The black air in front looks more like the earth air of a graveyard or something.

Wang Ye frowned, and at this moment Hu Bayi and others shouted from the road behind.

It was already getting dark, and there were still two or three kilometers away from the edge of Qingxi Town.

Everyone still has to hurry.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to handle at night.

Wang Ye quickly returned to the right path from the weeds.The group continued to move forward.

This time, my sister also walked slower.

Obviously more cautious than during the day.

That thing just now also startled my sister.

After walking for about half an hour, Momeier finally pointed to the front and said.

"Here we are, Qingxi Town is in front of us. I recognize the water tower at the entrance of the town."

Wang Ye walked up to Mo Meier and looked forward.

In the darkness of twilight,

A strangely quiet town, hidden in a valley.

The whole town looked as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

There was no light at all.

It was empty and no one was there.

Because it has been abandoned for more than ten years, most of the buildings in the town have been covered by some vines.

Only a few buildings with more than two floors can still leak their heads.

Some not-so-sturdy buildings have collapsed, revealing the dark rooms inside.

On the main road of the town, the wild grass has not been completely covered, and some traces of stone roads and concrete roads can be seen.

But there are places where black holes can be seen directly.

Those should be the mines that collapsed after the town's underground was hollowed out.

Some small animals crawled out of the collapsed mine in the dark night.

Seeing the scene in front of her, what sister-in-law was somewhat terrified.

Wang Ye patted Meister on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, it's just some snakes, insects, rats and ants. We brought the ones made by your grandfather."

As Wang Ye spoke, he lit up the Lianju crossbow.

My sister immediately felt relieved.

Wang Ye directly took out an imported wolf-eye flashlight from the system space and handed it to Yaomeier.

My sister finally eased up a bit.

The group continued to move forward.

Seeing the familiar scene before, Yaomeier finally began to get excited bit by bit.

But Wang Ye felt a little uneasy.

This town feels very eerie.

After walking several hundred meters, Wang Ye finally knew what was weird.

This town is so quiet.

Even if many places are deserted, they will become the world of snakes, rats and ants.

Naturally, various natural sounds will be emitted.

But in foreign countries in Qingxi Town, you can still see those small animals and hear some birdsong and insects.

The further you go inside, the quieter the sound becomes.

After walking a few hundred meters, it was already eerily quiet.

Wang Ye can say with certainty that there are absolutely not many living creatures that can move within a radius of tens of meters.

Wang Ye couldn't even feel the existence of rats, snakes and birds.

Not even a lot of bugs.

Here in Qingxi Town, it is impossible to arrange broken insect paths halfway like the Yunnan Insect Valley.

The only possibility is the location in the center of the town. When it was deserted, something strange must have happened.

Otherwise, as a town with thousands of years of history and thousands of people living, there are still garrisons behind here who have built many large-scale three-defense projects here.

It is impossible to say that it is deserted.

The amount and cost of this project may be affordable for future generations in another three to forty years.

But ten years ago, at that time, it was hard to imagine.

There must be some good reason for the original people to make the decision to abandon their homeland.

This reason is definitely not a good thing.

There is only Memeier here, so Wang Ye can only ask Momeier if she remembers what happened here before Qingxi Town moved out.

My sister was also five or six years old.

I remember things late, and my memory is still a blur.

Yaomeier obviously remembers things relatively early, and she still has a little impression.

But I can only remember a hazy scene.

I just remember that there seemed to be an earthquake in the town at that time, and there was a huge sound coming out.

There was also thick smoke billowing from the ground like a fire.

Many adults and children were frightened and rushed out of the town.

A lot of people in green uniforms rushed inside.

However, they withdrew soon after.

Some of them were very courageous and were reluctant to part with the pigs, sheep and chickens they raised at home. They had the courage to go back, but most of them never came out again.

Those who wore green military uniforms also went in later.

It's just that they all went in with guns, some big guys she didn't know, and masks like pig noses.

What sister still remembers hearing the sound of rumbling explosions coming from the town.

The sound of the explosion was different from the sound of the explosion in the mine outside the town, it was more crisp.

But the panic only lasted about a day or two.

At first people pitched tents outside the town.

Then began to withdraw outside.

It's getting farther and farther away from the town.

I often hear that someone is missing from someone's house at night.

There were cries all over the town.

Finally, a lot of cars came and picked up everyone in the town.

After Wang Ye finished listening, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Behind the desertion of Qingxi Town back then, I'm afraid things were not that simple.

If there were no obvious deviations in Momei'er's memory, the relocation of Qingxi Town as a whole would definitely not be because the underground mines were mined out.

Geological disasters such as overall subsidence.

Geological disasters such as subsidence more often occur near the coal and iron mines in the northeast of North China.

Those places are flat and the soil is deep.

After the ground is hollowed out, there is no more surface precipitation and groundwater replenishment, and the mining area is particularly prone to subsidence.

Qingxi Town is located in the southwest mountainous area.

There are mountains everywhere, and the soil layer is inherently thin.

There are stones below, so the probability of overall settlement of the address conditions is not high.

In addition, this place has been a mining area for thousands of years, and the location and direction of the mine are not directly below Qingxi Town.

When the ancients mined and built towns, they would avoid mining areas and keep a certain distance.

The real mining area is still a few kilometers away from Qingxi Town.

The Southwest has many karst landforms.

It is not uncommon for a cave to emerge.

If there is a cave in a certain place, it will be relocated as a whole.

Even if you want to relocate, it will not happen overnight.

Abandonment is definitely a process that lasts for several years or even ten years.

All this is different from what happened in Qingxi Town.

Qingxi Town was abandoned in a very short period of time, and the residents were evacuated.

There are also engineering soldiers in the local area.

So the greatest possibility is that a catastrophic accident happened here that year.

The accident that caused Qingxi Town to be relocated in a short period of time was definitely a serious disaster.

And out of control.


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