Going back to 70 years from grazing

Chapter 183 Drying 1 Drying

A large bowl of noodles is placed on the Kang table, with a poached egg nestled in the bowl and some chopped green onions on top.

Xiuzhi added a few drops of sesame oil to Chen Jiaxue in order to make the hand-rolled noodles more delicious.

The side dish was still a plate of sauerkraut, and Xu Lingjun also made a few pickled wild eggs.

Chen Jiaxue swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva involuntarily, smelling the aroma of noodles.

This is a big bowl full of fine grains!

And poached eggs.

In her memory, it seems that she was treated like this when she was young.

And you have to eat noodles and eggs when you are sick.

What's more, there is sesame oil in it, and the smell penetrated directly into her nostrils.

It made her already hungry stomach growl several times.

"Jiaxue, why don't you eat it, eat it quickly, it won't taste good after a while."

Xiuzhi and Xu Lingjun also came over with a large bowl of noodles and said.

Just now, after Xiuzhi made the noodles, she filled a big bowl for Chen Jiaxue, so there was a scene where the little girl stared at the noodle bowl stupidly.

"Jiaxue, you're welcome, eat it! As the saying goes, let's go home with dumplings, and our seventh team will be your home in the future, eat it quickly!"

Xu Lingjun picked up the chopsticks on the table while talking and handed them to Chen Jiaxue.

Seeing the little girl take the chopsticks, he smiled and picked up his own bowl, picked up the chopsticks, and ate the noodles with big mouthfuls.

Xu Lingjun remembered that when the original owner came to the seventh team, although he was excited, he was also very confused about his new life.

Fortunately, Uncle Dong helped Zhang Luo at that time, so he could have a home in the seventh team.

I remember that on the day he came to Team Seven, Aunt Dong made him a big bowl of noodles.

It also had a poached egg on it and said the same thing to him.

It was also at that moment that the original owner had hope for a new life.

Xiuzhi was afraid that the little girl Chen Jiaxue would recognize her as a stranger, so she picked up the bowl and ate like Xu Lingjun.

Before eating, he signaled Chen Jiaxue to eat quickly too.

Chen Jiaxue finally picked up the bowl and ate the noodles in big mouthfuls.

This bowl of noodles is really delicious, and even in her later memory, this bowl of noodles is also the best.

Li Qiang and Wang Lei were not so lucky.

The two came to the team and after the house was allocated.

Under the leadership of Niu Fengying and Guo Tiezi, many villagers helped them clean up.

But these two guys have the proud attitude of urbanites, and they are full of words that teach us what to say.

Let the villagers see what the so-called "educated youth" looks like.

Of course, the two of them can't represent all young people, it can only be said that these two are a bit weird.

This is not the case for the little girl Chen Jiaxue. With the help of everyone, she is willing to share with everyone even if she values ​​her own food.

This kind of real quality has been recognized by the people who help her in the village.

As long as there are these few publicists, it won't take long for this matter to spread throughout the seven teams.

Similarly, it won't take long for the "quality" of Li Qiang and Wang Lei to spread throughout the seven teams.

These two are a bit of a Muggle now, and the house isn't finished yet.

Because they refused to pay for the furniture given by the team, they can only be wasted now.

Fortunately, the captain promised them that Xu Lingjun would take them to the city to buy it tomorrow, and of course they had to pay for it themselves.

But what to do today, and it's already past two o'clock at noon, and they haven't eaten yet!

No way, who made them offend the enthusiastic villagers just now.

The current situation of the two of them is simply incomparable with Chen Jiaxue's.

"Xiaozi, do we really not need to worry about them?"

Niu Fengying brought the food to the kang table and asked Guo Zizi worriedly.

"No, who told them to offend everyone, let's eat ours."

"Besides, it's love to help them, and it's duty not to help them. What do they have to do with us?"

Guo Zizi picked up a steamed bun with Erhe noodles and took a big bite, talking vaguely while eating.

He was really hungry. He had been busy for half the morning, so he couldn't fish at all.

From time to time, he was stabbed by those two with words, one bite at a time.

Why, what they said in that little notebook is all for you!

"But there's the captain."

Niu Fengying also picked up a steamed bun, but she was a little worried about it and said.

"Don't worry about it, the captain doesn't know who I am, Guo Tiezi."

"I still need them, these two brats, to tell me what to do. Hmph~"

Talking about this Guo Tiaozi gets angry.

When they were picking up things in the warehouse just now, the two of them spoke a lot more politely, and Guo Tiezi thought they had changed their sex.

Unexpectedly, when the two saw the captain Wang Fuxing, they directly sued him, saying that he targeted them and did not arrange accommodation for them.

At that time, he almost didn't piss off Guo Tengzi to death, he just got mad.

After talking to the captain, he called Niu Fengying to leave. The meaning was obvious, and he didn't care.

"After all, they are still children. I asked, and that Li Qiang is just over 17 years old. Why are you angry with them?" Niu Fengying comforted while eating.

"I'm angry, cough~"

As soon as Guo Tiezi said something, he choked and coughed.

Niu Fengying hurriedly brought him the porridge and let him take a big sip, and then slowly recovered.

"I~cough cough~ vent my anger?"

"Are they children? As long as you come out to live, who will treat you as a child."

"You thought it was at their house! No one here spoils them."

"Look, if these two people don't change, no one will see them on the team in the future."

Guo Tiezi seems to be really angry with these two people. It stands to reason that the two of them have the best personalities on the team.

Afterwards, Niu Fengying didn't say anything more, she was actually not optimistic about these two people either.

Let's just teach us what these two people say one by one, let's stay away!

Are they afraid? After all, the couple are eight generations of poor peasants.

Even Guo Tiaozi is still the representative, and he is not afraid of this at all.

As Guo Tiezi often said: "The poorer you are, the more glorious you are!"

"Hey, son, you said that the captain went to the meeting after he brought them back."

"I heard that the captain asked them to pay more attention, what do you mean by the captain~"

Niu Fengying suddenly thought of something, put down the bowl she picked up and said.

No matter what, Niu Fengying is also helping on the team, and she is still very well informed.

"Hey, listen to what you said."

Guo Tiezi was not stupid either, he looked at Niu Fengying halfway through his speech.

"It's better not to get involved, we need to stay away from these two people."

"However, our captain is not simple, and some will read it later."

Guo Tiezi faintly guessed, but these two little brats should be hard for Wang Fuxing, and it might not take long for him to handle them.

Wang Fuxing came out of the house, holding a basin with four cornmeal pancakes in it.

He still has to take care of Li Qiang and Wang Lei, there is no way, who made receiving them a task assigned to their team by the field department!

However, it's good to hang out these two goods now, I hope these two people can recognize the form, and don't make trouble for him in the future!

As for the two people's proposal to go shopping in the city, he also approved it just now.

Of course, Wang Fuxing can't be blamed for this matter, he has arranged for the other party's accommodation.

He is already very benevolent, and even let them go to the warehouse to pick out furniture, but you don't like it.

If you say something is broken, someone's stuff is not for repairing.

How come Chen Jiaxue can use it without picking any faults? What does that mean?

Is this a problem with Wang Fuxing, or your own problem.

Thinking of this, Wang Fuxing couldn't help smiling.

It's really troublesome to say it, the field department has to put these thorns on him.

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