Going back to 70 years from grazing

Chapter 593 The real successor

"Dengdengdeng~Daddy, it's me." There was a knock on the door, and Xu Guangyao stood impatiently at the door and said, what era is this? Besides, this place is beautiful and free. It's been 30 years, and I just can't change that energy.

"Wait." There was a voice in the room, and Xu Jingyou knew it was his prodigal son Xu Guangyao, and his brows frowned.

"Daddy, hurry up, my brother and sister and I are waiting for you in the living room downstairs." Xu Guangyao said in Pojiao's Chinese.

His father is an old antique, saying that he must speak Chinese at home, this is simply absurd, there is nothing to say about the place where he is still eating hair and drinking blood.

He is a noble and beautiful person who enjoys freedom, democracy, and civilization. To say that is an insult to him.

But Xu Guangyao, no, Peter has nothing to do, all his economic lifelines are in the hands of the old man, if they are cut off, his luxury cars and those model lovers will all be wiped out.

"Peter, didn't Daddy come down?" Jack asked anxiously when he saw the elder brother who had gone downstairs.

Jack is Xu Jingyou's second son in Dameiguo. His name is Xu Zhongyi, but he prefers people to call him Jack.

"Let's wait, you don't know what's wrong with our dad, no one is allowed to enter the study, by the way, except for his secretary Song Jiaoying. Second child, why do dad attach so much importance to Song Jiaoying!" Xu Guangyao couldn't help showing a smirk when he said this, not to mention how wretched his expression was.

"Hey~ what else can you do! The chairman and the secretary are still young and beautiful secretary, what do you think you can do."

"Hey? Boss, don't tell me, this tune is good! I knew a special place a while ago, tsk tsk~ there are various simulations there, do you want to go! Let's go together! Hehe, hehe ~"

Of course Xu Zhongyi is also a dandy, not to mention that the two brothers get along very well on this point, but listening to this guy's words, the two of them often do this kind of thing together.

"Shameless, as brothers, don't you think it's shameless to say this in front of my sister!" Alice said with a disdainful look at the two playboys.

Alice, Xu Jingyou's little daughter, is called Xu Mengting. It is reasonable to say that all daughters are father's little padded jackets, but this little padded jacket with foreign blood is not pleasing to him at all.

"We're shameless? How could you be any better? Don't you spend money on those little boys! Playing is more expensive than the two of us, let's not talk about anyone." Xu Zhongyi looked at the dressed man with even more disdain. The cool sister said.

Not to mention that Alice is getting more and more energetic, very coquettish, the only regret is that this is his sister, forget it, there seems to be such a theme in the theme park, and I will order one when I go to play with the boss.

"Okay, our goals are the same. When dad comes, let's all cooperate. Money is the last word. Let's play our own way and enjoy the freedom." Xu Guangyao hurriedly stopped the second child And the third child, save a while for them to quarrel and spoil his big business.

He was going to take the new supermodel he met to Las Vegas for a few days, but who knew that he ran into these two when he came to his father's residence, but it didn't matter, anyway, their purpose was the same, the three of them together Isn't it easier to ask for money than a person!

Xu Jingyou tidied up the documents on the table, took a deep breath, and lit a cigar. At this time, the butler had already told him the purpose of his three children's visit.

This butler is Xu Jingyou's confidant. He has been serving the house for nearly 30 years. It can be said that this housekeeper has been at home since Xu Jingyou became beautiful.

He knew Xu Jingyou's temperament very well, and knew that he wanted to be quiet for a while, so he bowed slightly and left after he finished speaking.Xu Jingyou didn't react at all to the butler's withdrawal. It wasn't contempt, but a habit.

"Hiss~whisper!" Xu Jingyou blew out a smoke ring, none of his three children in Dameili got on the stage.

When Xu Jingyou came to Dameimei, although he had a lot of wealth, his status was not high. In order to achieve his goal, Xu Jingyou married a girl from a famous local family.

In fact, his foreign daughter-in-law is still very good, gentle and elegant, and she is also very beautiful. Although she was quite famous before, she is still very restrained after marriage.

Speaking of which, capable people can get along wherever they go, Xu Jingyou quickly made a name for himself relying on the wealth he brought and the fame of his wife's family.

Now there is the largest chemical factory in the local area, and it has also received the support of many Chinese. After calculation, it has hundreds of millions of assets. It can be said that it is a well-known figure in terms of property and fame.

However, God's will always plays tricks on people, and things often don't go well. He has been busy with his career, but there are problems in his children's education.These three children have spoiled his wife so much, they are all like playboys, they spend money and enjoy themselves all day long, if he is not sure that these are his species, he would want to strangle them one by one die.

"Hey! It really doesn't look like our Xu family's species after being stained with the old man's stomach." Xu Jingyou felt uneasy when he thought of those three evils, especially those three who seemed to have the blood of the old man at first glance. .

This is also the reason why Xu Jingyou directly drove the three of them out to live after his wife was gone. To put it bluntly, it was annoying to watch.

This made Xu Jingyou think of his former ex-wife in China, the wife who was ordered by his parents and told by a matchmaker.Although they have different ideas, that woman is still gentle and pleasant, and thinking about it now still brings him a lot of memories.

The most important thing is that he gave birth to a son, Xu Lingjun, the eldest grandson of their Xu family. You must know that this name was given by his father, Xu Lingjun's grandfather, and he is the successor of their Xu family.

"Hey! It's been so many years. I don't know what happened to this child. Will he become a cripple like in my dream? Under such circumstances, I don't know if he married a wife and had children. next generation."

Xu Jingyou muttered in a low voice, it's like this when people get old, they always want to enjoy the family happiness, but those three evil people just know how to fool around.

Besides, even if they had children, in Xu Jingyou's mind, he would feel that he was a sinner of the Xu family when he saw the different hair and eyes.

"Jack, did you tell the old man that we are coming? Did you come back when we got to the door?" Xu Zhongyi, who had been waiting for a long time, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He looked at his sister and yelled loudly. Today I invited a beautiful woman for dinner, but I don't have time to wait here.

"That's right, Jack, did you say it or not?" Xu Mengting knew what he wanted to do after seeing the second child's eyes, and she couldn't help but also said loudly.

"I said, I said you are all here, Dad must be busy, we are waiting." This guy has no choice but to follow the quarrel.

"Hey! What an injustice." Xu Jingyou sighed irritably, put out the cigarette, got up and went out, he was going to get rid of these people quickly to save trouble.

At this moment, Xu Jingyou has already decided that he must inquire about the news of his eldest son Xu Lingjun. Since these few are useless, he will educate Xu Lingjun well. In his mind, only Xu Lingjun, Xu's family, is qualified to inherit his property. .

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