In the depths of the mountains, they still retain the holy relic of the copper tortoise, which can be used for deduction and divination.

As for the markings and inlaid gemstones on the copper tortoise's carapace, Wang Ye is more familiar with it.

These things are related to Tianxing, which is completely in line with Tianxing Fengshui.

Wang Ye can even use the positions of the stars on the tortoise shell and the correspondence between them to roughly deduce that the bronze tortoise was cast in 4000 years.

Ordinary people look up at the starry sky, and what they see is the eternal starry sky.

But for those who are proficient in Tian Xing Feng Shui, the star map in the sky is changing.

The Polaris 1 years ago is not even the same star as the modern Polaris.

Not only the North Pole, but the shape and orientation of the Beidou also have certain deviations from modern times.

Although they are all spoons, the shape of the spoons varies.

There is not a perfect one-to-one correspondence between the Seven Star Big Dipper in ancient times and the modern Seven Star Big Dipper.

As for the more ancient times, the Big Dipper was not even the seven stars, but the Big Dipper nine stars.

In addition to the seven stars that can be seen now, there are two hidden stars, Zuofu Youbi.

Now it is almost difficult to see with the naked eye, and can only be seen with professional astronomical observation equipment.

But in ancient times, people who were proficient in astrology already knew that there were two hidden stars in the Big Dipper, and they also accurately marked their positions and named them.

This is very outrageous, and in the era without telescopes and other observation equipment, it is almost an impossible task.

The only explanation is that these two hidden stars were visible to the naked eye a long time ago and are brighter than they are now.

People who are proficient in Tian Xing Feng Shui can even deduce the cause of the distance from the present through the star map.

Latitude, location, direction, and more can also be inferred.

The information on a star map is far more than ordinary people imagined.

Wang Ye stretched out his hand and touched the bronze turtle.

Soon the system beep came.

"The system detects that the host has come into contact with the sacred object of the ancient voodoo tribe, the star tortoise, which has absorbed a thousand points of national luck."

"The system has detected that the host has come into contact with the ancient voodoo tribe's sacred object, the Star Turtle, and the Sky Star Feng Shui has been upgraded to the top level."

"The system detects that the host has come into contact with the sacred object of the ancient voodoo tribe, the Star Turtle, and obtained voodoo astrology."

In the instant of asking, countless starry sky patterns flooded into Wang Ye's mind.

All kinds of stars revolved rapidly in Wang Ye's mind, drawing countless beautiful and strange orbits.

A huge net is interlaced in the sky, forming various magnificent and dazzling patterns.

Is there any unexpected gain?

This was totally unexpected by Wang Ye.

It not only raised Tianxing Fengshui to the top level.

Tianxing Fengshui was originally comparable to Qingwu Fengshui that Hu Bayi was good at.

It's just a phase of heaven and a phase of earth.

But Tianxing Fengshui has a very big flaw, that is, it is too complicated.

Because there are too many motion calculations involved in astronomy, in ancient times, even in the middle ages, the ancient science of mathematical calculations was not a prominent one.

The mainstream Confucianism of the ancients regarded these things as skills and low-level knowledge, and believed that scholars who walked the right path should not study these things.

At the very least, study medicine or the Book of Changes.

Therefore, the development of Tianxing Feng Shui has been restricted to a certain extent.

It is difficult for ordinary people to learn Tianxing Fengshui to the top level.

Of course, in addition to calculations, there is another point that the observation data and experience of the stars are monopolized in the hands of the royal family.

In ancient times, watching the sky at night was taboo.

Basically only people from Qin Tianjian are in charge of this kind of stuff.

Among the folks, no one cares about showing people a ghost house, Feng Shui, palmistry, drawing lots to solve divination and so on.

But if you come to watch the sky at night and predict major national events among the people, you will either be arrested and beheaded soon, or you will find a reliable leader like Liu Bowen and fight against his mother.

Therefore, Wang Ye was very pleasantly surprised by the full level of Tianxing Fengshui.

Of course the biggest surprise is yet to come.


Or voodoo astrology.

This thing is not common ah.

The origin of astrology, according to the current mainstream view, is not in the Central Plains, but in the ancient Tianzhu area.

Moreover, the most fully developed area is not the Central Plains, but Europe and the Near East.

Astrology is not astronomy. If it is compared to astronomy, no one in the Central Plains is afraid of it.

Astrology is the science of divination using the stars.

Even now, there are still a lot of people who believe in this thing.

The most typical, now any white-collar worker in the office knows some nouns such as twelve constellations and Mercury retrograde.

Strictly speaking, these terms are proper terms for astrology.

Even the time when the twelve constellations appeared in the Central Plains was much longer than most people imagined.

It is even possible that some constellations have been introduced to the Central Plains thousands of years ago.

It's just that people in the Central Plains are better at other divination methods.

Astrology is not mainstream.

In any case, astrology is also a serious and well-established set of theories.

It is much more refined than the pendulums first created by miners, geologists and homeless men.

After Wang Ye got astrology, it is a very practical tool to cooperate with the divination of the snake god's bone pendulum, and Wang Ye's divination accuracy rate is as high as cheating.

In case of indecision, make a fortune.

Wang Ye slowly took his hand off Xinggui's body.

While feeling happy after acquiring new skills, looking at these corpses of Zhou Guo, it is inevitable to feel heavy.

Feng Shigu really deserved to die.

Wang Ye already knew roughly why Feng Shigu wanted to arrest these people and torture them desperately.

It is because these people are good at astrology, and they can deduce and predict through witchcraft astrology.

Feng Shigu was all about seeking immortality and wanting to ascend to heaven in one step, so he imprisoned these people and tortured them non-stop.

Let them calculate for themselves to see if they can become immortals.

Moreover, Wang Ye found words written in blood on some of the surrounding corpses, which were left on the inside of his clothes.

Obviously, these people also know that their ultimate fate must be death, so before they die, they want to record as much history as possible of their tribe.

After Wang Ye looked at some of them, he was even more surprised because he found that the identities of these people were not simple.

People from these tribes are the tomb guards of Wuxian Tomb!

At the time when the witchcraft culture was at its peak, there were more than a dozen tribes of witchcraft culture, large and small, in the Wuxia coffin mountain area.

These tribes unite together to worship the Underground Flame God.

They also discovered the treasure land of Pan Gu Meridian geomantic omen that appeared underground.

It's just that these people believe that the Pangu veins in the ground are the corpses of the giant gods cut down by the flame gods they believe in.

They named their Flame God Zhu Rong!

Seeing this, Wang Ye already had goose bumps all over his body.

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