"Brother Kangaroo, I exchanged the things for you, and I gave the money to that aunt."

Ergou casually put the black iron cat on the ground.

He also took out the jade pendant that was in his pocket and almost fell to the ground, and handed it to Xu Lingjun.

When Xu Lingjun saw the pair of dangerous jade pendants just now, he almost cried out. Fortunately, the pair of jade pendants are fine.

"Okay, Brother Ergou, I've almost finished shopping, so I'm leaving now."

Xu Lingjun put away the jade pendant and gave Ergou a pack of cigarettes as a thank you for helping him.

Er Gou hurriedly postponed it, but finally accepted it "reluctantly".

Although Xu Lingjun's space has many treasures left by the former owner of the space.

But who would dislike the lack of treasures, it is still very happy to find such a good dragon-shaped jade pendant.

After bidding farewell to Ergou, Xu Lingjun left the black market, and he gained a lot this time.

Now the output in Xu Lingjun's space is enough for his "luxury" expenses.

This transaction is mainly for the peanuts, soybeans and other agricultural products produced in his field.

Of course, those silly pheasants and hares also sold for a lot of money.

Not to mention eggs, which allowed him to exchange a lot of coarse grains on the black market.

Aside from today's expenses, including the 70 yuan for Zhang Lanfang, he still has 83 yuan left, as well as some commonly used bills.

After leaving the black market, Xu Lingjun put all the things he bought in the space.

He didn't care about tidying up these things, so he rode away on Lightning.

Sun Haiwen walked around beside the carriage, and stood on the carriage from time to time to look in the direction of the black market.

But it was dark in the early morning and he couldn't see anything, and he didn't dare to make a sound, so he could only wait anxiously.

"Xiaowen, Xiaowen." Zhang Lanfang called out a few times in a low voice when he arrived nearby and didn't see his son.

"Mother, mother, you are back, are you okay, did you get any money?"

Hearing his mother's voice, Sun Haiwen jumped out of the carriage in the woods.

Before coming near, I first asked about my mother's situation.

Seeing that the other party had nothing to do, he hurriedly asked him what he was most concerned about.

"It's here. It's enough for you to marry a wife. Let's go, let's hurry up and talk about it on the way."

"Okay, okay, mother, I'll help you get into the car, it's cold, cover this up."

Sun Haiwen was quite filial, helped Zhang Lanfang to the carriage, and covered her with a sheepskin mattress.

"Okay, mother, come by yourself, you hurry up and drive the carriage."

"We have to go back before dawn, so as not to be discovered."

Zhang Lanfang's idea coincided with Xu Lingjun's.

She also wanted to keep a low profile, so that no one would know that they went to the black market.

"Fight~" Sun Haiwen quickly flicked the whip, causing the horse to trot.

After the carriage ran away, Zhang Lanfang touched the 70 yuan in his bosom again, and he was greatly relieved.

"Xiaowen, mother exchanged 70 yuan. After giving the rest of the dowry, there will be some left."

"When the time comes, I'll hold a wedding banquet for you. Let's call over a few familiar people in the team, and have a good time."

"By the way, we have to call that Xu Lingjun. Last time he got married, our family paid [-] cents. Why don't we give a gift when he comes?"

"I heard that there was a married man on the team, and he gave some defective cloth several feet away. This is a good thing~"

After Zhang Lanfang relaxed, he talked more.

He made clear plans for his son's marriage, and even had Xu Lingjun's bad intentions in mind.

Don't underestimate the small favors among the villagers, everyone has a reputation in their hearts.

Because two of the team got married last year, Xu Lingjun sent the defective cloth.

This one does not need to explain the source, but it is also very popular, mainly because he still has a lot of this stuff in his hand.

Listening to his mother's arrangement, Sun Haiwen was always satisfied in his heart, and he smiled along the way.

Xu Lingjun quietly returned home with one hundred catties of white flour and fifty catties of cornmeal in his hand.

The old hen also bought two, which he bought on the black market.

The hen in his space is less than a year old, and it's time to lay eggs.

Now there are more than a dozen chicks in his space, all newly hatched.

Because the price of meat and eggs is high, Xu Lingjun decided to expand the scale of breeding.

"Old Xu, take a break, I'll cook noodles for you."

As soon as Xu Lingjun entered the house, Xiuzhi hurriedly greeted her.

"Xiuzhi, I won't let you get up, you're still in confinement!"

"I'm not that delicate. The noodles are all cut and can be cooked right away."

Xiuzhi didn't fall asleep after Xu Lingjun left, she lay on the bed worried for a long time.

Later, I couldn't lie down anymore, so I got up and rolled the noodles, thinking that I would cook the noodles for Xu Lingjun as soon as he came back.

Xu Lingjun's heart is warm, this is the feeling of home.

Xiuzhi went to cook noodles, and he was not idle. He moved the cabinet and hid the newly bought white noodles and cornmeal in the secret storage hole below.

When she was almost busy, Xiuzhi also cooked the noodles.

Two people each have a big bowl of noodles with a poached egg on top.

There is no shortage of eggs at home. During Xiuzhi's confinement period, many people gave eggs.

In addition, the family also raised some chickens and saved some, so I couldn't eat them anymore.

By the way, speaking of sending things, Director Dong of the field department and Director Xu Wenchang of the logistics department secretly sent him some bills and cash.

It can be regarded as a reward for his loyal little brother.

Xu Lingjun ate a bowl of hot noodles. There was food in his belly, and his whole body was warm.

As usual, he went to the stable to feed the horses.

After everything was done, I found a place where no one was around and entered the space.

Xu Lingjun was still very excited. He missed the point today just like the protagonist in the novel.

He first carefully looked at the pair of jade pendants, then opened a large box, and found a piece of ancient jade for comparison.

Looking at the fineness of ancient jade, there should be no problem. It stands to reason that there should be no fakes in this era.

After watching it for a while, Xu Lingjun put the pair of ancient jades into the big box with satisfaction.

This is what he bought with his ability, and he has a great sense of accomplishment.

After putting the jade pendant away, his eyes locked on the black iron cat.

The size of this black iron cat is about the same as a real cat, and it is full of weight, so it must be solid without question.

Those eyes are the same as those of a real cat. If Xu Lingjun hadn't seen the blue-green light from the angle yesterday, he would have thought it was made of glass.

"If this jade pendant is real, this cat should also be a treasure!"

Xu Lingjun looked at it over and over for a long time, then muttered.


Xu Lingjun suddenly remembered something, immediately found a pair of scissors, and poked at one of Tiemao's feet forcefully.

"As expected, haha, as expected!"

After a few strokes, Xu Lingjun laughed loudly.

Xu Lingjun remembered watching a TV series about Shen Wansan in his previous life.

It is said that a businessman saw someone selling iron cats, and he found that the eyes of cats were precious stones, which were very valuable.

So I spent 20 taels of silver to buy this pair of gemstone eyes, but Iron Cat didn't buy them.

After Shen Wansan found out, he hurried back and bought an iron cat for ten taels of silver.

When others laughed at him for buying a worthless blind cat, Shen Wansan scratched the iron cat several times.

It was only then that everyone discovered that the iron cat was covered with a layer of iron, but the inside was actually gold, which meant that the cat was actually made of gold.

This is a way for rich people to hide their money, and it can be regarded as wealth left to future generations.

Unexpectedly, this is exactly what Xu Lingjun encountered. He actually spent 70 yuan to buy a pair of ancient jade and a golden cat the size of a real cat.

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