Going back to 70 years from grazing

Chapter 192 Special Missions

Seeing the corners of Xiuzhi's mouth curled up while breastfeeding the child, Xu Lingjun couldn't help but feel a burst of embarrassment.

He just said that without thinking.

Even he, an old man, couldn't hold back his face.

"Well, Xiuzhi, it's about the same at this point, I'm going to bury the coating."

Xu Lingjun saw that the time was almost up, and after talking to Xiuzhi, she went out with Qingqing's "coating".

"Remember to bury it well!"

When Xiuzhi heard that Xu Lingjun was going to bury the dressing, she hurriedly straightened up and gave instructions.


Before going out, Xu Lingjun responded to Xiuzhi's order.

"Hehe~ It's still a little sweet."

"Isn't it, Xiao Qingqing, isn't it a bit sweet?"

Seeing Xu Lingjun gone, Xiuzhi finally couldn't help laughing, and asked Xiao Qingqing, who was nursing a baby, if she was a little sweet.

Of course Xu Lingjun didn't see Xiuzhi being so cute, and he was about to hide Qingqing's coating now.

Coating is what Xu Lingjun and others say here, but it is actually the embryo outside after Qingqing was born.

It is said that this coating is a great tonic, and many people who are seriously ill will eat this.

The effect is the same as the "blood steamed bun" written in an article, and even the medicinal effect of this legend is even better.

In some places, it is said that this thing has a strong effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin, and inhibiting aging.

Remember that there is a movie that talks about this.

Of course, this statement is definitely wrong.

Let's not talk about the scientific sayings of later generations. The main thing is to eat this, and it is unbearable to think about it.

As for burying the coating, there are also opinions. Many people think that this thing is the root of a child's birth.

Burying it will definitely make the child "fly to the sky".

Then why do you want to bury this at night? One of the reasons is to prevent those people from secretly digging it up when they see it.

The second is that during this period, we strongly opposed these ghosts and monsters.

So bury this at night to avoid being discovered.

Regardless of the fierce opposition on the surface during this period, in fact, no one can tell what people will do secretly.

Then why is Xu Lingjun, a person with modern thinking, like this.

How should I put it, Xu Lingjun is an ordinary person, and like most people, he came with the idea that he would rather believe what he had than believe what he didn't.

Besides, if people or other animals really ate this thing, Xu Lingjun would feel uncomfortable no matter how he thought about it.

He had already planned the place where the coating would be buried, and of course the place was his space.

In Xu Lingjun's mind, there is no safer place than in space.

After Xu Lingjun went out with his things, he walked around to the back of the house.

Habitually look at the surrounding situation, and then enter the space.

The temperature in the space has always been comfortable, and he took off the sheepskin suit when he entered the space as usual.

Picking up a shovel by the wall, he dug a deep pit under the eaves and buried the coating in it.

After doing all this, Xu Lingjun didn't go out directly, but prepared to use the jade energy in the space to make some delicious food for Xiuzhi.

He has already prepared things, just a few heads of garlic, yes it is garlic.

Xu Lingjun thought about it for a long time, and this March is the time when there is a shortage.

Most of the things stored in winter are eaten up.

With their weather, wild vegetables have to wait for two months.

It can be explained by giving Xiuzhi less garlic sprouts.

Even in winter, this thing can be planted with some soil at home.

So when Xu Lingjun came home, there was a large pot of garlic sprouts in the corner of the house.

He also specially soaked some soybeans and mung beans, and in a few days, there will be fresh soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts, which can be regarded as fresh vegetables.

Li Qiang and Wang Lei are getting more and more difficult these days.

Both of them are from the city, and their family conditions are not bad.

Because it was just in time for the policy, and because of the enthusiasm at the time, I signed up directly.

Well now, the two of them came to this remote ranch as they wished.

After living here for almost a month.

The initial lofty ideals were all defeated by reality.

Yesterday, the two of them finally received a reply letter from home.

In fact, these two people haven't seen the situation clearly, or they haven't thought about it at all.

Both of them are looking forward to going home, and they don't have to work hard for that little work anymore.

But when they saw the contents of the letter, they were completely Muggles.

Although it was a letter from each of the two families, the content was similar, just to make Li Qiang and Wang Lei bear more.

To put it bluntly, the abilities of the two of them are average, and they can't go back at all.

Li Qiang's head buzzed after reading the letter, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching a few times.

But he immediately thought of something, and glanced at Wang Lei who was still holding the letter in a daze.

On Wang Lei's bed, there were a few food stamps that he accidentally brought out when he was holding the letter.

Li Qiang hurriedly put the envelope away carefully, and there were some food coupons sent to him by his family inside.

As far as their method of earning work points is concerned, he has to keep it for himself.

Because the letter from the family made it very clear that the family is also a big family, so let him save some money outside, and he will have to rely on himself in the future.

"Brother Li, we really can't go back."

Wang Lei doesn't have as much thoughtfulness as Li Qiang, he has always regarded Li Qiang as a good big brother.

"Here~Leizi, it's time for dinner, let me cook!"

Li Qiang didn't know what to say, he was also in a bad mood!


Wang Lei was still immersed in the sadness of his shattered dreams, and he only responded lightly.

Li Qiang opened the cupboard and looked at the little food left, and became more and more irritable.

After he and Wang Lei came to the seventh team, the field department distributed them food for a month.

In addition, when I went to the city to buy furniture, I also exchanged the food stamps given by my family for food.

In the eyes of Li Qiang and Wang Lei who have never lived alone with so much food, they can't eat it casually!

It is not a joke to say that half-children eat poor old men.

So the two happily ate white noodles every day, and they had to be full.

At this time, the two of them felt much stronger than at home. You must know that they couldn't eat so wantonly when they ate at home.

At that time, in their understanding, after the family received their letter, it would not take long for them to find a way to go back.

So here is the experience of life.

It's like many college students just came to school, and their families gave them a lot of living expenses.

Even if we have an independent economy, we can't be cool for a few days at the beginning.

But after being so chic, it's too late to keep flowing.

Li Qiang took a deep breath. He and Wang Lei had finished eating the white noodles, and now only cornmeal and sweet potatoes were left.

If they save some of these things, they should be able to survive until the next season's food distribution.

But when Li Qiang thought of the food stamps that had just been mailed on Wang Lei's bed, he began to think carefully.

The idea that a dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor daoist arises spontaneously.

Seeing that Wang Lei wasn't paying attention, Li Qiang dug half a bowl of cornmeal from his grain bag, and then dug a large bowl of cornmeal from Wang Lei's grain bag.

He's already thought about it, so let's do it now.

When Wang Lei's food bag is empty, he is being a good person and letting the other party eat his own food.

When he ran out of food, he was fooling Wang Lei into exchanging his food coupons.

In this way, their quality of life for the past ten days should be similar to before.

When the food is distributed next month, it is estimated that Wang Lei will have to ask for separate food without him saying so.

At that time, if he saves a little more, and with the food stamps in his hand, he should be able to last for a while.

How long can you stick to it, then we can only wait and see.

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