In a blink of an eye, the year is over, and the school has started. After entering the second half of the semester, Xu Lingjun will not be able to dawdle like the first half of the semester. He discussed with Han Mei, and the graduates will enter the tense period from now on. Review and question sea tactics.

In fact, in the first half of the semester, Han Mei has already paid attention to the learning status of the graduates. Xu Lingjun specially asked her to speed up the teaching progress in the first half of the semester, so the second half of the semester can be completed in about one month. The rest of the time is reviewing and doing questions.

There is nothing new about this model. It is similar to the high school of the later generations. To put it simply, it is a cramming teaching method. Although it is a bit inhumane, this teaching method can indeed improve the grades quickly.

"Xiaomei, from this semester onwards, fifth grade students will have an extra hour of evening self-study, and of course the teachers who do evening self-study will also receive an extra allowance," Xu Lingjun said.

"Brother Xu, isn't one hour a little short? I heard that the second primary school added two classes, plus a 10-minute break in between, that's an hour and a half. Why don't we add two classes, anyway, the sky is long now , it’s okay to get out of school later.” This one was even more ruthless, directly adding another half an hour.

"Uh~ no need, let's just have an extra hour of big class! Just save more exercises, you can't expect all the students to follow." Xu Lingjun thought for a while and said.

Indeed, as the saying goes, boats are easy to turn around. In the past, there were dozens of students in the primary school attached to Professor Xu Lingjun. Most of them were students who had been taught by Xu Lingjun for two years. Follow his rhythm.

But now there are graduates from three classes in the primary school, and many people were added later by those who found connections. There are more than 60 students in one class, and it is difficult to manage so many students.

These students each have their own ideas, and many of them don't even think about going to school, they just want to get a diploma.

"By the way, Xiaomei, we have to separate the three classes ahead of time. We can organize an exam and divide them into classes according to their grades. Let's pay more attention to the first two classes, and give them a different classroom with the fourth grade class in the last class. "

"They don't have to go to the evening self-study, it's all voluntary. Of course, if there are people in the first two classes who don't want to go to the self-study, they can go to the third class voluntarily." Xu Lingjun thought of those who didn't want to study, so he simply came up with a classification system , although it doesn't sound very nice, some students do affect others.

"Well, this method is good. But Brother Xu, some students are not very good in grades, but they work very hard. If these students are placed in the third class, will there be delays?" Han Mei thought for a while and said.

I have to say that Han Mei has made great progress. If it was last year, Han Mei would have tried to refute Xu Lingjun, saying that she can't give up a child, but now she won't say it. She just regrets those hard work But a child with no talent.

"Hey! There's nothing we can do about it, but we haven't given up on the third class. We will also go to self-study, but it's voluntary instead."

"There are still three classes with excellent grades who can go to class one or two. Of course, if there are students in class one or two who are not well educated, they can also be transferred to class three. Let the teacher make the decision!" Xu Lingjun said with a sigh.

When he was in high school in his previous life, he actually hated this classification system. Why, those who were poor in study were ignored, and the teachers who were poor students were ignored?Teachers and classmates can look at them with colored glasses and the like.

But now that Xu Lingjun has become the principal, he will do the same thing. You must not let a mouse poop ruin a good pot of soup!This means that the position is different, and the angle of viewing the problem is also different.

Children have a rebellious period. Children in the fifth grade are in the period of half understanding, and they are also a fun age. Teachers and parents are responsible for guiding, but it takes time to guide. It is impossible for other schools to Guide you to ignore others!

So ~ just started school, the first thing to welcome the fifth grade students became the exam.

Two days later, on the day the results were posted, Xu Lingjun came to make a quick cut and divided them into three classes.After that, the self-study policy for the new semester was announced.

Confused, the students are confused, and the parents are also confused.But then a smart person understood what Xu Lingjun meant.Some agreed, some didn't care, and many asked people to find relationships.

"Son, which class are you in~" This is the first question parents ask when all the children come home.

"I've been assigned to class one." The bear child said proudly, this is absolute capital.

"That's great, that's great. My son is promising. You must study hard in the future. I heard that those who are assigned to class one can be admitted to junior high school as long as they study hard." The parent didn't know Where did you hear the news.

Just like Xu Lingjun's book of test banks that was passed on at the beginning, and the person who had to test the test bank could go to junior high school, the spread of this guy is getting more and more endless.

In any case, Xu Lingjun's class division policy became popular again, and the No. [-] Elementary School also came up with the same thing later. They didn't have so many students, but they were re-divided into two classes.

In the end, several elementary schools in the county were also like this, and they were divided into classes according to their grades. The key point was that they also added self-study classes, and one elementary school even added two hours of classes, which made the children very depressed.

Xu Lingke doesn't care about these things. He is now arranging for the teachers to come up with questions. He doesn't know how others study efficiently. Anyway, his way is to do the questions.

Although it seems to be the same reason, there are many ways to make questions. His purpose is to let children read more, write more knowledge, and form a habit of doing questions. To put it bluntly, it is a common method of cramming teaching.

It’s just hard for those students. It’s really a test every three days and one test every five days. Not only do you have an extra hour of self-study after school, but you also have to do a lot of homework when you go home.

"Okay, that's the end of today's self-study. Don't wipe the blackboard. Anyone who doesn't know how to write down the questions first, and ask a classmate to help explain it after class. Class is over~" Xu Lingjun finally tidied up the textbook and said .

As the principal, it is impossible for him not to understand the situation of the children, so Xu Lingjun would teach the students if he had time. If not, today he taught the students of Class [-] and [-] to study late.

"Stand up~goodbye, teacher~" the monitor shouted to stand up, and the students bid farewell to the teacher politely.

Xu Lingjun watched the students leave one by one, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he had some little mischief in his heart.

"Li Changfeng, Wang Changsheng, you two stay here for a while and come with me to the office." Xu Lingjun stopped the two people who were shoulder to shoulder, and brought them to the office.

Li Changfeng and Wang Changsheng had a bitter face, and followed Xu Lingjun to the office under the expressions of other students who didn't know whether they were envious or gloating.

"Teacher, here is a set of questions, you two take it back and do it well and hand it in with your homework tomorrow." Xu Lingjun didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out a few handwritten test questions from the drawer and said.

"Yes, Principal Xu." Wang Changsheng and Li Changfeng took the test questions and all answered yes.

After the two of them left, Xu Lingjun couldn't help smiling, hehe, if you take care of them more, you need to do more questions, right?

"What's wrong with Changfeng, someone bullied you?" Li Xianfa asked when he saw his sullen son.

"No, Principal Xu gave me a special set of questions for me to do." Li Changfeng said.

"Hey~ That's good, Principal Xu is very interesting. You study hard, let me tell you~" Li Xianfa immediately became a teacher when he heard this.

Does the name Li Changfeng sound familiar?Of course I'm familiar with it, I still remember when Xu Lingjun wanted rags or not.

Li Xianfa is the director of the factory, and Li Changfeng is his son who asked Xu Lingjun to take care of him when he asked people to deliver rags.

Now I understand why Xu Lingjun gave him the questions. Xu Lingjun is a practical person, so he must arrange to send the exercises as agreed!

This is not decided by Li Xianfa, the factory director. In the future, if not tomorrow, someone will send some rags to Principal Xu's house. They must choose the best ones and give them a big one.

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