After seeing that the air in Zhou Guo was not bad, he asked the others to take off the cloth strips covering their faces.

It was underground before, because the air was too dirty, even if it contained the Hongyan Miaoxin Pill, most people would not be able to hold it.

You can only use a cloth strip to cover your face as a simple mask.

Now I can finally take it off and breathe a sigh of relief.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were once bitten by snakes for ten years and were afraid of well ropes. The first thing they did after they came out was to go to the door of the room to see if it could be opened.

Seeing that the door could be opened easily, he dragged a chair over and leaned against the door, making it impossible to close the door.

After all that happened last night, he relaxed and started to check the mansion on the ground.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang have practiced stalls in Panjiayuan, so they naturally have their own knowledge of various ancient relics.

The things in this mansion are all hardwood furniture from the Ming Dynasty.

Although it is not the kind of rich and powerful family, it is also used by local rich people, and the materials and workmanship are first-class.

At that time, the price of Ming and Qing furniture was not high, but there were already signs of rising.

Especially the rich in the Chinese circle in Xiangjiang and other places are very fond of this kind of exquisite workmanship and vintage objects.

Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty salivated as they looked at the over-the-top Ming Dynasty furniture that filled the room.

It's a pity that these furniture are all made of hardwood. Not to mention the bulk, the weight is also quite heavy, so it is difficult to take them out.

Fatty Wang looked at this, touched that, and finally gave up.

Fatty Wang has also learned how to rape.

After entering the ancient tomb, try not to bring those bulky things, even if they are valuable.

Gold and silver are still soft, and things like jade and porcelain are the most valuable.

In particular, things made of gold and jade are not afraid of bumps and are of high value. No matter what age they are, they are the most valuable objects.

Of course, there are other reasons why Fatty Wang can't understand it.

However, when Wang Ye heard Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang's words, he was moved.

Wang Ye knows the market.

Although the price of furniture in the Ming and Qing Dynasties began to rise in those years, the actual price was still in a low period.

Back then, an ordinary worker could buy a huanghuali chair with one month's salary.

In the past, it was regarded as luxury consumption, but in the later generations that Wang Ye has experienced, it is simply an investment that is more powerful than real estate.

Wang Ye knows how valuable these exquisite hardwood furniture of Ming and Qing Dynasties are in later generations.

The price of these things in the auction market will definitely not be lower than the price of the gold and jade that Fatty Wang is looking for.

Wang Ye is not afraid to let go.

If Wang Ye's imaginary space is used to store these Ming and Qing furniture, not only does it not take up space, but it can also adjust the temperature, humidity, light, air, etc., to achieve the best storage conditions.

It will be fine for decades or hundreds of years.

In 30 to [-] years, the furniture in the Yangzhai on the ground in Dixian Village will be all put together, and the price will be sky-high.

If you operate it in the auction house and don't rush out little by little, it will really be worth the old nose's money.

Putting these things in Dixian Village is really a waste, a waste of everything.

Dixian Village almost completely copied the layout of Qingxi Town outside.

Those who were able to follow Feng Shigu into Dixian Village back then were all core members of the Feng family, and they were not poor.

After all, the Feng family also owns mines.

There were probably hundreds of households that Wang Ye saw.

In so many houses, there are at least several thousand pieces of various cases, wooden beds, shelves, screens, cabinets, boxes, tables, chairs and benches.

After Professor Sun and others came out over there, they all began to sit on the stool on the floor and bed and began to rest.

After all, everyone is fighting continuously.


After finally climbing into the Guandi Temple, before I could repair it, I was frightened to death by the nine-death shocking mausoleum outside, and the Guandi Temple became the Cannon Temple again.

Digging the tunnel with great effort, struggling in the tomb passage with rolling and crawling.

After deciphering various mechanisms, they came to this mansion, but there were wooden beds, tables and chairs in the mansion, and everyone couldn't hold back.

They all started to rest.

Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang and Professor Sun were still sitting on the teacher's chair, struggling to stay awake, discussing what to do next.

The target is naturally the Feng family's old house, but now everyone has exhausted their strength and has no strength left.

Naturally, Wang Ye suggested that everyone rest in this relatively safe mansion for a while.

Hu Bayi and the others also followed suit and agreed.

Naturally, Wang Ye himself did not need to rest.

After Wang Ye talked to others, he walked out of the room by himself.

Wang Ye didn't plan to go to the location of the Feng family's old house now, he definitely wanted to keep it and go with the others.

But Wang Ye planned not to let go of any of the other things in the mansion.

These things are all antiques, and any one of them can be worth a lot of money.

The only problem is that other people can't take it out.

But Wang Ye, who has imaginary number space, does not have this problem at all.

After Wang Ye left the room, he started to follow Dixian Village to the end near the Cannon Temple, and searched in the yard one by one.

The houses in the entire ancient town are all neatly decorated with pink walls and red walls.

Just not the slightest bit of anger.

It looks like a paper house made by a paper maker for the dead to live in.

Wang Ye can't control that much.

After entering the courtyard gate, when I saw decent furniture, I moved it into the imaginary space.

Wang Ye's estimate was good. There are quite a lot of furniture and antiques in these Yangzhai.

In addition to all kinds of furniture, there are also many unexpected gains.

The biggest receipts are all kinds of porcelain and lacquerware.

There are also a lot of miscellaneous items, all kinds of bronze mirrors, dressing boxes, pen holders and the like.

Although there are no serious official kilns for porcelain, the ones used by these people are all high-quality products from private kilns.

Individually, it may not be considered particularly valuable, but it cannot hold up to a large number.

In addition to miscellaneous porcelain and lacquerware, there are calligraphy and paintings.

The Feng family in Dixian Village can be regarded as a century-old family, and it has been a big family in Qingxi Town for hundreds of years.

They have long been out of the scope of local rich people, and many members of the Feng family are also educated.

Naturally, there are also calligraphy and painting collections.

There are actually some boutiques among them.

The more Wang Ye collected, the more he felt that his decision was too wise.

If so many good things are placed in Dixian Village, they will never have a chance to see the light of day.

The best destination is still in Wang Ye's imaginary number space.

Wang Ye planned to pick some and put them in his own house on Bailongwangdao.

There are also some that can be placed in courtyards in the capital.

The rest are stored in the imaginary space.

When the market is hot, let Lei Xianming and Uncle Ming operate in Xiangjiang's shop and auction house to cash out a batch.

Uncle Ming's business is booming now.

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