But it corresponds to an old saying, "Fortune comes with misfortune."

Becoming the Guanshan Taibao and suppressing the tomb robbers in the world may not be all good things for the Feng family.

After two or three hundred years of prosperity, the Feng family also sensed that the world was about to change, and Guanshan Taibao was afraid that something bad would happen.

So in the late Ming Dynasty, the Feng family moved into the vicinity of Qingxi Town and built a village.

At the same time, the activity of watching mountains and stealing bones was converted into digging witch salt mines.

Since then, he has become a rich man and a big mine owner.

If it had been like this, the Feng family would have been very successful.

But probably too many people were cheated before, and the luck was damaged, and Feng Shigu came out of the Feng family.

In the original world line, it was Feng Shigu who caused the division and weakening of the Feng family.

This person's mind is full of alchemy, seeking longevity, and becoming a fairy.

However, this person's skills are off the mark. In addition to practicing alchemy, he has also mastered a lot of tomb-robbing skills.

The direction of seeking longevity has also become to collect the heavenly books in the ancient tombs of the world.

Especially the hexagrams of Zhou Tian's keel in the Coffin Mountain Tomb.

It is said that the way to become an Earth Immortal was enlightened from it.

And not only did he want to become an Earth Immortal, but he also mobilized his clan to build an Earth Immortal Village.

In the ancient tomb.

Then he fooled the members of the Feng family, saying that the world was about to change drastically, and if he wanted to survive, he had to follow him into the Earth Immortal Village, practice immortality, and become an Earth Immortal.

In this world line, Feng Shigu did one more thing besides the above brain-dead operation.

It is said that in the Dixian Village, Feng Shigu discovered a relic of an immortal in ancient times.

It's just sealed.

As long as this seal can be lifted, the ancient immortals will convert all Feng family members and become immortals.

So evil.

When Wang Ye heard it, he almost automatically thought of what the sealed thing was.

Wang Ye is more than [-]% sure that the place Feng Shigu discovered is definitely a part of Wuxian's tomb.

The so-called ancient immortals sealed in it are definitely not immortals.

It's the projection of the ancient gods—flame ghosts!

Of course, these are Wang Ye's guesses.

In the records of the head of the group, it was not written like this.

When things developed to this point, the Feng family ushered in weakness and division.

Some of them believed in Feng Shigu's evil, and really entered Dixian Village.

But the fate of the Feng family should not be terminated, there are still sensible people in the clan, leading most of the Feng family to oppose Feng Shigu.

Because when the Feng family made a fortune, the ancestors left a legacy, saying that it was the ancient tomb of the king of Yishan in Wuling - it must not be excavated.

There is a monster sealed inside.

If this taboo is not observed, it will bring the danger of genocide.

It's really a coincidence.

In the mausoleum of King Yishan in Wuling, there is indeed a sealed monster.

It's just that this monster is different from the projection of the ancient gods sealed in Wuxian's tomb.

This sealed item existed in the original world line.

It was also the biggest motivation for Wang Ye to come to Wuxia Coffin Mountain.

Nine deaths shocked the mausoleum armor.

Although the ancestral precepts of the Feng family are completely different from the sealed artifacts that Feng Shigu discovered by himself, there is a coincidence here.

This coincidental misunderstanding saved the Feng family.

Most of the Feng family did not follow Feng Shigu into Dixian Village.

Feng Shigu is also quite stubborn, he didn't force others to enter, but just told others that the world is about to change drastically, if they don't enter, sooner or later they will suffer from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Wang Ye felt very familiar when he heard this tune.

This has developed to a step where the end of the world is imminent.

Only those who enclose Shigu can be redeemed and become immortal immortals.

Moreover, Feng Shigu also left a hole for future generations, compiling the clues to enter Dixian Village into "Guanshan Zhimi Fu".

Let the descendants of the Feng family, if anyone feels that they can't survive, they can also follow the guidance of Guanshan Zhimi Fu to enter Dixian Village.

Dixian Village always welcomes the Feng family.

Then the head of the group mainly recorded the descendants of the Feng family, especially the whereabouts and inheritance of the head of the group.

Although Feng Shigu had convulsions, he still had some skills.

Especially the ability of divination is actually very accurate.

Not long after Feng Shigu entered Dixian Village, the world changed drastically.

Shenzhou land sinks, mountains and rivers change colors, rogues, bandits, bandit suppressing officers and soldiers, and alien armies, the entire Wuxia area has suffered the greatest tragedy in thousands of years.

There were frequent wars and countless casualties.

Many descendants of the Feng family were also forced to leave their hometowns to live in other places.

The ancestors of the head of the group moved out from here at this time.

In the area around Head Feng, life is already difficult, and there are not many members of Feng's family.

Leader Feng had no choice but to fall into the grass.

Afterwards, they were incorporated and fought all the way down.

Naturally, he gained a lot of military exploits,

But as far as Wang Ye could imagine, Captain Feng was definitely the kind of person who came from a very poor family background and was tainted with the habits of the old society.

When fighting a war, you have a flexible mind and many means, so you can naturally be able to cover your flaws and play your own role.

But in peacetime, various problems may appear.

Eating, drinking, gambling, smoking, all five poisons, plus feudal superstition.

Who can bear this?

That is to say, the people in the army recited the military exploits of the head of the regiment, and arranged a idle job for the transfer to the local area.

Later, the special period came, and the head of the group was naturally hit.

It was the people in the army who saved their lives and arranged to go to the quarry deep in the Tiangao Emperor Yuanda Mountain.

It is said to be reformed, but in fact it is an asylum.

Leader Feng also brought the Bashan ape he raised with him.

Life is actually going on.

After the special period is over, maybe he can be rehabilitated and retire safely and enjoy happiness.

But leader Feng is a person who does not believe in evil.

After being wronged in the quarry, I couldn't bear it anymore. I remembered the "Ode on Guanshan Zhimi" left by my ancestors, and planned to return to Wu Gorge and enter Dixian Village.

It is impossible to hide from the world, the main goal of Feng Tuanzhang is to become a fairy, and the second is to get rich...

In the end, he was really banned as the head of the group and found clues to Dixian Village.

Along the way, I have cleared many levels with courage.

It's a pity that Feng Tuanzhang's ability in fighting is not small, his ability to rob tombs and touch gold, and his yin and yang Fengshui skills have not been passed down much.

It can only be regarded as a very unqualified descendant of Guanshan Taibao.

After passing the Wuying Immortal Bridge, it was hard to find the Jiuhusuo sarcophagus, which is the sarcophagus with the bronze Chihusuojia that everyone saw just now.

Inside this sarcophagus is the secret key to enter Dixian Village.

If you can't get this key, you don't even know how to go next.

There is no clue to enter Dixian Village at all.

As for how to open this bronze Chihu lock, Captain Feng has no way at all.

In addition, Captain Feng suffered a lot of injuries during the process of entering, so he was unable to move. The last outstanding people were trapped to death next to the sarcophagus in this canyon.

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