The crow gave me a pair of eyes

Chapter 659 Borrowing a Knife

Chapter 659 Borrowing a Knife

But there are some things that will never be under control. The next day after the incident, someone posted the scene that happened in Demo's office yesterday.

Now that the Internet is developed, as long as there is a little bit of something that can cause a topic, it will spread quickly. Lin Xu and Qian are absolutely guarded against it, and someone still posted this video on the Internet.

In the office, Sister Hu and Chen Qing were dealing with this matter. Seeing how busy they were outside, Lin Xu couldn't help but shook his head. It was too late to say anything now, and the matter had already spread. Withdraw cleanly.

When Liu Jun came back that day, he didn't go directly to the company, but mixed in with the crowd to watch what happened. He also asked Chen Qing to get the video afterwards. The origin of this group of people is not that simple, and there may be more aspects involved. Well, simply because the police came that day, Liu Juncai didn't make a move. If he was there, the strong man who snatched the mobile phone would probably be beaten on the spot and sent to the hospital.

Now due to the spread of the video, several parties have fallen into a passive position, whether it is Demo, the leader of the trouble, or the personnel handling the case.

Now Demo's influence in Yuzhou is much greater. Generally, families need to decorate, and they need to know Demo's products more or less. When the process of the matter is posted on the Internet, many owners who have used Demo products are in Leave a message in the comment area to support them in fighting the evil forces to the end.

As time passed day by day, this incident caused a great stir in Yuzhou.

Because on the third day after the video was released, an analysis article by an unknown author caused another sensation.

The article said that this incident seemed to be just a case of extortion, but it was actually a game caused by the local political struggle in Yuzhou. One stone caused a thousand waves, and now all relevant parties have fallen into a passive position.

This incident became a symbolic event of the New Year's Eve that year. Because of the epidemic, many ordinary people suffered from some restrictions, and their depressed emotions continued to spread. Like a catharsis, the incident became some people attacking others Tool of.

During this process, Liu Jun kept a low profile. He found Li Ling, showed him all the events that happened that day, and then asked him for his opinion.

"Now I can give all the videos and recordings I found in my hand. Will this help this matter?" Liu Jun asked.

"The situation is now very obvious. It is not the matter itself, but the impact it has caused has exceeded its original nature."

"Oh, will this matter affect the above?"

Li Ling picked up a cigarette, took a deep breath, and nodded.

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Some people think that you leaked the video and wanted to keep the project from it, but it's impossible now. If you withdraw, it will set off another storm, which means that Yuzhou is not a city that relies on the rule of law!"

Liu Jun listened, and it was the same reasoning. It is not right to retreat now, but to advance depends on the development of the matter. Presumably, everything cannot go forward as planned. He scratched his head vigorously, and said to Li Ling: "I found out Is there anyone behind?"

Li Ling said with a smile, "I found out, what will happen to you?"

"Talk to him!"

"Let me tell you, Liu Jun, don't worry about this matter. In fact, it is a good thing for the He family. They will use this as an opportunity to push He Jianguo to the front!"

"Oh!" Liu Jun's blood turned cold just now, because it is good news to hear that the He family will advance because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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