Chapter 545 Yan Yue

The interviewees were all from the same school, so they all arrived at the same time this time. Zhang Shuai led his classmates to the office downstairs in the company. When he went upstairs, someone asked Zhang Shuai: "Is this company reliable?" what?"

Zhang Shuai cast him a glance and said, "You're still here if you're not reliable?"

"Isn't it because you are here, let's try our luck!" the student who asked the question asked.

"Do you know what position you are interviewing for this time?" Zhang Shuai asked.

The person who asked the question shook his head and said, "I just came here to take a look. If I can, I'll submit a resume when I go back!"

Zhang Shuai was speechless for a while. Feelings are mixed in, and it has nothing to do with the interview.

The other students did not speak, and their expressions looked relaxed and dignified.

"This interview is for sales, please come back to non-interviewers!"

The interviewees were not all Zhang Shuai’s classmates, but some were graduates of other majors. After all, it is common for people from different classes to live together in the dormitory. Someone went back and told about this situation, and someone who cared about it heard about it, so they submitted their resumes, so Among the people who came this time, Zhang Shuai also had some unfamiliar faces.

When they arrived at the office, Zhang Shuai arranged for them to rest and then went to report to Sister Hu.

"Everyone is brought, when will it start?"

"Now!" Sister Hu handed him a list and asked him to call people to come in.

The interview officially begins.

Sister Hu's interview was very fast, just a few questions, and some treatment issues raised by the other party.A total of 11 people were interviewed in the morning, and in the end Sister Hu put three ticks on the list.

"There are still 5 people in the afternoon, the process is similar to the morning, you can go for a run then!"

"Good Le!"

In the afternoon, Zhang Shuai led them to the office. Three of the people who came this time were classmates, two ladies and one boy.

"Zhang Shuai, is this the company that sent you on a business trip to Italy?" a girl with long hair asked.Her name is Yan Yue.

"Yes, I stayed there for a week. It was said to be an investigation, but in fact it was to get acquainted with the cultural environment there." Zhang Shuai said.

"Great, how is the management in the company?"

"Fortunately, as long as you don't touch fish, the boss is quite easy to talk about, and the boss is relatively young, and his thinking is different from those old antiques in school!"


"Do you know what position you are interviewing for?"

"Sales, I checked, and they seem to be the most powerful HVAC company in Yuzhou now, but I don't know what to do in HVAC, so I just came in to learn!" Yan Yue said.

"I gradually learned about it. There are special trainings, but the premise is that you like to do sales!"

The dialogue between the two made the interviewees next to me somewhat understand the company's situation! "

Sister Hu still followed her own style and quickly finished interviewing several people.

Zhang Shuai sent a few people downstairs and asked, "How is it?"

"The question is quite simple, just asking about some of our experiences in school, nothing else, hobbies, and tolerance for one thing!"

"that's it?"

"Well, after the interview on her side, she has to report to the two bosses. They think it's ok, so it's ok!"

"Oh, then you go back and wait for the news, did you talk about the treatment?"

"That is to say, the basic salary and insurance. By the way, does this company buy five insurances and one housing fund?"

"It seems to be, I remember that there seems to be a provident fund!"

"There are not many sales companies that can buy provident funds!" Yan Yue said.

(End of this chapter)

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