Let you take over the recruit company and become a special force?

Chapter 56 There is only one disease in this world, poor disease!

"Da Lang, it's time to take your medicine!"

"Ahem...that's not right!"

"Sister, please have some tea!"

With a sincere face and earnest eyes, Tang Feng served tea courteously.

Tang Xinyi raised her head in a daze, and looked at him, that kind of eyes... as if she was looking at some kind of garbage, full of contempt!



"I said you are perverted!"

Tang Xinyi couldn't help shrinking her neck back, as if she couldn't avoid it.

"Go away, stay away from me!"

...Your little mouth is really dabbed with honey, what you say hurts so much!

Tang Feng: "I made tea for you out of good intentions, but you still scolded me. It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin. You don't know good people!"

Tang Xinyi threw the manga on the table, "Then, Mr. Lu Dongbin, how do you explain this?"

Immediately afterwards, he realized that what he said was wrong, and said angrily, "Who did you call a dog just now?!"

at this time.

Tang Feng was stunned for a moment, staring straight at the "Yuan Mou Kong" cartoon on the table...

It's broken, I'm a stand-in!

Tang Feng quickly explained, "It's not what you think, it's all a misunderstanding!"

The corners of Tang Xinyi's mouth were slightly raised, three parts sneering, three parts cold, four parts careless... The expression was rich, like a fan-shaped statistical chart.

"There is no need to explain, explaining is covering up, covering up is the truth... I understand, I understand everything!"

You know a hammer... Tang Feng became angry with embarrassment, "This comic is the one called Zhang Nengli!

You know me well, with my character, it is impossible to do this! "

Your conscience won't hurt!

"Well, I do know you well."

Tang Xinyi hooked her fingers and stroked her chin, "According to your habits, you don't ask for anything... That's why you sneaked back to the dormitory, read comics, did it yourself, and talked about comfort?"

I suspect that you are driving, but I have no evidence... Tang Feng was so angry that his teeth itch. He never imagined that the fame of a lifetime would be ruined in one fell swoop!

"Young man, young and vigorous, proper indulgence is still possible!"

Tang Xinyi patted Tang Feng's shoulder, and said in an old-fashioned tone: "But you must pay attention to restraint, small indulgences are pleasant, big indulgences hurt the body, and forceful indulgences are wiped out... Don't ruin your body at a young age! "

Tang Feng: "..."

If I am guilty, please let the law punish me!

Instead of being framed by you for no reason!

Is it over?

"Drink your tea!"

Tang Feng was so angry that he put the teacup on the table.

Tang Xinyi teased her pretty face, raised her teacup, and took a sip, "Did you secretly drug me?"

Walter? !

Is this girl's sixth sense so accurate?

Tang Feng pretended to be calm, and when he met Tang Xinyi's narrow smile, he realized that she was joking!

"I don't dare to forgive you!"

She snorted, blew on the tea, and found that the temperature was just right.

Just a little thirsty, I simply drank it in one gulp.

After a few seconds.

Tang Xinyi suddenly felt a little hot and dry.

In the lower abdomen, a ball of flame seemed to rise, spreading to all limbs and bones.

"You...what did you give me to drink?"

Tang Xinyi's eyes widened and she asked in disbelief.

"It's nothing, it's just ordinary tea..."

In fact, Tang Feng didn't know what to do... Could it be that the dose of medicine was increased?

Recalling that when the super soldier serum was injected, it seemed to be in this state, so it should be fine, right?


In less than a minute, Tang Xinyi's complexion instantly improved and she returned to normal.

"Look, it was a psychological factor just now!" Tang Feng argued vigorously: "You are just suspicious, always suspecting that I am harming you!"

"Nonsense!" Tang Xinyi frowned, "Is there anything wrong with this tea? Don't you have any beeps in your mind?"

However, after drinking this tea, the whole person is much more energetic, feeling light and light, and seems to have inexhaustible strength!

Tang Feng didn't blush, and his heart didn't beat: "It's probably because your aunt came and drank a cup of hot tea, that's why I feel a lot better... Please, can you stop thinking so wildly!"

Tang Xinyi poured another cup of tea in disbelief, took a sip, and the taste was indeed different from the one just now!

Just as he was about to ask questions, suddenly, the landline on the table rang!

Tang Feng used this to change the subject and connected the phone. It turned out that it was Gong Jian.

"What happened?"

"It's nothing, just Zhang Xiaowu's mother called, worried about the child's condition..."

"Okay, I see, you do your work first, and I'll just call her back later!"

hang up the phone.

Tang Feng avoided Tang Xinyi's questioning gaze, and quickly found Zhang Xiaowu's mother's contact number from the phone book.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

The bell rang for a few seconds and was quickly connected.

"Hello, is this Ms. Zhang Lifang?"

"Yes...it's me...you?"

The voice is very gentle, not in a hurry, with a kind of indifference and transcendence.

Tang Feng briefly introduced himself, Zhang Xiaowu's mother... Zhang Lifang was obviously a little surprised, and did not expect that the company commander would personally call to express condolences.

Chatting a few words is nothing more than comforting Zhang Lifang, saying that Zhang Xiaowu is doing well and is quite sensible, and reassuring her.

Tang Feng keenly heard a rustling sound on the other side of the phone.

It seems that someone reminded Zhang Lifang that it is time to take medicine.

A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

If I remember correctly, Zhang Xiaowu's mother seems to have cancer, and time is running out...

He hesitated for a long time.

Tang Feng asked tentatively: "Auntie, your recent body... is it alright?"

On the other side of the phone, there was silence, and there was no response for a long time.

"Auntie, don't hide anything in your heart..." Tang Feng said softly: "Zhang Xiaowu is my soldier, and I am his company commander... I have everything!"


Tang Xinyi's beautiful eyes moved lightly... Xiao Fengzi, why did he suddenly become so gentle?This reliable sense of dependence... what's going on, hey!

Perhaps because of too much pressure, Tang Feng's gentle inquiry touched Zhang Lifang's heart...

In the end, she choked up and explained her illness.

Advanced liver cancer!

Cancer is a difficult problem in the history of medicine.

If found in time, it can still be treated.

In the late stage... basically not far from the gate of hell!

Advanced liver cancer is not suitable for liver transplantation.

There are two main methods of treatment.

First, receive interventional therapy to inhibit the growth of tumor cells by sealing off tumor blood vessels.

Simply put, it is through this method to 'starve' the tumor to death!

The second is targeted therapy, commonly used drugs are sorafenib and lenvatinib.

Zhang Lifang is now receiving targeted therapy.

The high price of medicine is really too difficult for an ordinary person like her...

She couldn't afford it at all, so she could only eat it intermittently a few times, and her life was almost gone, so she had to wait to die...

While talking, Zhang Lifang burst into tears!

Tang Feng just quietly became a listener, comforting him from time to time.

Illness without medicine is a natural disaster, while medicine cannot afford it is a man-made disaster.

He suddenly remembered the lines mentioned in a movie in his previous life:

"There is only one disease in this world, the disease of poverty!

You can't cure this disease, and you can't cure it..."

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