Xiuzhi followed Xu Lingjun to the team's tofu room (canteen), she mainly wanted to follow along to see the excitement.

Good guy, the courtyard of this brigade is already bustling with activity!

Guo Tiezi was driving a donkey to pull the mill in front of the millstone.

Some naughty and mischievous children would go up to make trouble from time to time.

It's really annoying, and you will be more honest if you get kicked by the adults around you.

But these children are very solid, and they will laugh and play in front of them after a while.

The millstone used by the seventh team is not small. Fortunately, they are a pasture here, and there is no shortage of animals to pull the millstone.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of strength just to push this big millstone.

Niu Fengying took a spoon and put some soaked beans into the mill from time to time.

In order to achieve better results, it is best to bring some water in the spoon when serving beans.

I saw the white soybean milk dregs flowing into the bucket below along with the rotation of the millstone along with the surrounding slots.

This is just the first step in making tofu. Tofu can only be made after filtering and other processes.

But this first step has already made many children salivate, wanting to poke it with their little hands to taste the taste.

Otherwise, these brats are just hanging out here.

"Go~ You kids go outside and play."

"Also the grown-ups should keep an eye on it. If you don't care, don't blame me if the tofu you make is too small."

Guo Tiezi really annoyed the children dangling, and shouted at the adults watching in the yard.

He wasn't joking, people in this era are very serious.

If these children were really allowed to "steal" like this, these beans would not be enough.

Besides, they are just substituting processing here, and the remaining scum is subsidized for the pigs raised by the team.

Helping to make tofu is mainly to earn more work points.

Of course, there is a small benefit that everyone knows, but no one will say more.

Hearing Guo Tiezi's words, some companies are a little anxious. It seems that this pot should belong to these companies.

"That's enough, son, you let the third son of the Li family drive the donkey, and the fourth son of the Zhao family, you can serve Feng Ying with beans."

When Uncle Dong saw the situation, he asked the two families to grind the beans themselves.

These two are the slobs on the team, the ones who appeared in episode [-].

Don't say that these two people are usually lazy to make troubles, but they are very active in making tofu, and they are the first batch of contestants to sign up.

After all, if you want to make tofu from soybeans, you have to soak them for several hours first.

However, their two families don't have many beans, so they can only make one pot together.

People in this era have private plots, and most of them grow food to subsidize their families.

At most, some soybeans are planted on the edge of the ground, so there are not many in each family.

For example, Li Laosan and Zhao Si, when they were farming, they also selfishly planted a lot of tobacco leaves.

When the soybeans (edamame) on the edge of the ground were tender, the two of them ate some greedily.

So when it comes time to make tofu at the end of the year, they can't even make a pot of tofu with the remaining beans.

Only two or three families can make one pot and eat them together.

"Uncle Dong, I don't know how to serve beans. I can't taste water, and the ones I make are not tasty."

Li Laosan finally took over Guo Tiezi's work, but the lazy Zhao Si hesitated for a long time and didn't dare to go up to take over, and said softly.

"You~ hey~ Lanzi, come here to serve." Uncle Dong said to Zhao Si's wife.

"I, I don't know how~ I'd better let Fengying's sister-in-law take care of it!"

Is it really a family? If you don't come into a family, this one won't do either.

Everyone burst into laughter when they saw the appearance of the couple.

Xiuzhi covered her small mouth, and her small shoulders shook a few times. Such an "interesting" couple is really rare.

When everyone turned their attention to Mopan again, Xu Lingjun came to Uncle Dong with the bag of soybeans in hand.

"Uncle Dong."

"Huh? Ling Jun is here."

"Uncle Dong, I will also grind some tofu this year. Please register."

Xu Lingjun said with a smile.

In previous years, he was alone, and he had no private land, let alone soybeans.

A few years ago, Uncle Dong and the others ground the tofu and gave him a few dollars.

"Hey~ Lingjun, why did you grind tofu here!"

"Good guy~ There must be twenty catties of soybeans!"

What Guo Tiezi meant was that if Xu Lingjun had come earlier, he would have been able to line up earlier.

People in this era have to be one step ahead of any good deeds, for fear that they will lose their turn if it is too late.

"Brother Guo, it's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

"It's not that I went to cousin Xiuzhi's house to visit relatives a few days ago and gave some soybeans."

"I just thought about making them into tofu, anyway, I can put them away at this time."

Xu Lingjun simply made up a reason and explained it.

A few days ago, everyone in the seventh team knew that he took Xiuzhi to visit relatives in the sixth team.

At that time, because of the close relationship between Xiuzhi and Wang Zhenxing's family of the sixth team, many people in the team were a little surprised.

It's a little hot topic.

With a relative like the captain of the sixth team, these twenty catties of soybeans are nothing.

Just like their seven teams, most people have about ten catties of beans.

During the Chinese New Year, almost all tofu is made in one pot and two pots.

The specific amount depends on the size of the family. Generally, one pot is made, and if there are too many people, two pots are made.

Of course, there are exceptions, and each family is very careful in their private plots.

Including the value of that small piece of land, it is related to the family's subsidized food.

Therefore, many families are reluctant to grow soybeans even on the edge of the land.

Instead, we planted some high-yielding crops such as potatoes, so that there will be less tofu made at the end of the year.

In short, in this era of lack of food and clothing, tofu is considered a luxury in food.

"Lingjun, let's go, follow me to the house to register."

Uncle Dong just finished smoking the pot of cigarettes. He tied the pipe to his waist and took Xu Lingjun to the tofu shop.

At this time, Li Dapeng just came out from the back room with a bucket. This guy didn't even wear a leather jacket.

Now the tofu room is full of steam, it's too hot, like a sauna.

"Uncle Dong, Brother Xu~"

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Xu Lingjun and Uncle Dong and said hello.

It was so cold outside that he couldn't help shivering.

I didn't have time to say more, so I hurried to the bottom of the millstone and put the empty bucket there.

He picked up the bucket full of soybean milk dregs and walked quickly into the room.

This guy's thighs are already healed, but his arms are still lacking.

Isn't it hanging with one hand now and holding the bucket in the other?

Li Dapeng couldn't stay at home, he came to help Qin Daru.

Qin Daru is really a hardworking woman, even after marrying Li Dapeng now.

At the end of the past few years, she has helped Lao Zhao make tofu, and she has learned a craft.

There is even a trend that the blue is better than the blue.

The tofu she ordered is more delicate and tender, and the taste of old pulp is not so strong, and it tastes very good.

Although she is married, she is reluctant to part with the work points on the team.

It was too tiring to make tofu, so Li Dapeng felt a little distressed, so he came to help and beat him up.

"Brother Li, let me lift it for you."

Feng Limin hurried forward to help.

"No, my arm is fine, it's about two steps."

In the middle of speaking, Li Dapeng arrived at the door.

Xu Lingjun quickly opened the curtain for him to let him in.

At this moment, a gust of hot air and water vapor rushed towards the face.

No wonder Li Dapeng took off his cotton coat, it's really hot in here!

Xu Lingjun and Uncle Dong came to the house, greeted Old Zhao, and registered.

In fact, there is nothing to register, just remember whose soybeans it is, and line up for each family by the way.

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