Wang Ye glanced at his three-dimensional attribute, the highest physical strength was almost close to 4!

If this continues, it won't take long before it will reach 5!

It is estimated that after finding the extraterrestrial meteorite, you can get a lot of three-dimensional attributes, and the three-dimensional attributes will definitely increase by then!

Even if it is impossible to obtain three-dimensional attributes in Yunding Tiangong, then Wang Ye can increase his physical strength to 100 points after more than 110 days with the terrifying ability to obtain 5 points of three-dimensional attributes every day with the holy blood of the unicorn!

After more than 140 days, the three-dimensional attribute can reach the level of 5, thus evolving into an undead body.

Well done this time!

Wang Ye thought to himself.

"My lord, are we going to open this tombstone?"

At this time, Fatty Wang had already taken down all the funerary objects in the coffin and came to the side of the tomb-sealing stone.

Wang Ye came back to his senses, put away the attribute panel, and said:

"There must be an entrance to the underground palace under the tomb-sealing stone, just open it."

"Got it!"

Fatty Wang was overjoyed, and took a crowbar to pry the tombstone.

However, after a long time of effort, Fatty Wang couldn't move the tombstone.

With a bang, Fatty Wang threw the crowbar on the ground, looked at Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling, and said, "Hey! I said you two sell tofu in a car, are you not a little arrogant? Fatty, how long can I pry it alone? Go? Can you see with some eyesight?"

Wu Xie was looking at the murals around him, but he was a little embarrassed by Fatty Wang's words, so he hurried over to pry the tombstone with Fatty Wang.

And Zhang Qiling didn't hesitate, and walked over to pry it with the two of them.

With Zhang Qiling joining, they quickly pried up the tombstone.

Wang Ye watched the murals around.

"That's not right!"

After the tomb-sealing stone was pried open, they found that there were flat stones underneath, and there was no entrance at all.

This tombstone is like a tile.

Fatty Wang said: "My lord, are you making a mistake? This is not a tombstone at all?"

Wang Ye glanced at the flat stones under the tombstone, but without any surprise, he walked to the three opened coffins and kicked the first coffin.

The coffin immediately rotated half a circle and changed its direction, but obviously, everyone could see that the middle of the coffin and the stone bed were fixed together and could only be rotated.

Therefore, although the coffin was rotated, the central position did not move.

Fatty Wang and the others understood now.

Emotion is an organ.

Then Wang Ye came to the other two coffins, kicked them one by one, and they all turned around half a circle.


The sound of the mechanism came from the ground, and then at the original position of the tomb-sealing stone, the stone slowly rose, and a coffin made of stone appeared in front of Fatty Wang and the others soon!

"This... there is actually a coffin?"

Fatty Wang said in surprise.

Wang Ye said: "Back off!"

As soon as Wang Ye finished speaking, Zhang Qiling grabbed Wu Xie and retreated wildly, but Fatty Wang didn't react immediately.


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

The stone coffin burst open!

Fatty Wang flew out of the blast and hit the ground fiercely. Although he was not injured, he looked embarrassed and disheveled, as if he had been digging coal for a long time.

But Lin Xiaoyao and Huo Xiuxiu were relatively far away, so they were not affected.

Fatty Wang was a little dizzy from being blown up. After standing up staggeringly, he looked around and cursed suddenly: "Damn it! Dumb Zhang, you are so fucking bad, you didn't even help me!"

Zhang Qiling remained calm and didn't say a word.

But Wu Xie was amused and worried when he saw Fatty Wang like this, so he couldn't help saying: "Fatty, are you okay?"

Fatty Wang said: "The matter has exploded!"

Wang Ye couldn't help shaking his head. He could tell that Fatty Wang was fine, but he was a little embarrassed, otherwise he would have made a move.

Wang Ye looked at the place where the coffin exploded, with a hint of excitement in his eyes!

Obviously, the explosion in the coffin was caused by the Centipede Dragon God inside!

Wang Ye didn't expect that this spiritual hall turned out to be the tomb of the Centipede Dragon God!

Now that the Centipede Dragon God comes out, there must be more three-dimensional attributes that can be obtained!

"What kind of thing is this riding a horse, how could it explode!"

Fatty Wang yelled, and then took a flashlight to look there, and saw a giant creature with its head upright in the violent place!

That creature is an enlarged version of Centipede Dragon. Although it is not as terrifying as Zhu Jiuyin, the densely packed feet are indeed thick and powerful. Hanging in mid-air, it makes one's scalp tingle.

There are two huge venomous fangs on the mouth, two antlers on the head, the scales on the body are shining, and the eyes are facing Fatty Wang and others, without any emotion, just like looking at food.

"Your uncle's!"

When Fatty Wang saw this thing, he couldn't help but cursed, and stepped back quickly.

Although the Hundred-legged Dragon God in front of him didn't have a human head on his head, such a big thing directly frightened Fatty Wang.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two long beards of the Centipede Dragon God suddenly moved, like two ropes equipped with tracking, quickly approached Fatty Wang, directly tied up Fatty Wang, and then pulled, Fatty Wang had no resistance at all He was pulled over by Centipede Dragon God.

At the same time, the Centipede Dragon God opened his mouth, obviously wanting to devour Fatty Wang!

"You nnd!"

"I know how to bully you, Fat Lord!"

"Fuck! My lord, save me!"

Fatty Wang was so frightened that he almost peed his pants.

The two beards of the Centipede Dragon God were as hard as steel wires, even if Fatty Wang took out his paratrooper knife and slashed wildly, he couldn't cut off the dragon's beards!


Wu Xie exclaimed, but it was too late to save Fatty Wang.

How could his reaction speed be as fast as the Centipede Dragon God!

Wang Ye's eyes flashed!

Unexpectedly, this hundred-legged dragon god actually turned into a dragon!

Those small centipedes before were just some mutant varieties of gnats, and they grew bigger. In fact, they have nothing to do with "dragons" at all.

However, the hundred-legged dragon god in front of him actually has the charm of a dragon!

Especially that head, almost like a dragon!

Even dragon horns have grown!

There are also scales on the body, which look exactly like dragon scales!

The feet are no longer like tentacles like ordinary gnats, but like enlarged eagle claws, and even have the shape of arms, which are clearly transformed into dragon claws!

For some unknown reason, the Hundred-legged Dragon God has really transformed into a dragon!

Fatty Wang was bound by the beard of the Hundred-legged Dragon God, so he couldn't resist the Hundred-legged Dragon God at all.

Wang Ye knew that Fatty Wang's life was in danger, so he didn't talk nonsense, he quickly appeared beside Fatty Wang, grabbed Fatty Wang's arm, raised his hand, and cut off the dragon's beard with a sting.

The dragon's whiskers tied to Fatty Wang's body fell off automatically, and Fatty Wang fell to the ground, his heart almost jumped out.

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