The crow gave me a pair of eyes

Chapter 529 Wine Mixed with Coffee

Chapter 529 Wine Mixed with Coffee

"Is that wine?" Tang Fuyuan asked.

"This drinking method is acceptable to only a few people, and I try it occasionally!" In a room with not so bright light, Qiao Luno explained this drinking method of adding spirits to Tang Fuyuan.

Giorno took a sip of the drink, the alcohol and the bitter taste mixed together, straight to the center of the eyebrows, although he only tried a little, but the taste was still unacceptable to the body.

"Do you want to try?" Giorno asked after recovering for a while.

Tang Fuyuan looked at this posture, then at the milk in his cup, and gently put the cup on the table.

"Joe, is there something that affects our decision to work together?" He wanted to cut to the chase, but he was euphemistic.

"No, Tang, I can only say that there are so many things that have changed this year that even I didn't understand it!"

This sentence has a mysterious meaning, and it is a sentence that Giorno said under the influence of Chinese culture.

"You really don't want to try it?" Giorno asked, pointing to the small bottle.

"That's your traditional way, I'd better take the public route honestly." Tang Fuyuan finished the rest of the coffee and wanted to leave here.

"what ever!"

The next day, the sun rose as usual, but Giorno stayed up all night. After returning home, he was summoned temporarily for a remote video conference. This was initiated by the head office, and he had no way to refuse. The meeting revolved around his report.

"Joe, what do they think about this new company you're investigating?"

"As I pointed out in the report, they still have no confidence in the $20 billion sales!"

"Then why did they email us asking for this agency?"

"Perhaps their success in Yuzhou gave them confidence, but in the whole of China, this confidence was shattered!"

"Oh, then have you ever understood why their confidence was shattered in the whole of China?"

"This is a very complicated issue. According to my understanding during this time, Huaxia is not what we saw in Shanghai. The difference in the income of the entire country determines whether they have the courage to complete this goal!"

Giorno was so exhausted by asking questions over and over again that he even thought of throwing the computer against the wall.

"Joe, we have given you absolute power over the matter of the agent, but you know, this is only a small part of the work, and the real goal is to set up a factory in Huaxia to reduce our future costs."

"Chairman Li Sut, I fully agree with the company's decision!"

"It's just our current funds, and we can only come up with no more than 1 million US dollars in cash. At this point, you have to establish a good relationship with the local government to lay the foundation for the company's next development."

"I see!"

After the video conference was over, it was already 4 o'clock in the morning in Huaxia, and there was already dawn light in the sky. At this time, he could not sleep, so he got up and made a cup of strong coffee.And what kind of partner to join makes him embarrassed. The taste of spirits can't make people calm down, it will only make him more irritable, and milk will make him lose his energy. He is not a person who can concentrate highly. These choices, in the In his opinion at the moment, neither is the best.

So he ran downstairs, bought three bottles of Red Bull, and drank one can after another.

(End of this chapter)

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