and drank enough, returned to the car, and started honking his horn wildly, urging the passengers to get on the car.

The big driver didn't wait for anyone. He sounded his horn and set off on time in 10 minutes.

The other passengers were all waiting with their ears pricked up, and when they heard the sound, they began to roar back to the car.

Wang Ye and others also bid farewell to Pinqi Li and returned to the car.

After returning to the car, several people sat in the back row.

My sister felt like she was dreaming.

In the morning, I was still cooking and guarding the counter.

After noon, I followed a group of strangers as a guide.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, I still love my family a little bit, so I said goodbye to my grandfather by lying on the car window.

In order to distract Momeier, Hu Bayi began to ask Momeier if he had heard any legends about the headless king and the immortal village.

Memeier recalled for a while, she had never heard of the Headless King or something.

But the rumors of Dixian Village have indeed been heard a little.

Most of the people in Qingxi Town have the surname Feng.

Legend has it that in the nearby Fengwang Tomb, the Earth Immortal is buried.

However, the common people believed that what was buried in Fengwang's tomb was definitely not a god, but a demon, who knew how to spell demons.

Hearing this, Professor Fatty Wang and others who were a little drowsy in the car at noon were not sleepy.


Can enchant?

Immediately ask my sister.

ㄠMy sister curled her lips, a group of big people, and they still love to listen to ghost stories like I did when I was a child.

But it's still simple.

Because the local Fengwangfen area is surrounded by smog all the year round.

And occasionally there are woodcutters, herbs, and sheep herders who will disappear near Fengwang's tomb.

never come back.

At first some people dared to look for it, but later even those who were looking for it didn't dare to go.

It can only be passed on from generation to generation. It is said that there are demon immortals living in Fengwang's tomb, and they know demon magic.

The story is over.

Fatty Wang was waiting for a pair of bull's eyes.

"That's gone? You call this a ghost story?"

When did Yaomeier give in, and immediately asked back, "Yeah, how long can a ghost story go?"

Seeing that my sister had just left grandpa, Wang Ye felt a little depressed, so he immediately fooled Fatty Wang.

"Fatty, you have a lot of experience, let me tell you a ghost story, just for my sister to listen to. By the way, don't tell what happened recently, it's too scary."

Fatty Wang became excited when he heard it.

"My damn desire to win!"

"Listen, Yaomei, listen to your fat brother tell you what is called a ghost story."

Fatty Wang immediately began to tell a ghost story that happened when he jumped in the queue in the Northeast.

"I think back then, when Fatty and I jumped in line, I was seventeen or eighteen years old."

"By the way, it's about the same age as you, sister."

"The place where I jumped in line was in a mountain corner in the northeast."

When Fatty Wang went to the countryside, he was in a village called Tuanshan Yingzi in the northeast.

The village is next to the deep mountains and old forests.

Not far from the village, there is a vast forest and the undulating Daxing'an Mountains.

There are many strange creatures of all kinds of beasts inside.

Moreover, the folk customs in the northeast are simple and sturdy, and the wilderness is a little primitive.

Especially the older generation, they especially believe in shamanism.

The local people call out Ma Xian.

In addition, there are five great masters and so on.

There are many things that are divine.

Even in that special era, there are still all kinds of weird rumors.

When the story happened, it was the last ten days of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, just after the half-ghost festival of the seventh month.

At that time, the production team opened up a wasteland on the hillside.

Because it is a newly opened land, only early-maturing corn can be planted, one crop a year.

By the end of July in the lunar calendar, the corn on the cob is almost ripe.

At this time, someone needs to go to the venue.

On the edge of the forest in the mountains, there are many kinds of wild animals.

Especially at the end of summer and early autumn, wild boars and the like will come down the mountain and come to the edge of the village to move around.

My favorite is tossing corn.

This thing eats again and again.

Not only eating corn cobs, but also eating the whole land.

So someone must be watching day and night.

It’s easy to say during the day, it’s not too hard to spread out a mat and find a shade under a tree for a whole day.

It's not such a good job at night.

There is no house next to the wasteland, so they can only build a shack with mats woven of wood and reeds.

It is triangular, and the door panel is laid underneath to make a bed.

It is about two or three feet above the ground, so that snakes, insects, rats and ants cannot climb up.

Put wormwood ropes around to smoke mosquitoes or something.

But no matter how well prepared, it is hard work.

The dew on the mountain, mosquitoes, and mountain ants are more pits than pits.

What's worse, watching the scene at night, no one knows what weird things will happen.

So generally it looks like the big guys and strong men go to the venue.

And usually two people are together, and there is a mutual support between them.


ps: Brothers who read this book on qq reading and starting point, can you vote for recommendation, because this is very important to the author, thank you for your support! ! !

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