The crow gave me a pair of eyes

Chapter 499 Liberation

Chapter 499 Liberation

"Will you be free if you jump down?" Gao Qiuming was still full of fear for the deep chasm.

"Unless you are willing to admit it, jumping down is the only relief!" This sentence came out of nowhere, and it kept echoing in his ears.

"I don't want to, I don't even want to die, no one can force me!" Gao Qiuming shouted.

The sky of the inner world is a carousel broadcast of his unbearable past. At this moment, he has become a victim inside, feeling the pain of the victim, and that kind of despair and negative emotions immediately filled his heart.

"I don't want it, don't come here!" He yelled in front of the hospital window, as if he was afraid of something.

The doctors and nurses who heard the voice came over and saw that half of Gao Qiuming's body had already leaned out of the window, precariously.

There were many people downstairs in the hospital, all of them were patients and nurses walking in the garden of the hospital. Some female patients saw this scene and shouted for someone downstairs, and the security guards were also taking emergency measures.

When Mrs. Gao heard that her husband had an accident, she hurried back to the ward. When she saw the half of Gao Qiuming leaning out of the window, she was so frightened that she shouted: "Old Gao, what are you doing, come back quickly!"

The yelling was heart-piercing, and two security guards had already taken advantage of Gao Qiuming's inattention, and came to his side, one on the left and one on the right, as if they wanted to catch him.

"Don't do this, don't come here, I've lost everything, I have nothing to pay for!" Gao Qiuming repeated a sentence.

"do not come!"

Gao Qiuming in his inner world is facing an illusioned image in his heart. He is the victim at the moment, and the illusioned image is holding an iron rod in his hand and smashing it down fiercely.

"Don't!" His voice was shrill and sharp, like a woman's voice.

Soon, the voice became smaller and smaller, and it seemed to be the life of a person before he lost his popularity.

"Old Gao, what's the matter with you?" Mrs. Gao watched her husband gradually fall to the outside, and rushed over quickly. Seeing this, two security guards also stepped forward quickly, trying to grab his arm.

However, Gao Qiuming's body seemed to weigh a thousand catties. Two security guards grabbed his clothes, but his body continued to fall. In an instant, both feet were lifted up. Mrs. Gao grabbed one foot, but the whole body He was also carried by his heavy body and was about to fall down.

The doctor behind stepped forward and grabbed Mrs. Gao, and the security guard only tore off the sleeves from the falling body.

"Ah, ah!" There was a scream downstairs, and with a muffled sound, Gao Qiuming fell to the flowerbed on the ground.

Someone immediately went up to check the situation. At this moment, Gao Qiuming was already dying, and his life was weak. In his inner world, he fell into the magma below the cliff. His eyes were fixed on the sky, and his body was slowly melted by the lava. magnificent.

"I, I am not wrong, I will not admit it!"

These were the last words everyone heard Gao Qiuming. After some rescue, he still didn't survive.

This accident was characterized as an abnormal behavior caused by the unstable mental state of the patient, and finally died due to a slip and fall. It was not considered a medical accident, but the hospital also bear a lot of pressure for it.And Mrs. Gao seemed to have lost her spiritual support, and she became a little crazy.

"The cause of death of this patient was not the injury caused by the fall, but the mental breakdown of the whole person leading to death. This case is very special!" There is such a sentence in the summary of the medical report inside the hospital.

Gao Qiuming's sudden death caused quite a shock to the industry. Who would have thought that a year ago, he was still imagining the future on stage, but a year later, he left so suddenly.

After Li Ling received the report, he wrote two words "termination" on the case file of Gao Qiuming's investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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