The crow gave me a pair of eyes

Chapter 668 It's Solved

Chapter 668 It's Solved

Liu Jun made Fatty fully understand what cold is. The three hours of cold wind blowing straight made Fatty Zhou feel uncomfortable, while Liu Jun looked like a normal person. When Fatty Zhou couldn't stand it, Liu Jun Then it led the topic to another aspect, in short, it was to let him blow enough in the cold wind.

Fatty Zhou’s neck was filled with cold air, which penetrated his clothes and reached his skin, which made him unbearably cold, but he dared not say a word to Liu Jun, because his boss refused to let him go back if he could not wait for the result. The other thing is that Liu Jun used the power of his eyes to firmly suppress him in terms of thought control, so that he couldn't think of resisting at all.

Other people in the office came in and out, and they were stunned by Liu Jun's operation. Liu Jun, who was wearing a single suit, brainwashed Fatty Zhou in the cold wind, talking about his own ideas, and the others didn't know what Liu Jun was doing. I have come up with so many theories all the time, but I feel that the more he talks, the more passionate he becomes. Although the fat man listens with great interest, his body can't stand being blown by the cold wind like this.

Liu Jun's speech lasted until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Fatty Zhou finally couldn't stand it anymore and kept sneezing wildly in the office. His face was no longer flushed by the cold wind, but had a purple tinge in it.

Liu Jun saw that it was almost done, so he closed the window, motioned to Sister Hu to turn on the heater again, and at the same time brought a small sun to Fatty Zhou to keep him warm for a while.The fat man was already dizzy from the blowing, and suddenly there was a hot little sun beside him, and he hurried forward, but after all, there was too much cold wind blowing, and as soon as the hot air came over, a thin layer of water vapor formed on his body immediately.

"Mr. Liu, let's come here first, I'm not feeling well right now, why don't I come back in two days, and I'll show you the plan when I change it!"

"Okay, then you go back first!" After speaking, let the fat man leave immediately, regardless of the etiquette.

Fatty Zhou stood up, and just getting used to the warmth, he was shocked by the coldness outside the office, and his whole body was spinning.

Liu Jun took great pains in arranging this scene. Now he is not afraid of severe cold at all. Even if he is thrown to the north and south poles, he can still carry it for a while with his strong body. Needless to say, the cold wind is just a person in the office. After being messed up like this by him, the heating will not be turned on for the past two days.

Sister Hu gave Liu Jun a piece of steaming fried chicken, and said, "Mr. Liu, I never thought you could blow it so well, let alone blow it against the cold wind for such a long time."

"It's amazing, just use this kind of soft knife to grind this kind of person!"

"Aren't you cold?"

"Do you think there is something wrong with me? Let Lin Xu and Chen Qing come back these two days. This fat man will probably be afraid after such a toss!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with him. When he just went out, he walked very fast!"

While the two were talking, there was a sudden noise from downstairs.

Liu Jun opened the window and looked down in the direction of the sound, only to see some passers-by picked up their mobile phones to take pictures, and a security guard ran over quickly, as if something happened.

"What's going on down here?"

"I don't know. Could it be that there is an epidemic here and the building is going to be closed?"

"Then I'll go and see!"

Liu Jun asked Sister Hu to inquire about the news. He knew in his heart that Fatty Zhou couldn't stand it anymore and fell downstairs. For me, it is really too difficult, I guess I have to stay in the hospital for a few days.

"Liu Jun, that fat man fell down in the hall just now, and he seems to have a high fever!"

"Then are we going to be quarantined?" Liu Jun asked with a smile.

"Probably not, he hasn't touched anything, probably because of your manipulation today, his body can't bear it!"

"Oh, you should inform Mr. Lin and the others, there is no need to hide for now, let's see what other tricks these people have behind them!"

(End of this chapter)

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