Chapter 572

Human beings in ancient times seemed to be one-sided, and they would not change if they were determined. Fireman felt that Liu Jun could see through the sky at a glance. From his perspective, this was the power of God, even though he looked very weak.

"Don't pray, now there are only two of you in this world. How can you continue to reproduce? It's impossible for the two of you to create humans by yourself?" Liu Jun asked.

"Actually, our two groups originated from the same origin. When we first created humans, we were scattered in this world, and then gradually divided into two races on two continents, so we were able to reproduce separately. As for the first human you saw The man with the body of a snake is actually from the same family as the creator, but he is evil by nature and loves to kill. He has slaughtered all the residents who did not want to fight. No less than a hundred times, all the clansmen have died, and only the two of us are left!"

"Oh, that's it!" Liu Jun didn't care about these battles, and the struggle for resources has never stopped since ancient times.

"Then how do you control the flame, I see you seem to use the flame to fight him?"

"This is what you're talking about?" Pyro flipped open his palms to create a ball of flames.

"Yes, you can create flames!" Liu Jun asked.

"It's my nature, and I have a sense of intimacy with this thing, which can bring warmth to my people, so I'm recommended as the leader!" Fireman said.

"Understood, the water flow can be controlled over there, but there is no fire. Water and fire are mutually restraining, so you will not die endlessly. Some of you are destined. Now that the clansmen are gone, there is no point in continuing to fight between the two of you. Think first There is a way to get people earlier, without them, this continent will not have life!"

"But that person is entangled with me, and will challenge me every now and then!"

"While he's not paying attention, let's go see the god who made man and ask her for help!"

Pyro listened and nodded, agreeing with Liu Jun's thoughts.

Leaving the space and returning to the world they lived in, Liu Jun felt very cold and his clothes were still wet. Although the sun was shining, he couldn't stand the damp attack.

"Can you create a fire and let me dry the clothes?" Liu Jun asked.


With the help of Huo Ren, Liu Jun's clothes gradually warmed up, and he himself felt the warmth, so he felt more comfortable.

Beside Huo Huo, Liu Jun also had a sense of intimacy with him, as if his body was willing to accept it.

He followed Burning Man to a village-like place in the interior, which was a rare gathering place in this ancient land.

The dilapidated thatched huts, the collapsed giant trees, and the piles of bonfires all show its prosperity in the past, but now, the ground is full of dilapidated scenes.

"This is the place where my people live! After the group of people came, they destroyed this place without any explanation, and now there are only these!"

Liu Jun could hear the anger in his mouth, he was unwilling, more helpless.

"Do you know where the gods who created humans are?"

"I'm also looking for it, but it seems that when I was sleeping, there was a voice telling me that on the extremely distant mountain, that mountain can reach the sky and the earth, and there are people living there."

"Oh, this world is really amazing!" Liu Jun felt that it was a surprise to come to this kind of world, and he felt even more lucky to be able to participate in the events now.

"Then let's go find this mountain. Since it can reach heaven and earth, it must be not small and extremely far away, but we must find the right direction. Do you know which direction it is?"

"I don't know!"

"Then look for it by feeling!" Liu Jun closed his eyes, sensing the aura between the heaven and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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